big dry son-in-law

Chapter 2215 Cruel

This is the strictness of the Ming Dynasty royal family's clan system.

Not only will they be punished, have their benefits cancelled, have their surnames taken away, and be used as negative examples, but they will also be sent to the three courts for trial, and every crime will be dealt with to the maximum extent possible.

All together, the crimes they committed were enough to keep them in prison until death, without them even having the chance to repent.

After hearing this, Qin Min became really scared.

Qin Min was even more unbearable, and she fell to the ground in fear.

"Deal with him according to the clan law first, take him away for execution, and beat him to death. If he is not killed, send him to the Sansi Yamen and deal with him to the maximum extent possible!" Tian Xin waved his hand.

Several guards pulled the two men away.

Then, outside came the screams of two people like slaughtering pigs.

Qin Youde had a bitter face and said nothing.

Tian Xin looked at them and said, "The Imperial Clan Bureau, the Ministry of Cabinet, I am very dissatisfied. It can be said that I am extremely dissatisfied.

Where is the strict control and supervision that was promised?
They committed such a heinous crime, and this is how you control and supervise them?

If you are in cahoots with me, don't blame me!"

At this point, Tian Xin gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, be demoted three levels, fined one year's salary, write a 10,000-word letter of repentance to me, and publish it in the Xijing Daily for one month. You are not allowed to revoke it!

Not only that, I apologized to the people of the whole country at this year's party.

I am the same.”

Hearing this, everyone knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I failed to supervise properly. Just punish me."

"Your Majesty, I have failed to do my job properly and have brought shame to the royal family and Your Majesty. Please punish me severely."

Qin Youde burst into tears, "It's the clan house's fault!"

Tian Xin said with a straight face: "I am the emperor, the king and father, and the role model for everyone. They are my sons.

As the saying goes, if a son is not taught, the father will be at fault.

I have an unshirkable responsibility.

I just want to tell everyone that to be a qualified crown prince, you must be down-to-earth.

The Ming Dynasty’s present status was hard-won, and the Ming Dynasty’s peace was achieved through the joint efforts of millions of ordinary people and soldiers.

No matter who it is, if they dare to destroy our unity, I will never allow it!"

Everyone knelt down and cried bitterly.

Tian Xin has been on the throne for so long, but he has never issued a confession of guilt.

No, such a serious accident is even more serious than the edict of repentance.

The crying inside the hall and the howling outside the hall blended together in a particularly harmonious way.

Suddenly, the howling stopped.

A guard came in and said, "Your Majesty, the two princes are no longer breathing."

Logically speaking, their crimes do not deserve the death penalty, at most they will spend life in prison.

But the punishment within the tribe was too harsh. After hundreds of sticks, anyone would die.

Even though these people had held back from the fight, they were already injured and now they finally paid the price for their actions.

"Continue to beat him. Give me all the punishments. Call all the clan members over to watch and let them learn a lesson. " Tian Xin said gritting his teeth.

The guards trembled with fear but continued with the execution.

After the fight, the bodies of Qin Hai and Qin Min were no longer human, but like a pool of mud.

Afterwards, he was taken to the clan by Qin Youde and everyone was called over.

Seeing the scene before them, all the Qin people felt a chill run down their spines.

Some people were too proud of themselves, but now they came to their senses.

"You can see clearly, this is the result of violating clan laws and national laws. If a prince breaks the law, he will be punished just like a commoner.

As a royal family, we should set an example. The court and the royal family have not treated us unfairly.

As long as you are down-to-earth and work diligently, you will have more than enough to eat up in your lifetime."

Isn't Qin Youde sad too?
But it's more of a relief.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty cannot tolerate any grain of sand in his eyes.

They always have the world in mind and do not try to smooth over the matter.

The supervisory departments of the Ministry of Clan Affairs and the Cabinet were also collectively withdrawn, and those responsible were punished to the maximum extent possible.

More than a hundred people died as a result of this incident.

After the incident was reported in the newspaper, the whole country was shocked.

The world was shocked by the bombings, but no one expected that two of the bombings were actually directed and acted out by the princes themselves.

This made them feel like they were being played with.

But they admired the court and the emperor's courage even more.

It also reminded them of how the emperor dealt with his own son.

This made the people admire the emperor even more.

This incident also shocked other princes who were participating in the general election.

There is no one among them who doesn't want to attract attention by directing and staging a bombing.

Qin Zhou snorted coldly, "You are courting death. You want to be the emperor?"

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly and shook his head. "I almost died, but they treated this as a game. Grandpa Huang is almost exhausted, and they are still adding fuel to the fire. If you don't die, who will die?"

The reactions of the princes varied, but everyone was alert.

Some people were already on the verge of making mistakes, but once this incident broke out, no one dared to intervene.

All the inspectors have also been replaced. During this period, there will be no communication with them and the supervision will be extremely strict.

Reports must be submitted to the court every day.

After Qin Mo knew about this, he also sighed.

Lao Qin threw the bait into the water and said, "This is their fate. Originally, they were princes and have enjoyed the best since childhood. Even if they cannot become emperors, it is still easy for them to become ministers in the future. If they are more motivated, their own children and grandchildren can also take care of them.

But they didn't want to, they insisted on taking shortcuts. I've told them again and again, but they just wouldn't listen. I can't blame anyone else.

Tian Xin did a great job. Our Qin family is proud of being able to conquer the world.

If we are not strict, we will be spurned by the world in a few years.

We can still suppress it now, but what will those emperors do in the future?"

Qin Mo smoked a cigarette and said, "People always hope for the best."

If you want to secure your rule over the world, you must be ruthless to others, and even more ruthless to your own people.

These two idiots, taking some money and having beautiful women throw themselves into their arms, isn't that normal?

If you insist on touching something that cannot be touched, isn't this just blocking the way for future generations?
However, every seemingly inhumane rule is actually a summary of someone's life.

Qin Mo is not a perfect man, nor a saint, so it is impossible for him to be good at everything.

Some things can only be perfected by them experiencing them on their own.

Thinking of this, he added: "At least, in the eyes of the people, the royal family still has unshakable authority. Times have changed. If you want to be a good emperor and manage the world well, you need to be more self-disciplined and strict.

Things like this have happened before and will happen again in the future. It is very difficult to prevent them.

Some people keep their feet on the ground, but there are always people who take shortcuts.”

Qin Xiangru nodded and looked at the fish jumping in the water. "Who cares? Each generation will take care of its own generation."

At this point, he changed the subject and said, "I have decided to confront your aunt today!" (End of this chapter)

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