Chapter 222
The one above the Duke is the Duke of the State. The Prince of the County and the Duke of the State are at the same level, but the Prince of the County is half a level higher than the Duke of the State in terms of etiquette and law.

Moreover, different surnames can only be granted to the Duke of the country.

"Okay, the prince will be the prince, but father, if I want to leave this prince to my youngest son, he will be hereditary!" Qin Mo was not stupid.

"You idiot, how can I still make you suffer?" Li Shilong glared at him.

"Okay, I reluctantly agreed!" Qin Mo said.

In fact, he doesn't want this bullshit prince, but he has to give Li Shilong a reward, right?
His merits are too high and he is not rewarded. How do the people below view him?
Do you think he is a king who does not distinguish rewards and punishments?
Then who dares to sacrifice his life for him?

"Gungun, I get upset when I see you!" Li Shilong waved his hand impatiently.

"Mother, look at him, he is a good son-in-law when he needs me, and when he doesn't need me, he tells others to go away. It's so realistic and bullying!" Qin Mo also glared at Li Shilong angrily.

Queen Gongsun naturally spoke for Qin Mo and scolded Li Shilong for a while before Qin Mo was satisfied.

"By the way, Queen Mother, this time there are brave Dabao and the others who are helping to check the accounts. Queen Mother must reward them, otherwise I won't be able to call them if anything happens in the future."

"Idiot, I'm here. What do you mean you went to beg the Queen instead of me?"

"Tch, I'm not begging you, you must be stingy!" Qin Mo curled his lips. Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Queen Gongsun said quickly: "Okay, okay, there will be a reward, you go down first!"

"Then my son-in-law is resigning!" Qin Mo cupped his hands and turned to leave.

Li Yue hurriedly chased after them. As soon as the two left, Empress Gongsun called Li Cungong, Li Anji, and Li Daozong in.

The three people hurried over and said, "See Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"Do you know why I asked you three to come here?" Queen Gongsun said coldly.

"Wei Chen doesn't know!"

The three of them all looked confused, especially Li Anji. He was just an idle prince. He had nothing to do on weekdays and rarely even went to court. He didn't know why Empress Gongsun asked him to come here.

Li Daozong was from the Zongren Mansion and had a good relationship with Li Shilong, but he rarely showed his face on weekdays.

"Look, this is the account that Qin Mo found out. Your Majesty and I have been frugal, and all of it has made these big rats fat!"

Li Cungong took the account book and didn't quite understand it at first. But after a while, the three of them took a breath and said, "More than 400 million taels have been spent in excess in three years!"

"I have always treated the royal family's children very favorably, and so has His Majesty. He has shown favors many times, but you have failed to live up to expectations. If you had trained more talents, why would His Majesty have no one to use?
The three of you are left to your own devices. Don’t say that I didn’t say hello to you in advance. I only gave you the best. Now they have bullied Your Majesty and me! "

Li Shilong didn't speak. Instead, Empress Gongsun, who had no interest in political affairs, spoke. This was a slap in the face, but it also saved them face.

It was also the fault of the court, they were too weak.

"Your Majesty, Concubine, these people have gone too far, we must not make it easy for them!"

"That's right, your majesty, empress, as long as we, the royal family, unite as one, we will definitely be able to overwhelm them!"

Then several people began to discuss how to deal with the noble family.

After discussing countermeasures, Li Shilong asked them to leave.

The reason why Li Shilong called them here was because he had a plan.

I hope Qin Mo won't let him down.

At this time, Qin Mo and Li Yue returned to Annan Hall. Not long after, the imperial edict came, and everyone who checked the accounts together was rewarded.Li Yongmeng and others were promoted to half a rank.

Even Chai Rong has an official status, which means that from now on, Chai Rong needs to be on duty in the palace.

This made Chai Rong extremely excited.

Li Yushu looked at the happy people and left quietly.

"Where's the seventh sister?" Li Yue asked.

"The princess left just now!" Dou Yiai said.

Qin Mo frowned slightly, wondering if he should say thank you!
Li Yue said to Qin Mo: "Idiot, you should say thank you to my sister!"

"Let's talk about this later, let's go to the Ministry of Finance now!" With that said, Qin Mo turned and left.

Li Yue smiled bitterly and followed hurriedly.

In the household department, everyone is talking about Qin Mo.

No one believed what Qin Mo could find out.

Moreover, those are two big cars. If you want to sort out the clues from inside, isn't it a joke?

Cui Yuan and Lu Sheng were drinking tea when a subordinate came to report: "Master Cui, Master Lu, Qin Mo is here!"

"Come just come!" Cui Yuan said nonchalantly.

Lu Sheng also said: "What can he do if he comes? He can't make any big waves!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Mo walked in, "Hey, you two, it's quite pleasant!"

Cui Yuan raised his hand perfunctorily, "Master Qin is here, how is the account check?"

"Hey, I didn't find anything!" Qin Mo sighed, picked up the cup, and snatched the teapot from Cui Yuan's hand. Cui Yuan's face turned dark. He had never seen such a person who didn't understand the rules!
"Since nothing has been found, shouldn't it be time for you, the acting minister, to step down?" Lu Sheng said with a smile: "Qin Mo, you said that the treasury will be filled in a few days. Now Two days later, not only did the treasury not have an extra tael of silver, but it maintained daily operations and spent thousands of taels!

You, the acting minister, are incompetent at all! "

"Xiao Lu, you seem to be really looking forward to me stepping down!" Qin Mo glanced at him sideways, blew on the water in the teacup, and took a sip.

"I just want to end this farce as soon as possible. After all, the court and the people of the world cannot stand your troubles!" Lu Sheng said righteously.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm touched by what you said, let alone the common people. If they knew that you were such a parent, I'm afraid they would be extremely grateful to the point of tears!" Qin Mo said exaggeratedly.

It was obviously a compliment, but when it came out of Qin Mo's mouth, the two of them felt it was particularly harsh.

"These are what we should do. Since you haven't found anything, leave the Ministry of Revenue as soon as possible. You are not welcome here.

If you want to disgrace your father, that's your business. Don't come to my household! "Cui Yuan said coldly!

"Brothers, listen up. He said this is his household department. It seems that some people have regarded the household department as their own home!" Qin Mo shook his head, and Li Yongmeng and others also had looks of disdain on their faces. , I really don’t know how they could say such disgusting things.

"Don't misinterpret my meaning!" Cui Yuan said angrily.

Qin Mo didn't bother to argue with him and slapped the accounts on the table, "Look how bad you are!"

(End of this chapter)

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