big dry son-in-law

Chapter 227 Attack and Kill

Chapter 227 Attack and Kill

"What are you saying? If you don't kowtow, we won't be able to talk today. I've already got the grain book, and I'll start checking the accounts tomorrow.

You two dare to touch the tax bank, but there is no reason not to touch the food. Although it will be a little more troublesome to check the food, it is not impossible.

I just asked you casually and I figured out what your problem is.

When Emperor Gao ascended the throne, he collected grain and only half of it was lost.

When my father ascended the throne, the losses were as high as [-]%. Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are really not afraid of death! Qin Mo said sitting next to Qin Xiangru.

Qin Xiangru is so angry, this idiot is actually on an equal footing with him, and is rebelling against Tiangang!

However, he would not teach Qin Mo a lesson in front of an outsider.

"Brother Qin, we have known each other for more than 20 years. If your Qin Mo does this, it will only bring harm but no good!" Dai Wei was flustered.

The money is easy to talk about, but if there is a big problem with the food, it will really be over.

A hint of murderous intent flashed in Hou Gennian's eyes, forcing him to spit out the meat in his mouth. He had already had murderous intentions.

In fact, what the aristocratic family said was right, Qin Mo was a scourge, it would be better if he died early.

It's best to find someone to kill. Even if His Majesty is furious, you can just find a scapegoat.

"Okay, Master Dai, I think there is nothing more to say today!" Hou Gennian stood up and said to Qin Mo: "Qin Xiangru, your reputation will be defeated by this fool sooner or later."

Qin Xiangru said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it is only natural that I wipe my son's butt, and I am willing to do it. The more my son can get into trouble, the more I can make meritorious deeds!"

"We'll see!" Hou Gennian flicked his sleeves and strode away from the Qin Mansion.

It seems that the 30 can be saved.

After Hou Gennian left, Dai Wei still wanted to fight for it, "Brother Qin, you should know who I am here to represent. To be treasonous, let alone Your Majesty, don't forget how the previous dynasty fell." Yes, if you agree, the 200 million will be sent to the Ministry of Household Affairs tomorrow, Brother Qin can stay in the capital safely, and the wedding of Qin Mo and Princess Jingyang will go on as usual.

Not only that, there will also be generous gifts! "

"Wrong, you were wrong from the beginning!" Qin Xiangru said to Dai Wei meaningfully.

"Then I'll say goodbye!"

Liang Zheng was the last one to leave, "Brother Qin, your Majesty's suppression of the aristocratic family has done more harm than good. It is not easy for Da Gan to get to where he is today. I am also an old man from the previous dynasty. Our Majesty has great talents and great plans. Under his leadership, Da Gan will definitely It will reach a peak.

However, I don’t want this peak to be broken halfway. You are deeply trusted by His Majesty, so you must live up to this trust! "

"Old man Liang, no matter how much you say, you can't hide your selfishness. You are still a great scholar in this world. Damn you!" Qin Mo scolded Liang Zheng.

"Okay, people are gone, stop scolding!" Qin Xiangru said.

"Why don't you scold them? These people deserve scolding!"

Qin Xiangru looked at Qin Mo and rewarded him with a chestnut.

"Ouch, why did you hit me?"

"Just accept it when you see it. Why do you have to push them to death? Do you really think what they told you is a joke. I warn you, you must not check the food for me. I don't want to do this." Cut off the incense!"

"What, they still dare to assassinate me?"

"They are going crazy. They even dare to assassinate the emperor. Who do you think you are?" Qin Mo slapped Qin Mo on the head again. "Are you crazy? Do you really think that you are great now that you are the acting minister?"

"Aren't they afraid of my father?"

"Afraid, it depends on how far you have gone. If you embarrass them, they will grit their teeth and get over it. If you make them injured, they will find a way to kill you. If you let them My flesh hurts, I tell you, they will definitely try their best to kill you!"

"Then come and see who kills whom. If they can't kill me, I will kill them. I will dig out their roots so that they will never be able to stand up!"

"You said you were fat and you had asthma, right?" Qin Xiangru glared at Qin Mo, "That's it, 200 million taels is enough!" "I don't!"

"Is it itchy?"

"They haven't knelt down for you yet!" Qin Mo said unconvinced.

"Dad, I know you are helping me vent my anger, but dad, I don't need them to kneel down. I don't want three more sons!" Qin Xiangru said in a rude manner.

"Anyway, just listen to me. Don't worry about this matter. As soon as the money comes into the household department, you will resign as acting minister, you know?"

"Why, why should I resign from an official position I got based on my own ability?"

Qin Xiangru suppressed his anger and said, "Either you resign, or I will spread your ass right now!"

"Okay, okay, you are me, you are great, okay? I was born decades later than you, wasn't it? If I were born earlier, I might not know who is the father!"

"You idiot, I'll beat you to death!"

Qin Xiangru couldn't stand it anymore, so he picked up the whip and whipped it. Qin Mo ran away, "bastard dad, stupid dad."

That evening, 200 million tax dollars entered the Treasury of the Ministry of Revenue.

As for where the extra 200 million came from, it was this year’s autumn taxes.

The whole household was wilted, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

After the money was put into the account, the Gyeonggi army actually retreated.
This is obvious. If they don't take money, these Gyeonggi troops will harvest heads.

Two million is what the family can afford and what the emperor can accept.

Li Shilong knew that there was an extra 200 million taels in the household department, and he felt very complicated.

He was both happy and angry.

But with 200 million, he can do more.

He originally wanted to call Qin Mo into the palace, but it was already dark. If he called Qin Mo into the palace again, he would have to stay in the palace again at night.

"That's all, let him enter the palace tomorrow!"

The next day, Qin Mo woke up naturally after sleeping. Even he felt strange, "Xiao Liuzi, where is my father?"

"My father-in-law went to the morning court and he hasn't come back yet!" Xiao Liuzi said.

"My father didn't call me?"

"My father-in-law said that the young master has worked hard these past two days and I will reward you with a little more sleep!"

"This old man has finally become humane for once!" Qin Mo got up under Chu Rui's service. He was going to the breeding farm today and decided on the location of the new factory!
He left the Qin Mansion with Yang Liugen and several attendants. After riding out of the capital, he passed through a dense forest.

An arrow shot out from the dark woods.

Hit the horse right in the belly!

The horse beneath him was in pain and raised its front hooves high.

Yang Liugen shouted in shock: "Hurry, there is an enemy attack, protect the young master inside!"

Several people quickly protected Qin Mo inside, followed by dozens of arrows flying out from inside.

Qin Mo's pupils shrank, and a flying arrow with long feathers headed towards his facade.

He wanted to avoid it, but because he was too nervous, his body froze!

(End of this chapter)

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