big dry son-in-law

Chapter 232 I am inseparable from them!

Chapter 232 I am inseparable from them!

Qin Mo and his party entered the palace.

Li Shilong hurried over and said, "Idiot, are you not injured?"

"Father, I'm fine. I'm just a little angry. I just came one by one and blew them up. I asked them to send people to kill me. I couldn't scare them to death!" Qin Mo said angrily.

"Have you found evidence?"

"Not yet, but my son-in-law can be sure that it is the person they sent!" Qin Mo said with confidence.

"You come here without evidence?" Li Shilong gritted his teeth and gave Qin Mo a violent shudder. Qin Mo covered his head in pain, "Father, why did you hit me?"

"You fool, you come to make trouble without evidence and hurt innocent people. What should I do?" Li Shilong deliberately looked angry and glanced at Li Yue and others, making them shrink their necks in fear, "You guys , why didn’t you stop Qin Mo?”

"My lord, you are guilty!" As if they had made an agreement, several people knelt on the ground in unison!
Li Shilong was extremely annoyed, and then looked at Li Yue: "Old Ba, I asked you to look at Qin Mo carefully. Is this how you look at him?"

"Father, it's not like you don't know the temper of fools. When you get angry, I really can't stop you.

And it must be the fault of these aristocratic families! "

"If there is no evidence, you will be charged here. Who taught you?" Li Shilong put his foot on Li Yue's butt and said angrily to several people: "You guys, get out of here, I will be annoyed when I see you!" "


"Get out of here, you idiot!" Li Shilong waved, and the guards came over and took a few people away.

Then he closed the door. At this time, there were only Weng and his son-in-law in the hall.

Qin Mo swallowed his saliva and said, "Father, if you have something to say, please speak it carefully. Don't do anything!"

Li Shilong hummed: "Do you know how many people are impeaching you right now? They are piled high into a mountain. If it weren't for your somewhat shallow achievements, I would break your legs!"

"Father, what you are saying is unreasonable. They sent people to intercept and kill me. Shouldn't I be allowed to take revenge? Should I take it upon myself to wash my neck and wait for them to kill me?" Qin Mo said unconvinced.

"When did I say that? Don't misinterpret my meaning!" Li Shilong kicked him angrily, and Qin Mo covered his butt, it hurt so much.

"If you want revenge, you have to find evidence. Besides, you can get that exploding iron ball and blow up someone else's mansion. Why don't you say hello to me in advance?"

"If I told you, would you let me go?" Qin Mo felt aggrieved, "You know how to be cruel to me. If my uncle Liu Gen hadn't been so powerful, I would have been shot into a hedgehog. Then your good son-in-law He will become a virtuous son-in-law!"

"Sooner or later, I'm going to be pissed off by you, this idiot!"

Li Shilong snorted, "Okay, it's all blown up. It's useless for me to scold you. You can go to the Dali Temple Heavenly Prison by yourself later, stay there for a few days, and reflect on it!"

"Just go, what's the big deal, I haven't come out yet!" Qin Mo snorted.

"Don't talk nonsense, but before you go to the prison, you have to tell me honestly, what is that iron ball, why did it explode, and how could it collapse the wall? How did it do it? Can it be used? Fight?"

"I don't know!" Qin Mo turned his head.

"If you don't tell me, I'll beat your ass to pieces!" "You know how to scare me. Other father-in-laws treat their sons-in-law as treasures. You're better off. I either spank you or break your legs every day. I was almost killed. , you are still here to hurt me.

From now on, I don't want to talk to you! "

"Did I say I won't avenge you? Aren't we looking for evidence? If we can't find any evidence and kill innocent people indiscriminately, do you want the world to say that I am a tyrant?" Li Shilong said angrily: "Besides, when have I ever treated you badly? It’s over with you, you heartless one!”

Qin Mo still remained silent.

Li Shilong knew that Qin Mo was really wronged at this moment, and he felt a little guilty, so he squatted on the ground and said angrily: "Fool, my father knows that you feel wronged. Don't worry, my father will definitely avenge you." , no matter who the other party is, I can’t spare him.

Please tell me first, what is that black ball called, how was it made, and whether it can be used in battle! "

Qin Mo put it away when he saw it was good. Something would definitely happen if he kept this grenade in his hand. He snorted, "I made the grenade by imitating firecrackers. I don't know if it can fight. Anyway, it's quite powerful. I originally planned to It’s used for digging mountains and mining, but if it’s buried in the soil, it can blow up the mountain!”

Firecrackers are bamboo. During the Chinese New Year, Daqian people put fresh bamboo in the brazier to make it explode when burned.

On the one hand, Li Shilong marveled at Qin Mo's imagination, and on the other hand, he was shocked by the power of the grenade. It can blow up even mountains, so it must be no problem to use it in battle!

"Do you have any extra grenades? Can you show me to my father?"

"No, they've all been used." Qin Mo originally wanted to keep one, but after thinking about it, he felt it was too deliberate, so he decided to whet Li Shilong's appetite first.

"Can that be done?"

"Of course you can, but there are few materials now, and it's not easy to do this!" Qin Mo said.

"Can't we mass-produce it?"

"As long as there are enough materials, you can have as much as you want." Qin Mo said: "However, I will go to Tianlao soon. This grenade cannot be made. Father, please be patient and wait until I am in Tianlao. I’ll reflect on it for a month or two, and then I’ll come out and make grenades for you!”

"Okay, stop thinking about it, make a grenade, and my father will forgive you."

"Aren't those people impeaching me? It's better for me to reflect on it, so as not to make it difficult for my father!"

"They dare to bully my virtuous son-in-law, and I am at odds with them!"

"Tch, just tell me, where are you coaxing the children?"

"Then tell me, what should my father do to make you believe it?"

"Well!" Qin Mo frowned and thought for a long time, "Yes, I will make the grenade, and nothing will happen in the future. Don't ask me to enter the palace, and don't let me be an errand. Anyway, I don't want to be in the palace. How stupid it is to be on duty, turning on the sun to death, getting soaked in rain when it rains, and freezing to death in winter!"

When Li Shilong saw Qin Mo thinking for so long, he thought he was going to open his mouth, but he didn't expect that he just didn't want to be on duty in the palace!
This made Li Shilong laugh angrily. This silly boy was so lazy.

"No, you have to work in the palace as an errand. You are so young, you know how to be lazy!" Li Shilong said: "You can only do this grenade. It is so powerful. I really don't trust it if it is handed over to others. In the future, I will set up a special How about letting you be the boss of a department?

Don’t worry, you can go to the department whenever you want. No one will force you, and Father will never lie to you! "

(End of this chapter)

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