big dry son-in-law

Chapter 241 Lao Qin fell ill

Chapter 241 Lao Qin fell ill
Chai Rong smiled bitterly, he was so cowardly!
But for so many years, being dominated by the Hou family and riding on his head, he was holding back a fire in his heart.

Looking at the two large grenades sent over by Qin Mo, he was ready to make a move.

At this moment, Hou Yong cursed angrily: "Chai Rong, how dare you!"

He was scared when he was bullied by Chai Rong when he was a child. When he heard Hou Yong's voice, he was so frightened that he retracted his hand.

Qin Mo frowned, "Baby monkey, are you threatening my brother-in-law? Believe it or not, when you fall asleep at night, I will send someone to put a grenade on your bedside?"

Hou Yong hated Qin Mo very much.

But when he heard these words, he immediately shivered. He didn't dare to open his mouth and just stared at Chai Rong.

Chai Rong looked at Qin Mo and was deeply moved. He looked at Chai Guogong's mansion again and found that his father was looking at him with a smile on his face.

He took the grenade handed over by Qin Mo and looked at Hou Yong and Hou Gennian fiercely, "In the winter ten years ago, you pressed my eldest brother into the well water. That was the year you asked my eldest brother to stay. A hidden disease that is difficult to cure.

So much so that I threw this grenade for my eldest brother who died young.

Come on, pay with blood! "

He lit the fuse and threw it directly into the crowd!

Hou Gennian's brain was shut down. He never expected that Chai Rong would actually dare to throw it away!
The iron ball flew straight towards him.


He roared angrily, grabbed Hou Yong and ran away quickly.

The assembled soldiers were so frightened that they peeed and crawled towards the side.


The loud sound made people's eardrums buzz.

Exploding pieces of iron flew, and someone was hit and bleeding.

There was nothing but horror in his eyes!

Chai Sitian also lit the grenade firmly and threw it towards the Duke of Lu's Mansion with all her strength, "Brother, my sister has avenged you!"

The grievances that had been suppressed for more than ten years completely exploded at this moment!

Two brothers and sisters, grenades one after another.

Qin Mo didn't even take action.

He looked at Hou Gennian running away in embarrassment, laughing loudly, "Hou Sai Lei, don't run away if you can. If you are in the first year of junior high school, don't blame others for being in the fifteenth year!"

From today on, if you dare to bully my father-in-law and his family again, I will never be done with your family! "

In the Duke Chai's Mansion, Mr. Chai Shao burst into tears.

Well fried, well fried!

Jin'er, have you seen it? Your brother-in-law has avenged you!
Hou Gennian looked livid as he watched his home being bombed into rubble, "Qin Mo, I will fight to the death for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was greeted by a flying iron ball!

He quickly retreated, and all his murderous intentions were wiped out in the explosion!

After throwing dozens of grenades at once, the Duke of Lu's mansion was in disarray.

The two brothers and sisters had finished venting, and their whole bodies were sublimated. The dark clouds above their heads were dispelled at this moment.

"Brother Qin, thank you!" Chai Rong said with red eyes.

"Hey, we are all family, don't be so polite!"

Qin Mo waved his hand, turned around and wiped away Chai Sitian's tears, "Sister, stop crying, your eyes are swollen from crying, it doesn't look good!"

Chai Sitian sobbed: "Thank you, Brother Qin!"

Qin Mo pinched her chin and said, "Look what you said, why are you being polite to me after we meet each other? You go home first, while I go to the next house first!" "I want to go too!"

"Good girl, I am a man, and this grenade is too loud. My ears hurt if I listen to it too much. Be obedient!"

Qin Mo coaxed.

"Then, okay!" Chai Sitian reluctantly let go of Qin Mo's hand and turned back three times in one step!

"Idiot, where should we go next?"

"Go find Gongsun Cuckold!"

"Idiot, no matter how you say it, Zhao Guogong is still the uncle of the state. He can't bear to look at the Buddha's face in front of the monk. As for the queen mother, you have to think about it. It was blown up last time, and it will be blown up again this time." Li Yue reminded.

"Hey, you are right. The queen is pregnant now, so her mood should not be ups and downs!" Qin Mo could care less about anyone, but not the queen.

He thought for a while, "Then just go to Zhao Guogong's house and put two grenades, and then we go to Wang's house."

Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay!"

At the same time, the Duke of Qin's Mansion.

Gongsun Wuji looked at them awkwardly, "Everyone, here we are!"

Everyone was a little embarrassed. They stood at the door in the cold weather and did not open the door. Dai Wei was the first to arrive, followed closely by everyone who was supposed to come.

The atmosphere at the scene was particularly awkward, and no one spoke.

But it's okay to just stand there stupidly.

Lu Sheng said: "Everyone, Qin Mo said that he wants us to come to Duke Qin. Now that the gate of Qin Mansion is closed and no one can see it, how can we stop Qin Mo?

This time he completely blew up our house, and next time he will kill us all! "

Everyone's faces were full of sadness.

Hou Gennian said stiffly: "He dares!"

"Gong Lu, please stop being so stubborn at this time. He Qin Hanzi has blown up our family. If there is anything else he dare not do, please stop being so stubborn. Let's find a way to solve this matter." That’s the real thing.”

"Yes, Qin Hanzi kept his word. He didn't know that it was that bastard who secretly sent people to kill people. Now it's better. He didn't kill the people, and he caused a big disaster for us!"

Everyone complained.

Hou Gennian said unhappily: "That's not Qin Mo who I sent people to kill. What's the use of getting angry at me?"

"It really doesn't work, just find two scapegoats at random. If this continues, there will be no end." Someone suggested!
"Isn't it true that we sent people to kill people?" Wang Changzhi said: "It is better to reconcile with Qin Xiangru first, and then go to His Majesty. They are the only two who can control Qin Mo. If this continues, they will not be able to live. Got it!"

"The head of the Wang family is right, we should let Qin Hanzi stop first. If this continues, what will we do?"

After everyone decided on a solution, Dai Wei went to knock on the door. When the steward of the Qin Mansion came out, he lowered his attitude and said, "Steward, you see we have been waiting outside for so long, isn't it time to let us in?"

Butler Qin hated these people, but when his father-in-law told them to go in, he didn't give them a good look. He snorted coldly and asked someone to open the door, "Please be gentle. My father-in-law is not feeling well. If you mess with him, My father-in-law is unhappy, my young master is angry, and it makes it uncomfortable for everyone!"

If it were in the past, who would take his words seriously.

Now everyone is walking lightly, "Yes, yes, it's our fault, please lead the way!"

When a group of people looked at Qin Xiangru lying on the bed, they couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Qin, are you feeling better?"

Qin Xiangru sighed, "Everyone, I'm useless. I can't control my son and I'm making you angry!"

He pretended to be sick and covered his face with his hands, as if he really had no shame to see them.

Just when they thought Qin Xiangru was really ashamed, Qin Xiangru wiped the oil from his mouth calmly!

Roast suckling pig, delicious!

(End of this chapter)

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