big dry son-in-law

Chapter 243 Let Qin Mo choose

Chapter 243 Let Qin Mo choose

A group of people entered the palace and burst into tears when they saw the emperor.

Dai Wei went even further. He rolled around in the mud, his face covered in black, and cried loudly: "Your Majesty, I almost lost sight of you!"

Li Shilong's head was pounding from their quarrel, "Okay, stop howling, my head hurts. Why are you all acting like this?"

He asked knowingly.

"Your Majesty, please let Qin Mo be restrained. He took the iron ball and blew up our house completely. On this cold day, hundreds of people in Wei Chen's family are all catching cold and freezing in the ice and snow. And a few months’ worth of dolls.”

"Hey, Qin Mo really went too far!"

Li Shilong deliberately looked angry, "But you are really serious. Why did the kid bomb you? Don't you have any idea? He just wanted an apology. Is it so difficult to find the real culprit?
Also, you are really outrageous. You sent people to kill my son-in-law. Although I also believe that it was not you who sent people, but you don’t know. Jingyang cries here every day, and his eyes are red from crying. "

"Your Majesty, we all went to the Qin Mansion and knelt down to apologize. Killing someone is just a nod, not to mention that we were wronged." Lu Biying said: "We were wrong, we admit it, and we are willing to compensate. The real culprit is also I will do my best to find him, please ask Qin Mo to stop!"

Everyone knelt on the ground and shouted in unison: "Please let Qin Mo stop!"

"Well, hey, I don't know if I'm still angry. He recently got a batch of grenades. Oh, it's the explosive iron ball. Although I have collected the iron ball, but you guys If you continue to make him angry, maybe he will make hundreds more, and then they will blow you up into the sky, and I won’t be able to save you!" Li Shilong threatened.

Everyone's faces turned green.

"Your Majesty, can't you restrain Qin Mo?"

Wang Changzhi asked.

"Restraint can be done, but what if he gets angry and doesn't make a grenade? Only he can do the entire Daqian. This grenade can be used for fighting. I also plan to let him make more and take it to the border when the time comes!" Li Shilong said with an embarrassed look on his face: "How about you and your family feel aggrieved before you find the real murderer?"

"Your Majesty, this grenade is too dangerous, and Qin Mo is stupid. No one will take him seriously if he commits a crime. We must find a way to get the formula of this grenade." Gongsun Wuji said with cupped hands.

"I had this idea, so I set up a new department and asked Lao Ba to be on duty. He has a good relationship with Qin Mo. Qin Mo also taught him how to make grenades, but he is not very skilled yet." Li Shilong said: " How about you endure it until Li Yue becomes proficient?"

"His Majesty."

They still wanted to talk, but Li Shilong's expression changed, "You think I'm not angry? To be honest, Qin Mo is my son-in-law and has made great achievements many times. Do you think I will let you go if you pay a little money?"
If one day I make you unhappy, would you even dare to kill the crown prince? "

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, "Your Majesty, how dare we!"

"Hmph! You just don't dare, it's not that you don't want to!"

Li Shilong snorted: "You ganged up to bully my virtuous son-in-law and asked me to arrest him. Tell me, is this cool?

He is just a fool with a simple mind, how can you not tolerate him?Yes, he found out the account, but if you guys keep your butts clean, will he be able to tell the difference?
I didn't kill anyone because of your past friendship! "

The Li family came out of the Guanlong family and conquered the world, but they also relied on the help of various families, so it was not easy to do things like killing the donkey.

Even if you want to suppress the family, you can't do it too obviously. Once their counterattack is provoked, the hard-won stability of Da Gan may collapse.

"Let's see, your positions in the court should be moved. It's time to downgrade, decentralize, and give others a chance.

Also, since you can't find the murderer, don't blame me for cleaning up together. If you find the real murderer, you should be beheaded or exiled. If you don't let me, I will ransack all of your homes! "

Everyone felt a chill on their necks.Gongsun Wuji was worried, why didn't the Queen come yet?

Dai Wei finally saw that His Majesty was determined to deal with them.

The generals haven't shown their power yet. If the generals show their power, it will definitely be difficult for them. Now they have a grenade, which may really uproot their branch in the capital.

A few people looked at each other and had no choice but to break their arms and survive.

After leaving Tai Chi Palace, everyone felt that the sky was gray.

In this game, they lost in the end, and they lost extremely thoroughly.

"Let's all go home and find a scapegoat. This matter won't be settled without killing a few people. I've also prepared a thank you gift and sent it to the Qin Mansion. Just a little more. Don't dig around.

We’ve already spent 200 million, and we’re not short of these hundreds of thousands! "Dai Wei sighed.

"Mr. Zhao, why haven't you come here yet?" Cui Yuan couldn't help but ask.

Gongsun Wuji sighed: "She won't come. I made a mistake after all!"

The shadow of failure lingers in everyone's mind.

"Actually, the head of the Lu family is right. If he can't be killed, he can only find a way to win Qin Mo over." Wang Changzhi said: "Except for the Han thing, Qin Hanzi still has many advantages. If he can Winning over to our side will also be of great benefit to us."

Cui Qingyuan nodded, "But there is only one position for a common wife."

Lu Biying said: "Everyone, let me, the Lu family, bear this humiliation!"

"Hey, Master Lu, that's wrong. My Wang family has many daughters and yours has few. It's better to let my Wang family bear the burden." Wang Changzhi said.

"Okay, don't argue anymore. This kind of grievance should be dealt with by my Cui family!" Cui Qingyuan said.

The three people started to quarrel again, and Hou Gennian, who had been silent until now, said angrily: "Can you have some backbone?"

"What do you know, if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs?"

"Mr. Hou, you don't have a daughter in your family. Don't say anything. We will suffer the injustice and you will get the benefits together. You can just have fun secretly!"

Hou Gennian was so angry that he walked away.

Gongsun Wuji also had no daughter, so he left.

Dai Wei thought about it. Although he didn't have a daughter, the Dai family also had many daughters. He should hurry back home and write a letter to his master's family!
The Cui, Lu, and Wang families were quarreling over this matter. No one was a fool, and everyone wanted the benefits of the Qin family.

Only a fool would give up a daughter in exchange for a lot of benefits.

In the end, the three of them argued for a long time without coming up with a solution.

"Okay, stop fighting. Let's compete fairly and let Qin Mo choose!"

(End of this chapter)

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