big dry son-in-law

Chapter 249 Small, small layout!

Chapter 249 Small, small layout!

"It's windy today, Li Langjun, don't flash your tongue!"

"If I write a poem in seven steps, how about you take off the veil?" Qin Mo raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"If you really can, the little girl will take off her veil, but this poem must enter my eyes and my heart, otherwise it will not count!"

"What if you pretend to be deaf and stupid?"

"Although I, Zhao Manyun, am a woman, I still understand what it means to keep one's word!"

"Okay, then listen carefully!"

Qin Mo whistled wildly, which made Zhao Manyun feel even more disgusted. This Li Qingzhao was too wild.

Qin Mo took a step forward and said, "The wind has settled in the dust and the fragrant flowers are gone. I am tired of combing my hair day and night."

With just one sentence, a look of surprise appeared on Zhao Manyun's face.

Qin Mo stretched out two fingers and took another step, "Things are different and people are different. Let's stop everything. If I want to speak, I will shed tears first."

What a good sentence: Things are different and people are different. Everything is settled. If you want to speak, you should shed tears first!

Zhao Manyun only felt sad from the bottom of her heart. Didn't these two words refer to herself?

Looking at Qin Mo again, he has already taken the third step, "I heard that Shuangxi Spring is good, so I plan to take a boat trip."

The fourth step is, "I'm afraid that the boat on Shuangxi cannot carry many sorrows."

Qin Mo stretched out four fingers with a smile on his face, "What do you think, Zhao?"

Zhao Manyun was shocked. Who was this Li Qingzhao? His lyrics were so heart-burning.

She also understood how stupid what she just thought was. Who would be willing to sell such words?
If we say that the previous song is an indescribable sorrow.

Take this song, it is a sorrowful sorrow.

People who can write such poems must have gone through great suffering and become accustomed to seeing all the phenomena in the world, and then they can face it calmly with a smile.

"What's the name of this poem?" Zhao Manyun's eyes filled with tears.

"Spring Festival Gala!"

"Good name!"

Zhao Manyun looked at Qin Mo, there was no evil look in his eyes, but instead there was a hint of curiosity and amusement.

The number of people who can enter her room can be counted on one hand, and they are all famous talents in Gyeonggi.

But this Dongshan Li Qingzhao was unheard of.

When they enter their rooms, they are either pretending to be reserved or showing off their talents, just for the sake of a happy marriage.

But this Li Qingzhao is indeed different.

"The previous song with the slow sound of "Xunxunmimi" and this Spring Festival Gala song are enough to make the Zhao family famous all over the world!" Qin Mo said.

Zhao Manyun stood up and bowed solemnly, "Manyun is too ignorant. Don't blame Mr. Li Lang!"

Damn, I finally got it.

These two poems are among sister Li Qingzhao's best poems, and it is no exaggeration to say that her fame will be passed down through the ages.

If an ordinary person gets one, that's enough to brag about for a lifetime.

"Manyun, if you know your mistakes and can correct them, you are a good boy. Just watch and compose the music."

"Please Li Langjun give me some time!"

Zhao Manyun personally made tea for Qin Mo and served snacks, "Li Langjun, please rest here, I will compose the music right now!" Qin Mo nodded, feeling at ease.

Looking at the snacks, I smiled, it turned out to be from Qin's Haidilao.

After scanning around, he found a rocking chair in the corner. He walked straight over and leaned on the rocking chair.

Zhao Manyun blushed slightly, not because she thought Qin Mo was frivolous, but because he felt that he was bohemian, unlike those literati and poets who pretended to be reserved.

While he was drinking tea and eating snacks, the rocking chair was rocking gently, and Zhao Manyun began to compose music.

"No, Manyun, your song should be more upbeat, right?"

Qin Mo closed his eyes and listened to Zhao Manyun singing while composing music.

That clear voice is so beautiful.

And the people downstairs were so jealous that their livers ached.

It's been so long, why haven't you come down yet?

Why does it take so long to talk?
Li Yongmeng and others were squatting there, "You said that fools can't follow the Zhao family?"

"No, a fool will never make a mistake." Cheng Dabao said.

"How can he let you know when he makes a mistake?" Dou Yiai said with envy on his face: "Idiot is so lucky. That's Mr. Zhao. I took a look at Mr. Zhao before. Although she was wearing a veil, the look in her eyes He glanced at me and I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep that night, he was so many times gentler than my tigress!”

Chai Rong also held his head high, "Hey, it would be great if I could write poems and lyrics even when I was drunk!"

Just as he was talking, he heard a clear singing voice coming from above. For a moment, everyone listened with their ears pricked up.

"It's the song "Jane Zi". The Zhao guys are really composing the music!" Li Yongmeng said.

For some reason, everyone looked at each other in unison. Since they were composing music, it meant that Qin Mo did not do anything bad.

Others were also fascinated by it. Although it was very different from Zhao's previous compositions, it just sounded good!

"Hey, why are you so stupid? How many times have I taught you to be cheerful? Look at you, you get worried while singing. Sister, tomorrow is my brother's wedding, not a funeral. Can you be cheerful? Ah!" Qin Mo said with a speechless expression.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Li Langjun, I'll change it again!"

Zhao Manyun has really never composed this kind of music. As the saying goes, he knows everything. After Qin Mo told him a few times, he also found the trick.

"That's right, it won't work if you don't say it!" Qin Mo looked at Zhao Manyun who looked aggrieved, and realized that he had spoken too harshly, "Manyun, I am doing this for your own good. Look, you still have a lot of problems. There's a lot of room for improvement. Let's do this. From now on, you and your band will sing these three songs. If people hold weddings in the future, you will definitely make a lot of money.

As creators, we are [-]-[-], I am [-]-[-] and you are [-]-[-]. After all, you still have a group of people to support. "

Zhao Manyun looked at Qin Mo with a serious face, "Li Langjun, I, I, I don't appear easily."

"I know, in your line of work, you only eat the food of youth. You will always grow old, and you will get married one day. Make more money, and then life will be easier in the future!" Qin Mo said earnestly. Said: "Don't blame me for talking too much. I am doing it for your own good. Beauty grows old easily. When you get old, there will be no men to listen to you sing lyrics and compose music!"

Zhao Manyun felt particularly distressed. How could anyone say such a thing?

But when I think about it carefully, I think it makes sense.

"Li Langjun, who would marry someone like me?" Zhao Manyun said with a bitter smile: "At most, you can be a concubine and a plaything for others. It is better to spend the rest of your life in Tianxiang Courtyard. At least, when you are young, you can still be popular!

Even when you are old, you can still reminisce about it! "

"Small, the layout is small!"

Qin Mo said: "Actually, in my opinion, your profession has a lot to offer!"

Zhao Manyun was stunned, "What can we do?"

"Of course it can be done. It can entertain the public, lead fashion trends, and make a lot of money. Moreover, this industry chain is quite complete. If possible, we should be able to mass-produce everyone!" Qin Mo touched his chin and looked at Yunli Zhao Manyun in the fog, "Well, Manjun, how about I help you redeem yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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