big dry son-in-law

Chapter 272 The first disaster of Daqian!

Chapter 272: The number one disaster!

Qin Mo did not interfere in anything in the Royal Library.

As for Li Yue, he finally let people see something.

In fact, just now, Li Shilong was 100% testing Li Yue. If Li Yue was looking for someone else, it would definitely be troublesome.

Li Shilong was very satisfied with Li Yue's choice at this moment.

Sometimes, it doesn’t have to be him himself, his family members can do it too!
Li Yue also helped him solve a small problem invisibly.

Liang Zheng looked at Li Shilong eagerly, thinking that Li Shilong would assign him some kind of official position, but in the end he didn't even look at him.

Li Shilong simply ignored him.

"For credit, you are responsible for forming the guards of the Daqian Royal Library. Anyone who dares to cause trouble in the library will be killed. Remember, no matter who it is, you can kill it first and then report it!" Li Shilong said lightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Li Cungong said, cupping his fists.

Everyone felt a chill on their necks.

This shows that Li Shilong wants to hold the library firmly in his hands, and no one is allowed to get involved.

Otherwise, it is death!

After Li Cungong stepped back, Li Shilong walked aside and asked, "What is this black board?"

Qin Mo snapped his fingers and had someone lift out a board. The board was two meters wide and nearly five meters long. One side was rough and the other was smooth!
He took out a box from which various colored chalks were neatly placed.

"Father, this is called a blackboard. It is used by Mr. to teach!" He took out the chalk and said, "This is chalk. You can write on the blackboard!"

As he spoke, Susu wrote a line on it: "It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people!"

Li Shilong's eyes lit up, "This is good. You can write anything on the blackboard. However, since you can write, you must be able to wipe it, otherwise this blackboard will be too useless!"

"Father, you are this!"

Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, and the corners of Li Shilong's mouth raised. After being praised by Qin Mo, he was actually quite happy.

Qin Mo took a quick rag and wiped the words easily, "This blackboard can be used repeatedly. Sir, you can write the sutra notes on it and the students can copy it. It is better than dictating it. In this way, you can understand the scriptures most intuitively." Understand the meaning of a passage thoroughly.

Suitable for any school or private school!

Hang it on the wall and teach it to dozens of students! "

Gongsun Wuji stepped forward and said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty, for getting such an artifact is a sign of great qian and cultural prosperity!"

His heart was trembling. He didn't expect Li Shilong to hold back such a move. In this way, within 30 years, the influence of the family would be far less than before.

But it’s not absolute. Before these things spread, if you operate them well, you may be able to usher in another prosperous era for the aristocratic family!
He clearly realized that the family had been pushed to the edge of the cliff and had to change.

Li Shilong laughed loudly, "Martial power can stabilize a country, but culture can prosper a country. The future of Daqian must be a bright future!"

"Congratulations, father!"

Li Yue knelt down quickly, and Li Zhi also knelt down, "Father, I would like to become a teacher and contribute to the future of Daqian!"

"You're fine, I'm sure!" Li Shilong smiled happily, but when he accidentally glanced at the prince, he found that there was not much joy on his face.

He frowned slightly, even Li Xuan knew the congratulations, but he, the prince, didn't know?
Don't want to, or don't want to?

Suppressing the unhappiness in his heart, Li Shilong glanced at everyone, and finally landed on Qin Mo, "Qin Mo, tell me, what reward do you want?"

"Father, can you reward me with never having to go to court for the rest of my life?" Qin Mo said expectantly. "If you don't go to the morning court, you will be idle at home every day? I said, you don't need to come before the new year, but you must come after the new year. If you don't make progress, you will be lazy every day!" Li Shilong was furious.

Qin Mo said with a sad face, "It's boring. Ask me what I want. This is not allowed and that is not allowed. Then why are you asking me?"

"Qin Mo, you are brave!" Liang Zheng's eyes widened.

"Old Liang, are you bothered?" Qin Mo said angrily: "Father, why don't you chop Old Man Liang down to make me happy?"

Everyone is stupid.

Cheng Sanaxe covered his mouth, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense. He has enough to eat every day and has nothing to do, so he knows how to impeach me. I already dislike him!"

Qin Mo broke away from Cheng Sanaxe and rushed to Liang Zheng angrily, "Old man Liang, did I dig into your ancestral grave? You don't like me!"

"You, you, you idiot, it is Daqian's misfortune that you are such a disaster!"

"Old man Liang, I will make you miserable now!"

Qin Mo raised his fist and hit Liang Zheng squarely on the bridge of his nose.

In an instant, Liang Zheng's nosebleed splattered and he fell backward.


Liang Zheng's eyes quickly hugged Liang Zheng, and then he heard Liang Zheng cry out in pain, "You damn fool, you dare to hit me!"

Li Yue was dumbfounded and rushed over to hug Qin Mo, "Idiot, calm down, you must calm down!"

A cold light flashed in Li Xin's eyes, "Qin Mo, you are so brave. Last time, you punched the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, and this time you beat Gu's teacher. Where will you put Gu, and where will the imperial court enshrine you?" , come on, Gu Ye said you, beat Gu Ye up too!"

"Brother-in-law, don't make trouble. We are a family. If you want to fight, you can't fight in front of outsiders. Hey, I'm too angry and can't hold it back!"

"Father, Qin Mo beat the crown prince and tutor, Duke Wen, please punish him severely!"

As soon as Li Xin knelt down, Gongsun Wuji and others all knelt down. Now even Cheng Sanfu and the others did not dare to plead for mercy.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth is a teacher, and the teacher is ranked fifth. Qin Mo hits Liang Zheng, which is a slap in the prince's face!

Even Li Shilong is not willing to help others when everyone speaks for themselves.

Moreover, Qin Mo was also a Imperial College student and took Liang Zheng's class.

Beating the teacher is more than just rebelling against Tiangang!
He will be despised by everyone!

Li Shilong's nose was so angry that he said, "You, you, you, you are so angry with me!"

"Father, this old man needs a beating. If I don't beat him today, he will bother me again in the future!" Qin Mo rolled up his sleeves and rushed over!
"Come here, push Qin Mo down with a hundred sticks!"

"Father, Qin Mo made a mistake, but it didn't lead to death!"

"Get out of here, this idiot is arrogant and deserves to be beaten to death. Come here quickly, where are all the people dead? Let's see if I can beat him to death!"

Several tall guards directly thrust Qin Mo down, took off his pants, and raised the wooden sticks in their hands.

"Ah!" Qin Mo exhaled in pain. Hey, it doesn't seem to hurt much!
He lay on the ground and looked up at the angry Li Shilong. He rolled his eyes and shouted louder, "Oh, you have wronged me. Father, even if you beat me to death, I will not accept it. This old man Liang , I’m not done with him!”

(End of this chapter)

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