big dry son-in-law

Chapter 293 There is no escape from the wings!

Chapter 293 There is no escape from the wings!
"Put your things away, I'm going down first!"

Qin Mo washed his hands and went down with the drawing board. This Huaqing Palace is indeed a good place to travel.

Gao Yao looked at the silk cloth in his hand and saw that the person on the painting was almost exactly the same as himself.

She couldn't help laughing, "Everyone in the world says you are stupid. That is the biggest prejudice!"

She carefully dried the paint on the silk cloth, then folded it and put it into her clothes.

Then I packed up my things and got off to Wangjing Pavilion.

After staying in Huaqing Palace for seven or eight days, I also told one-third of the story of Journey to the West.

Dou Yiai can also go to the ground.

However, this boy was quite troublesome every night. Li Shilong gave him two palace ladies as gifts, and he wished he could wear those two little palace ladies in his belt.

In fact, Qin Mo can understand it.

After two years of marriage, there was no one of the opposite sex around. You know, Xiao Douzi used to secretly go to Tianxiangyuan to listen to music.

The two of them sometimes cherish each other and understand each other with just one look!
On the eighth day, Qin Mo got up early, and today was the day to return.

It will be the New Year in another half month, and at the end of the year, they have to go back to deal with some things.

This time, Qin Mo had two more maids and a young eunuch beside him, and it was not easy to ride in Li Yue's car.

Lying on Xia He's lap, Qiuyue was rubbing his legs.

There is a stove in the middle, and the temperature in the carriage is also very high.

Gao Yao was sitting on his knees, making tea for Qin Mo.

More than 3 people returned to Beijing in a mighty manner.

Li Cungong and others who were guarding the capital had been waiting here early.

After welcoming Wang Jia, everyone went back to their homes to find their mothers.

Princess Gao Yang also followed Dou Yiai back to the Duke of Liang's mansion.

After returning to the Qin Mansion, Qin Xiangru has not come back yet, but he has sent a letter back from Guanzhong, saying that two to three thousand tribesmen will be back in two days.

He dragged his family and asked Qin Mo to quickly prepare all the food, drinks and clothing.

"Uncle Liugen, Uncle Sanjin, are you ready for these?"

"Master, that's enough. Master Qin Wei is supervising the construction over there. The village is almost finished. Fireplaces are installed in every household, and everything is provided with food, clothing and clothing!"

"Where's Haidilao, how are you doing these days?"

"Business is good, and the second store is also being prepared!"

"How's the cake shop doing?"

"The daily revenue is about a thousand taels!"

"Have the first eggs hatched?"

"It hatched, but the survival rate is too low, only [-]%!"

Qin Mo frowned. It was indeed low. He thought the survival rate was [-] to [-]%.

"However, Master Qin Kong is thinking of ways to improve it! The sows have also begun to give birth. This time, more than 2000 pigs have been born, and three to four hundred have died. The others have survived."

"This mortality rate is too high!" Qin Mo said: "However, there is a process. The most important thing is to observe, summarize, and then refine each step!"

"Don't worry, young master, we will do our best!" As the only military doctor in Qinzhuang, Hu Sanjin is now not only the veterinarian of the breeding farm, but also the manager.

"By the way, where is Sitian?"

"The second lady went to Zhuangzi today and received a letter from the father-in-law. She has been busy at Zhuangzi these days, for fear that the clan members will come over and be wronged!"

Qin Mo nodded, "What a good wife!"

Looking through the account book, I saw that the handwriting was elegant and it was written by Chai Sitian.During this period, another [-] taels were recorded, and there was probably a batch of dividends distributed a year ago.

The accounts must be divided when the time comes!
"Uncle Liugen, prepare the car and go to Xinzhuangzi!"

"Master, don't you take a rest?"

"No, sister Chu Rui, please arrange Xiao Gao, Xia He and Qiu Yue!"

"Yes, Master!" Chu Rui looked at the two delicate sisters and felt sad. Now it's good, there are two more women in the family.

"Master, I will follow you!" Gao Yao said, "Mr. Gao said that you want me to protect you!"

"Come on, you have thin arms and legs. It's not sure who will protect whom. I have Uncle Liugen and the others to protect me. It's okay. Just rest at home!"

Qin Mo waved his hand and got on the carriage directly.

Yang Liugen waved, and a dozen strong soldiers followed behind.

After leaving the city and passing a fork in the road, a horse rope was suddenly pulled up from the snow.

The crowd mounted their horses at great speed.

In an instant, the first few people flew off their horses and fell heavily into the snow.

It was too late, but it was too soon. Yang Liugen immediately took out the knife from his waist and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Quick, the enemy is attacking, get in formation!"

This is the third time. This is the third time Qin Mo has been attacked.

In the carriage, Qin Mo was also very angry. He had just returned from Huaqing Palace and was being targeted.

It means that the other party has been watching him, and clearly controls his movements, knowing where he is going.

Moreover, the other party is definitely prepared.

It's also his fault. After playing for a few days, he suddenly forgot about this.

After opening the thick curtain, an arrow shot through the curtain. The venom-quenched arrow tip was only about half a foot away from him. Qin Mo was sweating all over.

He touched his chest and got a set of chainmail and a helmet from under the seat cushion to put on himself.

Holding a sword in his left hand and a crossbow in his right hand, he secretly opened the curtain, and there was already a fight outside!
There are many people on the other side. Compared with the other side, more than a dozen people are really not enough.

Qin Mo pulled the trigger.

The arrow penetrated the chest of a man in black.

He hurriedly loaded the arrow, and then heard Yang Liugen rushing up, "Master, hurry up, we will find a way out for you. You must return the same way immediately. You must take the main road!"

At this time, Yang Liugen was covered in blood, and his nose was sore when he saw Qin Mo, "Uncle Liugen, let's go together!"

"Master, it is the greatest blessing of my life that Yang Liugen can follow the father-in-law and the master in my life!" Yang Liugen smiled, held Qin Mo tightly and got out of the carriage, cut off the reins on the carriage with a knife, and waited. Qin Mo sat on the back of the horse, and seven or eight wounded soldiers rushed over, "Master, our family is in your hands. In the next life, if there is another chance, we will still follow you!"

Yang Liugen slapped the horse on the buttocks with the blade of the knife. The horse felt pain and ran away.

The horse is not tall, but it has great endurance. It will definitely be able to escape with Qin Mo!

"Uncle Liu Gen!" Tears blurred Qin Mo's vision. He saw those uncles, risking their lives, clearing a bloody path for him.

The arrows stabbed them into hedgehogs.

"Master, see you in the next life!"


"I'm a bastard, a son of a bitch. I won't be a human being until I kill you!" Qin Mo ignored the pain in his butt and urged the horse to run wildly.

He was angry and full of murderous intent.

The screams behind him became farther and farther away, but the pursuers behind him followed.

An arrow stuck straight into his leg, and an angry voice came from behind, "Qin Mo, you can't fly today!"

(End of this chapter)

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