big dry son-in-law

Chapter 300 Miao Zhen

Chapter 300 Miao Zhen
Aunt Xiao was stunned, and Qin Mo cried very sadly.

She didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

"Aunt Xiao, I feel so uncomfortable!" Qin Mo cried while chewing beef. However, only he knew how sad these tears were.

"Hey, you are a poor child too!" Aunt Xiao sighed, "Didn't you say that you came to the capital to join your relatives?"

"I'm lying to you. My family is in the south of the Yangtze River. How can I have relatives in the capital!" Qin Mo said: "Aunt Xiao, why don't you just be my aunt? I don't have any relatives anyway!"

"Hey, let's talk about this first, let's eat first!" Aunt Xiao looked compassionate.

Qin Mo nodded and then started to devour it, "Aunt Xiao is good to me. I've been running away for so long and I haven't even had a full meal. It's so delicious!"

Aunt Xiao shook her head and said, "Eat slowly. Since you can draw, you must also be a scholar. You can say that meat and wine go through the intestines. This sentence was left in the mind of the Buddha. You are also a person with wisdom."

This is the outskirts of Beijing, so you don't have to worry about your enemies coming. When you recover from your injuries, you are considering whether to stay here or go out to find a living.

If you have the ability, you should be able to get ahead in the capital! "

"Yeah, thanks for the encouragement, aunt!"

Qin Mo nodded. After eating and drinking, Aunt Xiao said to Xi'er, "Go get a set of thicker clothes for Xiaobao!"

"Yes, miss!" Xi'er didn't like Qin Mo and was very reluctant, but it was hard to disobey.

"Thank you, aunt. When Xiaobao becomes successful in the future, he will definitely repay aunt well!"

"I saved you, and I never thought about repaying you. I just hope you don't go astray in the future." Aunt Xiao said.

After eating and drinking, Qin Mo returned to his room.

Xi'er said in confusion: "Miss, why are you so nice to him? This guy lies a lot and is not a good person at all!"

Aunt Xiao smiled and said: "This little naughty guy is a thief. If I show anything wrong, he will know it right away.

Some things cannot be done in a hurry. Many things will be easier to do after you gain his trust! "

Xi'er seemed to understand but not quite.

Qin Mo was in a good mood.

I met a beautiful aunt, had a good meal, and got new clothes. I felt so happy.

"She is still a single rich girl!"

Qin Mo touched his chin, "You can come and go often!"

After returning to the room, Qin Mo didn't take off his clothes. He just got into the quilt with his clothes. He didn't feel cold anymore that night.

On the third day, Qin Mo got up early and was very diligent, sweeping the snow at the gate, but the efficiency was not satisfactory.

"Xiaobao, what are you doing?" At this time, a message came from behind.

Qin Mo straightened up, wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and smiled, "Auntie, I'm working!"

Aunt Xiao frowned, "Didn't I say you don't have to work? Xi'er, why did you tell the housekeeper?"

Xi'er said aggrievedly: "Miss, I have already told the housekeeper that he insists on doing the work!"

"Auntie, don't blame Sister Xi'er. I eat and use the Xiao family's food. I don't work, and I feel guilty!" Qin Mo explained.

Aunt Xiao nodded, "You don't have to do it anymore, your injury is not healed yet!"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't do heavy work." Qin Mo scratched his head, "By the way, aunt, where are you going? Are you going to collect wind again?"

"Yes!" Aunt Xiao nodded, "There is a trail in the back mountain that leads directly to the top of the mountain. It is very suitable for painting!"

Qin Mo rolled his eyes and said, "Auntie, I'll go with you!"

"Your feet" "It doesn't matter, I can protect you even if I go up there!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong man eight feet tall walked out. He was carrying a bamboo basket on his back, and the things in it were like mountains. "Tell me, who do you want to protect?"

"Who is this tough guy?"

"Xiao Wu, protect the hospital!" Aunt Xiao said.

"Oh, hello, macho brother!" Qin Mogong raised his hand!

"Hmph!" Xiao Wu snorted coldly. He wanted to suppress Qin Mo, but Qin Mo was also tall and strong. He was only half a head taller than Qin Mo.

"Now that's good, with me and the tough guy accompanying us, we can kill even a big bug!" Qin Mo boasted.

Aunt Xiao didn't say anything, she just reminded Qin Mo that the climbing path is very steep!
Qin Mo patted his chest and said it was okay, but when he saw the winding and steep steps, he was immediately confused.

What the hell!

This is too steep.

Qin Moxin said that even if his legs were broken today, he would still climb up.

It took three and a quarter of hours for the four of them to reach the top. There were white plums planted on the top of the mountain, and there was a pavilion next to it. It was a two-story pavilion with stairs to go up. It was airtight from all sides and had a fireplace inside.

Xiao Wu put down the bamboo basket and took out the contents. In addition to pens, ink, paper and inkstones, there was also a lot of food.

Spreading out the rice paper, Aunt Xiao began to paint, and her painting was pretty good.

In less than an hour, Aunt Xiao finished the painting, and added the year, month, hour, and her name, "Miaozhen"!
"Aunt, your name is Xiao Miaozhen?"

"Well, this is the name of Dharma!"

"Then why is it a Taoist name?"

"Buddhism and Taoism are indistinguishable!" Xiao Miaozhen said with a chuckle: "I didn't expect that you also have insights into Buddhism and Taoism!"

"I know a little bit, mainly reading books and miscellaneous books!" Qin Mo smiled, "This Dharma name is good, and on the other hand, it means a real girl. If the two of us go out, others will only think that you are my sister, not you. It’s my aunt!”

Xiao Miaozhen shook her head, "You, it's better not to be too frivolous and be more cautious when going out!"

"Yes, I listen to my aunt!" Qin Mo smiled and nodded.

"You said you can draw. What are you good at?"

"Characters!" Qin Mo said, "Auntie, can I draw you?"

"What can I draw?"

"If my aunt has nothing to draw, then no one in this world will be worthy of being drawn!"

Xiao Wu almost vomited, "Boy, show me some respect!"

"Brother Macho, am I right? Oh, I understand, you also want to be painted by me, right? Don't be angry, I will paint it for you first!" He said hello to Xiao Miaozhen, " Auntie, if I lend you the Four Treasures of the Study, I will be able to paint it well at fifty breaths at most!"

Fifty breaths?
Xi'er hummed and said: "Miss, it took almost an hour to draw, but you can finish it in fifty breaths?"

"Don't believe it? I'll draw one for you later!" Qin Mo smiled, picked up the brush, and started painting quickly.

Xiao Miaozhen was also a little curious. When she turned around, she saw a figure on the rice paper with a thick upper body and a short lower body.

His arms are thickly muscled, his head is square, thick eyebrows, big eyes, long ears, and there is a bamboo basket behind his back.

Although it looks very abstract, you can recognize it at a glance. This is Xiao Wu!

Almost all his features were drawn.

However, Xiao Miaozhen couldn't help but laughed at that funny look!
(End of this chapter)

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