big dry son-in-law

Chapter 310 Overjoyed

Chapter 310 Overjoyed
Qin Mo's return is like throwing a huge stone into calm water.

There was a huge wave immediately.

The whole capital was silent.

Li Yongmeng, who was searching for Qin Mo, waited until he heard the explosion. Tears instantly blurred his vision, "It's Hanzi. It's Hanzi who's back. It must be Hanzi!"

Dou Yiai, who was searching for Xiajiuliu, ran down from the stairs, his feet were empty, and he fell heavily to the ground. He rushed out while crawling, "It's Qin Mo, it's Qin Mo who's back, it must be Qin Mo." !”

The Cheng brothers had already mounted their horses, "Drive!"

The two brothers have been friends with Qin Mo since childhood.

Even though they didn't see Qin Mo himself, they knew that there was no one but Qin Mo who dared to throw grenades so brazenly in the capital!

They all mounted their horses one after another. Dou Yiai was anxious, "Wait for me, wait for me!"

Li Yue, who was trying to find a way to overturn Chai Shao's case, was also shocked by the explosion.

Li Cungong is the chief judge, and he is the deputy judge. He knows what his father means.

Li Cungong always looked like he was not in a hurry, but Li Yue couldn't sit still. He didn't know what kind of medicine Li Cungong was selling in his gourd, so he asked tentatively and didn't reply directly.

He stood up and looked to the northwest, "Quick, go and check where the noise is coming from, hurry!"

He had a premonition in his heart, but he didn't dare to confirm it. Soon, the servant came back and said in surprise: "Your Highness, it's a good thing, a great thing, the Commander-in-Chief of Qin's Consort, the Commander-in-Chief of Qin's Consort, he is back, he is now The Duke of Lu's mansion is bombing!"

Li Yue grabbed him tightly, "What did you say, idiot? You are back. Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"Yes, the villain has seen it, he is the Prince Consort, he can't go wrong!"

Li Yue laughed, leaning forward and backward with laughter, laughing so hard that tears came out, "Okay, well done, it should have been done a long time ago, these bastards!"

"Quick, prepare your horse!"

Li Yue simply threw away what he was holding, and when Qin Mo came back, the Chai family plotted against Qin Mo's suspicion and defeated it.

Li Cungong also heard the explosion, walked out, and asked tentatively: "Did Qin Hanzi blow it up?"

"Yes, Uncle Wang, it was a fool who blew it up. My nephew left first, so I will trouble Uncle Wang a lot here!"

Li Cungong also smiled knowingly, "Okay, I'll go to Tianlao and tell Duke Chai the good news!"

"Thank you, Uncle Wang!" Li Yue cupped his hands and ran away!

Li Cungong sighed, "Let me tell you, how could this naughty boy die like this? Even if he is thrown into Wuhu's Golden King's tent, he can still act like a dog-legged official who cooperates inside and outside!"

He hurriedly came to the Dali Temple Tianlao.

Chai Shao and Chai Rong shared a room. They lived in the same place where Qin Mo lived before. It was quite comfortable in there. They had no worries about food and drink. There was also a fireplace, so they could read and write when they had nothing to do.

It’s just that the range of activities is not large.

On the other side, there was Chai Sitian, who was covered with a thick cloth in the middle and made a small room with a curtain. After all, she was a woman, so it was inconvenient!

Chai Shao, who was writing, saw Li Cungong and quickly put down his pen, "Become the king of the county!"

"Chai Guogong, good news!" Li Cungong came over with a smile. The soundproofing effect of the prison was so good that the explosion sound could not be transmitted and they could not hear it.

"Prince Cheng, what's the good news?" Chai Rong listened intently.

"First of all, congratulations to Mr. Chai Guo, your good son-in-law is still alive!"

Chai Shao was stunned for a moment, and then he grabbed the pillar of the cell, "Seriously?"

"Really, he is bombing the Duke of Lu's Mansion right now. I heard that the Duke of Lu's Mansion has been blown up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chai Shao laughed loudly, "Hahahaha. Daughter, did you hear that? Your husband-in-law is still alive!"

Chai Rong scratched his head with joy. Although he had known Qin Mo for a short time, in his heart, Qin Mo was an elder brother and his brother-in-law.

I understand him very well and trust him very much.

To describe it as a close friend of Guan Bao is not an exaggeration at all!
"Third sister, did you hear that? Brother Qin is still alive, he is still alive!"

It wasn't until crying came from the cell next door that he wiped his tears and said, "Okay, great!"

Chai Sitian knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing, "Thank you God, thank you God!"

In the past few days, her tears had dried up, but after arriving at Dali Temple, she did not dare to cry out for fear of letting her father and brother hear her.

Now that Qin Mo is back safely, her worries are completely relieved.

At the same time, Da'an Palace opened the closed door, and Li Yuan rushed out happily, "Who threw the grenade? Is the silly boy back? Wei Laogou, hurry up and have a look!"

"Your Majesty, my slave, go right away!" Despite Wei Zhong's age, he walked extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, he left the scope of Da'an Palace.

Li Yuan was holding a book in his hand, which was the follow-up chapter of his journey to the West. Unfortunately, it didn't have the flavor that Qin Mo said.

The story was not as interesting as Qin Mo said. He wanted to tear up the book, but after thinking about it, he accepted it and said, "You brat, you have a lucky vision. I will let you appreciate my masterpiece when the time comes!"

He was waiting around in Da'an Palace. Why didn't he go out? He was afraid that Qin Mo would not come back and his happiness would be in vain.

Soon, Wei Zhong came back, his face was not red and he was out of breath, "Your Majesty, you are back. The captain of Qin's consort is back, and he is throwing grenades outside right now!"

"Hahaha, I knew that boy wouldn't die!" Li Yuan laughed loudly, and the depression of the past few days was swept away, "Let's go, Old Dog Wei!"

Empress Gongsun, who was stabbing a female red needle in the Lizheng Hall, was startled by the sudden sound. The needle pricked her hand and she suddenly saw red.

She quickly put her finger in her mouth, and the continuous loud noise made Empress Gongsun frown, "What happened outside the palace? Why is it so loud? What happened? Even the palace cannot live in peace?"

Feng Jin walked aside and said something to a eunuch. The eunuch left quickly. When he came back again, he ran back and kept shouting, "Mother, what a happy event, what a great happy event!" "

"Those who don't understand the rules, yelling and screaming, don't want the dog's head?" Feng Jin glared at his godson fiercely, and the little eunuch shrank in fear.

Queen Gongsun asked: "What happy event?"

"Empress, the Prince Consort of Qin is back. He is blowing up those people outside right now. The Duke of Lu's Mansion has been razed to the ground!" the little eunuch said happily.

In this palace, there are few eunuchs who don't like Qin Mo.

The embroidery in Queen Gongsun's hand fell to the ground, and she was overjoyed, "What did you say, my son-in-law is back?"

"Yes, empress, she is the Commander-in-Chief of Qin's Consort!"

(End of this chapter)

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