big dry son-in-law

Chapter 318 Blood Splattered in Tai Chi Palace

Chapter 318 Blood Splattered in Tai Chi Palace
The moment Hou Gennian rushed over, everyone present was stunned.

You know, Hou Gennian is also a rare warrior in Daqian.

His martial arts skills rank among the top ten among generals.

At this moment, Qin Mo rushed over and hugged Hou Gennian, "Come quickly, someone, Hou Gennian is going to attack His Majesty, come quickly."

At that moment, everyone broke out in a cold sweat. Even though many people could see that Hou Gennian was asking for mercy from Li Shilong, the nature completely changed after Qin Mo shouted these words.

"Dog thief, court death!"

"Quick, stop Hou Gennian!"

Second groan!

Li Shilong's shadow guard rushed out from behind and blocked the front. A trace of murderous intent flashed in Gao Shilian's eyes. Even though he looked like this, he was also a master.

Hou Gennian was angry and angry, "Qin Hanzi, you framed me."

Qin Mo shouted, "Ah, come quickly, I can't hold him anymore!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Mo stepped back and fell heavily to the ground, "Ouch, my butt!"

Li Yue took out the guard's knife and said, "Protect the prince, thief, don't hurt my eldest brother and father!"

He rushed over suddenly, with murderous intent in his eyes, and slashed at Hou Gennian.

It is said that it is late at that time and fast at that time. It is impartial and right in the face of waiting for Gennian.

But Hou Gennian is a general who has fought hundreds of battles. At that moment, he raised his hand to block.

The knife falls, the hand rises, blood spatters!
That thick arm was cut into a smooth round mouth by the knife!


Hou Gennian roared angrily and kicked Li Yue away.

While the person was still in the air, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Good thief, don't try to be cruel!"

Li Cungong's eyes widened, his momentum was breathtaking, and he punched Hou Gennian hard on the head.

With just one punch, Hou Gennian was beaten to death!
Qin Mo was also jealous, so he pulled out a knife and slashed Hou Gennian's neck, "Thief, you can hurt me, but if you want to hurt Da Gan, there's no way!"

Everyone's heart dropped.

The cold light reflected by the blade was so dazzling at this moment!
"Qin Mo, wait a minute."

Before Li Shilong finished speaking, the knife cut into the flesh.

Yun Yuan was about to cut off Hou Gennian's head.

A stick was inserted into the gap, and sparks flew out in an instant, blocking the falling knife.


The edge of the knife cracked.

Qin Mo turned around and saw a dead face!


"Wugen, what are you doing?" Qin Mo said angrily.

"Your Majesty asked you to keep others under your sword!"

Wu Yan knew that Qin Mo called him 'Wugen' on purpose. To him, it didn't matter what he called him, but if he offended him, he had to pay the price!
What a pity, what a pity!
Qin Mo is so angry.

If it were two centimeters lower, even if it couldn't be beheaded, Hou Gennian could still be killed!

"Your Majesty, if you don't kill this thief, will you keep it for the New Year?" "Shut up!"

Li Shilong didn't expect things to turn out like this.

After all, Hou Gennian was also the founder of the country, and he was also the Minister of War. Now that Li Cungong had not revealed many things, he was killed hastily, which is hard to believe.

It's not that Li Shilong doesn't use the sword, but he wants to kill people in an upright manner. Especially to kill such a person, he must act like a king and overwhelm others. Besides, he has other plans.

Qin Mo is too impulsive and doesn't understand at all.

"Quickly, call the imperial doctor and treat Hou Gennian. We can't let him die. I will ask him face to face when the time comes, what exactly do I owe him!"

Li Shilong stood up, furious, and looked at the civil servants who dared not say a word, "You guys, please stay at home and think about your mistakes. I will fine you three years of salary. You must submit a confession to the palace before the end of the year. You are not sincere." , then write it again, when will you realize your mistake, and when will you forget it!"

Don’t they like to keep their reputation and pretend to be?
Then stab the weak point with a knife, and those confessions will be a rein around their necks from now on!
Gongsun Wuji and others looked at each other, exchanged glances, and knelt on the ground, "I know my mistake!"


Li Shilong flicked his sleeves and walked quickly to Li Yue, "Lao Ba, how are you?"

"Father, my son is fine, just a little injured!"

"You vomited blood, are you okay?"

Li Shilong cursed: "Where is the imperial doctor? Where did he die!"

External injuries were fine, but internal injuries were the most troublesome. He was afraid that Li Yue would be injured internally.

"Your Majesty, I will take my leave!"

"Go, go, get out, you won't let me live in peace during the Chinese New Year. This year, you don't have to enter the palace to pay me New Year greetings. I have already received the gifts you gave me!" Li Shilong said through gritted teeth!
They still dare to talk, so it would be nice not to hold them accountable for plotting against Chai Shao at this time.

One person was only fined three years' salary and demoted one level, which was already pretty good.

It's just that many people are thinking about where they should spend this year. The mansion is gone!

Such a big mansion cannot be built without two or three million silver!
"What are you guys doing here, get out of here, I'll make you upset!" Li Shilong pointed at Li Yongmeng and others and cursed.

A few of them dared to stay there for a long time, so they all said goodbye and left.

At this time, there were only a few people in the Taiji Palace. Qin Mo cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, since it has been proven that my father-in-law and the others did not make any mistakes, can they be pardoned? In addition, their reputation has been ruined. How about no compensation? It doesn’t take much, if you get promoted to the third level, you can just pay 80 million taels of silver!"

Li Shilong gritted his teeth, and he was so angry that he whipped out his whip and chased Qin Mo, "He is already a duke now. He has been promoted to the third level. Does he want to be the emperor?"

"Oh, Your Majesty, when it comes to business, I'll raise the price from the ground up, so you can bargain too!"

"Bargaining? I want to chop off your tongue right now! Who else asked you to call me His Majesty? Who asked you to change your name without authorization? I tell you, I have many daughters. If you want to escape, there is no way!"

Qin Mo screamed as he was being whipped, "Aren't you buying and selling by force? You bastard, Your Majesty, you are so confused, Ouch?"

Li Cungong smiled and thought, this idiot is really smart. After such a beating, wouldn't His Majesty be angry?
Skin injuries are nothing.

Many people who want His Majesty to take action are not qualified.

However, beating a fool is really exciting, it makes his hands itch!

Chai Shao was also very satisfied with what Qin Mo did. The more Qin Mo behaved like this, the more relieved he felt.

In this court, some people pretend to be ignorant and pretend to be ignorant, and some people pretend to be ignorant and pretend to be ignorant. Those who can get along well will always be the second type!

"Idiot, stop, you bastard, aren't you injured? You can run faster than me, stop."

"Idiots don't run!"

At this moment, a person walked in from outside the palace. Qin Mo ran over quickly, knelt on the ground, hugged the person's legs and cried, "Old man, save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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