big dry son-in-law

Chapter 320 The person who was missed!

Chapter 320 The person who was missed!
In the Legislative Hall!

Empress Gongsun was extremely anxious, so Feng Jin vividly told her what happened in Taiji Palace.

It made her feel very confused.

"Hou Gennian is so vicious!" Queen Gongsun was furious. "Fortunately, Qin Mo hugged him, otherwise I don't know what would have happened."

"Isn't that true? Madam, it is said that the situation at that time was extremely dangerous. The prince-in-law, oh no, the prince of the Duke of Qin, risked his life and hugged Hou Gennian, who was out of control.

At that time, Gennian suddenly rose up and knocked him back three meters. The Eighth Prince was also kicked away. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured! "

"It's not a pity to die in the Gengnian year!"

Empress Gongsun was furious, "Your Majesty, it's true. Why are you bullying him now?"

As she said that, she wanted to go to Da'an Palace, but was stopped by Feng Jin, "Madam, Qin Mo is in Da'an Palace right now. Don't you still know what the Supreme Emperor does to Qin Mo?"
That really hurts! "

"Hey, does it not hurt? This kid put himself in danger and exposed Hou Gennian's conspiracy. Looking at the world, how many people can do this?
Human hearts are grown from flesh, and what’s even more commendable is that this child has no selfish motives and is not enthusiastic about power! "

Just as he was talking, he heard a cry from outside, "Mother, Queen, Mother!"

"Empress, it's Qin Mo's voice!"

Queen Gongsun was overjoyed. When she walked to the door, she saw Qin Mo coming in tattered clothes. The clothes were leaking on all sides and covered with mud. "Ah, why is this child still wearing tattered clothes?"

"Qin Mo meets his mother!"

A long way away, Qin Mo knelt down with a shovel, and Queen Gongsun's eyes turned red, "Okay, just come back. Queen Mother is worried to death!"

"Mother, I thought I would never come back. At that time, I thought to myself, I must come back. Otherwise, who will prepare my mother's three meals in the future?

If my mother has no money, who will honor her?

No, I must come back alive! "

It was really sad to hear these words. Empress Gongsun hurriedly pulled Qin Mo up and looked at her carefully. Qin Mo took a bath, and the bruises and swelling on his face became more obvious, "God damn Hou Gennian. To be so cruel!"

"Queen Mother, I have more on my body, but I won't show it to you. I was also hit by a poisonous arrow in my leg, which almost killed me. Fortunately, I carried it."

Empress Gongsun wept repeatedly, pulled Qin Mo to sit down, and took out the clothes she had sewn during this period, "Originally, these clothes are new clothes prepared by the queen mother for the New Year. I was thinking that if you come back It’s ready to wear, Feng Jin, help Qin Mo get dressed!”

"Your Majesty, come with me!"

"What prince? This is my son-in-law. Even if Yu Shu is not so lucky, I still have other daughters!"

"Yes, yes, my slave made a mistake!" Feng Jin patted his mouth, "Captain Prince Consort, please come this way!"

Soon, Qin Mo put on a new round-neck robe and a vest made of white tiger skin, which was very warm.

"Thank you, Queen Mother!"

"Hey, it fits just right!" Queen Gongsun's eyes were full of joy. As soon as Qin Mo came back, she felt that she had been more comfortable this year.

"After the Chinese New Year, remember to enter the palace, you know? At that time, the queen mother will call all the women in the palace who are over ten years old and under the age of 20 from the royal family. You can choose for yourself. Tell the queen mother which one you like!"

"Mother, let's forget about ten years old. At least you have to be hair-haired, right? Actually, I like older ones!" Qin Mo scratched his head in embarrassment, "Older ones are more obedient and will hurt others!"

"That's a bit troublesome. Many people are betrothed before they get married. There aren't many people in the entire royal family who haven't even gotten married yet!"

Ordinary princesses and princesses are not worthy of Qin Mo's status.

Those at the top are all spoilers, a carrot and a pit.

After thinking about it, I can only count it with one hand.

"It's okay, Queen Mother, I'm not in a hurry to get married, let me play for a few years before we talk!"

"How can you be so playful when you start a family and start a business?" Empress Gongsun said earnestly: "Listen to the mother, we will make a decision to get married after the new year, and the wedding will be held in the summer. You have been without a mother since you were a child, and the mother must take care of it for you." Listen, where can I find such a good mother-in-law?

Since his own daughter didn't want to marry, he tried to find a way for him and took care of it himself.

"Thank you, Queen Mother!" Qin Mo said.

"Are you being polite to your mother? Don't leave at night. You'll be back after dinner!"

"That won't work. My father is still waiting for me at home. I want to eat with him. I won't enter the palace until after the New Year!"

Empress Gongsun nodded and didn't stop him. Then she got a lot of supplements and asked people to carry Qin Mo home.

When he got home, Qin Xiangru was still sleeping.

Chai Sitian also returned to Chai Mansion. He locked himself in the study and saw no one. He just sat on the rocking chair and quietly thought about who was the mastermind behind this incident.

There were 18 people accompanying him at that time.

17 people died, but Yang Liugen was missing.

Qin Mo felt that Yang Liugen was not dead. The reason was simple. The other party did not want to kill him, but wanted what he had in his hands.

What he has at his disposal is enough for ambitious people to subvert the great power.

And Yang Liugen was his confidant. When he came back from Huaqing Palace, he must be someone who knew him well, so he could accurately know his route and arrange an ambush in advance.

Who is this person?

Darkness swallowed Qin Mo, and people he was familiar with flashed through Qin Mo's mind.

He lit candles, listed everyone on the white paper, and then sorted out their official positions and relationships.

Then we divide them according to closeness and distance, and use the stupidest elimination method to do a rough screening.

When he wrote about Gao Yao, he remembered, "Xiao Liuzi, where is Gao Yao? Where has Gao Yao gone?"

Xiao Liuzi has been standing guard at the door, "Master, Gao Yao has been missing since you disappeared!"

Is it Gao Yao?
No, Gao Shilian had no reason to harm himself.

and many more!


Qin Mo was shocked.

Is there a possibility that Wu Ji is spying on himself and then spreading the news.

There are inevitable remnants of the previous dynasty, and as Li Shilong's shadow, Wu Tongue has extraordinary power in his hands.

And it just so happened that I couldn't deal with him.

He counted everyone except Wu Gu.

Plus today, Wu Shi took action and saved Hou Gennian!
These seemingly unconnected clues gradually point the finger at Wu Gu.

He drew a big question mark on the paper.

To be honest, he understood Gao Shilian, but he knew too little about Wu Gu.

Of course, he was just guessing now and couldn't be sure that it was Wu Ji who did it.

It's also possible that someone close to him has been bribed, maybe.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a noise from the window. Before Qin Mo could react, a person came in from the outside!
(End of this chapter)

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