big dry son-in-law

Chapter 339 Personal Attack!

Chapter 339 Personal Attack!

What a stinker, you actually called her a naughty princess!

Li Yushu couldn't bear it anymore and agreed immediately.

"Okay, then it's settled!"

Under the protection of the guards, the group of people came to the lantern. Rather than saying that it was a lantern, it was better to say that it was a lantern tree.

It's more than 20 feet high.

There are hundreds of lanterns hanging on it, and each lantern is exceptionally beautiful.

This was built under the supervision of the imperial palace for the enjoyment of the people.

There were also many guards standing nearby, and people from the 'Wuhou Pu' who specialized in fire protection were also walking on the street, ready to be on call at any time.

Every year during the Lantern Festival, there is a high incidence of fires.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

Xiaojiu could hardly see clearly.

The person guarding the lanterns was a junior official of Yifu. When he saw Gongsun Chong and others, he ran over quickly, "Yang Lin, Yiwei, has met the crown prince of Zhao Guogong!"

Gongsun Chong is quite famous in the capital, and many people know him.

Yiwei is an official of the eighth rank in the Yi Mansion. The leader is the fourth rank Zhonglang General. Of course, how could an official of this level come to guard the lanterns?

However, there will definitely be a lot of big shots coming out tonight to enjoy the flowers and go shopping, so the superiors have given special instructions to cheer them up.

No, the sharp-eyed Yang Lin took advantage of this good opportunity to flatter him!
And Gongsun Chong is quite useful.

"Yang Yiwei, is this year's Mystery King coming out?"

"Not yet, the most powerful person has only solved eighteen riddles!" Yang Lin cupped his hands and said: "If you can solve 36 riddles, you can get the twelve-flower magic lamp. There are twelve twelve-flower magic lamps in total. , each one was painted by the national master Yuan Tiangang!"

Yuan Tiangang?
Qin Mo thought to himself, darling, isn't this the big guy who made the push-back picture?

There is also a man named Yuan Tiangang in Daqian?

Is it the butterfly effect or diachronic chance?
Is there a little Taoist named Li Chunfeng?
"Is the Imperial Master out of seclusion?" Gongsun Chong's eyes lit up.

"I don't even know about this!" Yang Lin replied.

"So, as long as you can answer 36 crossword puzzles, you can get all the flower lanterns?"

"Yes, not only that, but you can also light the lamp on top, and you will be lucky all year long!" Yang Lin replied. He looked at Qin Mo and felt that this person was familiar. Suddenly, he thought of something, and even He took two steps back and lowered his head, "Mom, Qin Hanzi, the devil incarnate, why is he here? Is he going to blow up the lanterns?"

Now Qin Mo has a resounding name in the capital. He is the exclusive title of the Demon King and Ghost Seeking Sorrow.

Qin Mo took a closer look and found that the lantern at the top was indeed black.

"Xiaojiu, do you want the Twelve Flower Magic Lamp?"

"Yes!" Xiao Jiu's face flushed with excitement, and he kissed Qin Mo.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Yang Lin led everyone over. There were many people around, but they were all isolated by the guards.

"The first riddle: the blind man touches the elephant and guesses an idiom!"

"I'll go first!" Gongsun rushed forward, "The answer is that you don't know the general picture!"

Yang Lin quickly opened the answer: "Your Majesty, you are right!"

"The second mystery: extending in all directions!"

"The Third Mystery"

The charade is a puzzle with each puzzle getting more difficult than the last, symbolizing climbing.

Those who can win the Mystery King may even be favored by ladies from other families.

Seeing Gongsun Chong answer eighteen puzzles, someone said: "Qin Hanzi, you have to admit defeat. This kind of intellectual game is not suitable for you!"

"Cousin Chong has already answered eighteen questions. The highest number of crossword puzzles in the past three days is only eighteen. You don't think you can be better than Cousin Chong, do you?"

Qin Mo sighed, if he brought Li Yongmeng and others, he would not let them down.

Gongsun Chong was also secretly proud, but soon he couldn't be happy anymore. No. 20 crossword puzzle, he stopped.

The puzzle is: a volcano in the middle and sea on all sides.There are many treasures in the sea, so fish them out quickly (get some daily necessities).

Gongsun Chong wiped his sweat. What the hell is this? Why doesn't he have any impression of it?

Qin Mo looked at him with a smile, "Isn't it right? Gongsun cuckold, you can't guess such a simple thing? It's really not possible, you can guess together, I don't care!"

"We don't need to find foreign aid to win against you!" Gongsun Chong snorted coldly.

"Then you have to guess, can it work? If not, forget it!" Qin Mo looked at Li Yushu, "Why don't you help your cousin Chong?"

Li Yushu bit her lip and felt a sore nose, "Qin Hanzi, what do you mean?"

Qin Mo snorted and looked at the man in scholar's uniform not far away.

Who else could it be if she wasn't Li Yulan disguised as a man?

Li Yulan also saw Qin Mo and stood there waiting quietly.

Hong Dafu lowered his eyebrows and said, "Master, why don't you come over?"

"No need, just wait here!" Li Yushu was over there, she didn't want to irritate him too much.

At this time, Gongsun gritted his teeth angrily, "Do you know what it is?"

Qin Mo smiled, "Hot pot!"

Yang Lin opened the answer and said in surprise: "Correct!"

There is a volcano in the middle and the sea on all sides.There are many treasures in the sea, so fish them out quickly. Isn’t this the copper hot pot launched by Haidilao!

Gongsun Chong wished he could slap himself twice. He couldn't answer such a simple answer!

Qin Mo's answer means the answer is stopped.

"Wow, brother-in-law is so awesome!" Xiaojiu couldn't stop applauding.

"Is this awesome? Look at my brother-in-law winning the Twelve-Flower Magic Lamp!" Qin Mo smiled and scratched her nose, "Yang Yiwei, please report the topic!"

Yang Lin nodded, "First question: The flowing water is still there today, type one word!"

Qin Mo said without thinking: "Qin!"

"By the way, the second question: Give half, keep half!"

Qin Mo smiled and said, "There is something particularly delicate about Gongsun Cuckold!"

"Yes, ah, no, no, the answer is fine, but the prince is not fine at all!" Yang Lin reacted, but the more he explained, the darker he got.

Gongsun Chong's face turned green, "Okay, stop explaining and continue reporting!"

Yang Lin was about to cry, this fool can really mess with people!

"The third question: Lang Jun alone defeats two tigers!"

"Gongsun cuckold is particularly 'stupid'!"

Yang Lin smiled bitterly and looked at Gongsun Chong. Others were also stunned. Yes, the answer to the riddle was really a stupid word.

Chai Sitian and Gao Yao snickered, and Li Lizhen bit her lips to prevent herself from laughing!

To be honest, she didn't like Gongsun Chong at all.

This fool is really bad, but he is also really smart!
Being stupid is about temperament, not IQ!
"Question [-]: Accumulate little by little to gain broad knowledge!"

"Gongsun Cuckold is an idiot!"

That's right again!
Yang Lin wiped his sweat, hoping that the next one would not be a crossword puzzle.

"Question [-]: A bird flies to the table, pinches its tail, jumps into the river, and hits an object!"

"Gongsun cuckold loves to use a spoon to give medicine for stomachache!"

"Qin Hanzi, don't bully others too much. Just guess charades. Why do you want to attack me personally?"

(End of this chapter)

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