big dry son-in-law

Chapter 350 Li Yue is targeted

Chapter 350 Li Yue is targeted
"You keep talking, what are you doing with me? Hou Gennian is rebellious. You put me and Hou Gennian side by side?" Qin Xiangru glared, "Zhu Guogong has just returned to the court from the army. What do you mean by saying such things?
Gongsun Laogou, are you disgusting?Who doesn’t know that you and Hou Gennian are getting along on weekdays, so can I also think that you are colluding with Hou Gennian? "

"Duke Qin, I didn't put you on the same page as Hou Gennian. I just said that now is the time for the country to employ people. It's a pity that you ministers like humerus have taken command when the country needs it most!"

"Don't explain. I won't listen. If you can speak, speak more. If you can't speak, speak less. Look, what has happened to a good celebration banquet?
If I were Lao Liu, I would have to beat you up. You won a big victory, and you can’t take a good rest. You have to keep people spinning. Do you want to exhaust them to death?

You also know that fighting a war is not easy. You sleep with a woman in your arms every day at home, and you have not accomplished anything. What qualifications do you have to persuade others? "

Qin Xiangru responded to Gongsun Chong like a barrage of fire, but he couldn't get a word in. Cheng Sanxu and others were all looking at the joke, "That's right, what Lao Qin said is right, it's none of your business. Lao Liu has been tired for these years and can't be good." rest?
Besides, Prince Cheng is still here, I, Old Cheng, are still here, and those young generals can be dragged out to sharpen their skills. Isn’t it interesting to catch the old people and bully them every day?

In the words of a fool, people like you are either stupid or bad! "

"Cheng Sanxu, shut up, I didn't tell you anything!" Gongsun Wuji scolded.

"You are criticizing Sophora japonica. One day, I have made a great contribution and want to take a rest. Are you not allowed to do that?" Cheng Sanfu's eyes were as wide as bells.

"Everyone be quiet. Uncle Guo didn't mean it this way. He also thought about the court. My father and I think it's not good for Duke Zhu Guo to take command at this time. It's better to let Duke Zhu Guo stay in his post and go back to recuperate. If there is a war at the border, we can call at any time. Obey!" Li Xin quickly smoothed things over.

Liu Chenghu was also speechless. These old dogs just wanted to make him unlucky!
"Chenghu, what do you think?" Li Shilong asked with a smile, still very satisfied with Liu Chenghu's sensibleness.

"Your Majesty, Weichen knows that the prince and Duke Zhao have good intentions, but Weichen has been fighting abroad for many years and has not even participated in important events such as his daughter's wedding. It is unworthy of his young family.

Wei Chen felt extremely ashamed. Please give Wei Chen a chance to compensate his wife and daughter. Moreover, Wei Chen is old and should give more opportunities to the younger generations. If we old guys continue to sit here, we will hinder them! "Liu Chenghu's reason is very good, even Li Shilong can't say anything wrong, and it is also very straightforward.

The subtext is, "I'm old and can't fight anymore. Let the young people do it. I just want to spend time with my wife and children at home. I beg your Majesty to let me go!"

Li Yue frowned. He was not stupid. If he thought about it carefully, he would know why Liu Chenghu resigned at the celebration banquet!
"Father, my father-in-law is exhausted mentally and physically due to his busy schedule. After destroying Jiaozhi and establishing the Annan Protectorate, he should be allowed to take a good rest and relax, so that his father-in-law can better serve the court and relieve his father's worries.

Moreover, Erchen believes that the most important thing now is how to govern Annan. If Annan can become an inseparable solid foundation of my country forever! "

Liu Chenghu glanced at Li Yue appreciatively. Although this boy was ugly, he became more pleasing to the eye the more he looked at him.

"The King of Yue is right, Your Majesty, the long-term peace and stability of the Annan Protectorate is what we need to pay most attention to." Li Cungong stood up and said at the right time.

"I also think you are right. The land over Annan has been a barren land since ancient times. It is full of poisonous snakes and insects. Waterways extend in all directions and face the sea. Although the Jiaozhi army was destroyed this time, if you want to civilize them, at least you need to The work of four generations!" Qin Xiangru said with cupped hands.

Even Xu Shichang stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think we should send a highly respected person to sit in the Annan Protectorate and teach!"

Li Shilong nodded. It is easy to conquer the world, but difficult to defend it.

"Forget it, Cheng Hu, just have a good rest and keep your military affairs for the time being!"

Liu Chenghu had a look of reluctance, "It is my wish to keep the military affairs to share your Majesty's worries, but please Your Majesty to take back the Tiger Talisman Seal!" Li Shilong was even more satisfied, and his fear of Liu Chenghu was reduced a lot.

Looking at the Tiger Talisman Festival Seal that was presented, Li Shilong looked at them and said, "Who is willing to sit in Jiaozhi?"

At this moment, all civil servants turned off their fire.

Who the hell wants to teach in that barren land?

"Zhao Guogong is the most virtuous and respected, so it is most appropriate for Zhao Guogong to go!" Cheng Sanxu said: "With our Dagan think tank, four generations will be needed there. I am afraid it will take two or three years to convince those people to submit to Dagan."

Gongsun Wuji's face turned green, "Your Majesty, it's not that the minister is unwilling, but"

"Zhao Guogong, actually you just said that civil servants can't fight. I agree. Back then, Dou Zhongshu and Du Guogong both led soldiers. You are not simple either. Don't belittle yourself, so it's best for you to go!" Qin Xiangru Hehe said with a smile, if you dare to trick him, you can't kill him!
"I second the proposal!" Li Cungong handed over his hand.

"I second the proposal!" In an instant, the voices of support could be heard.

Gongsun Wuji couldn't sit still, "Your Majesty, what I want to say is that the best way to protect the Annan Palace is to use it as a fiefdom for the vassal king. Only in this way can long-term peace and stability be achieved.

First, it can naturalize Annan to the greatest extent, and second, the kingdom has all the civil and military officials, and it will definitely have miraculous effects when it comes to education.

Third, only in this way can the Annan Protectorate become a permanent fixed land in Daqian! "

It has to be said that Gongsun Wuji is indeed smart. These words not only excused himself, but also successfully proposed a solution.

Li Shilong nodded, "If you don't plan for the overall situation, you can't plan for a region; if you don't plan for the eternity, you can't plan for a moment!"

Gongsun Wuji wiped the sweat from his forehead and finally got out.

"Your Majesty, I believe that there is only one person with such high virtue and respect at present. The Eighth Prince over there is the King of Yue. The King of Yue has a reputation of being a virtuous person, and the people call him the Eight Wise Kings.

The fiefdom of the King of Yue is Yuezhou, but how can Yuezhou be compared with five hundred miles south of Annan? It is a real country. If the King of Yue comes over, with the power of the King of Yue, he will definitely be able to suppress the local natives! "

Liang Zheng cupped his hands and said: "What Zhao Guogong said is absolutely true. I am not weak enough to change the Yue King's fiefdom to Annan!"

Dai Wei and others also agreed!
Li Xin squinted his eyes and smiled. Hou Gennian's method was really effective. He only needed a look and someone would charge into the battle for him.

Li Yue was annoyed for a while. It turned out that the real target of these people was him!
(End of this chapter)

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