big dry son-in-law

Chapter 364 Recruitment

Chapter 364 Recruitment
"Dad, why can't I understand what you're saying? I've been very honest recently and rarely even go out!" Gongsun Chong's heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

Seeing that Gongsun Chong refused to admit it, Gongsun Wuji did not break the casserole to ask the truth, but said: "That day, you took a group of princesses to parade, but you happened to meet Qin Mo and Chai. Then you stood up and talked to Qin Mo On gambling.

Qin Mo won without any suspense. You clearly know that Qin Mo becomes more talented and more impulsive when he drinks.

So he went up to the lantern tree. When he reached the top, the lantern tree collapsed. It was all such a coincidence.

The idea is good, but the details are too rough and the traces of calculation are too heavy.

Someone has noticed it. Who do you think is mediating?
In order to investigate this matter, the person above secretly sent a shadow guard to investigate, and even Li Cungong was responsible for the investigation. Have you forgotten how Hou Gennian died? "

Gongsun Wuji picked up a cup again. At this time, Gongsun Chong had lost his previous indifference, his eyes flickered and his face turned pale.

"You want to be the second Hou Gennian? Qin Mo is stupid on the surface but smart in his heart. You are smart on the surface but stupid in his heart!

However, your father will still praise you for doing things more and more discreetly. Remember, when you want to kill someone, you don't need to show your face.

Anyone around you can be your sword. You just need to wait until the storm breaks out, hide in the attic and watch the wind and rain, no matter what happens, do you understand? "

Gongsun Chong nodded, "My dear, thank you father for your teaching!"

Gongsun Wuji stroked his beard and said, "Remember, it doesn't matter if you are frustrated for a moment. The one who laughs to the end is the true hero!"

For two days, there was a lot of excitement about the new unit. All those who had supervised, built, and guarded the new unit were arrested and interrogated.

But unfortunately, nothing came out.

Moreover, the recruitment of new troops has also been hindered. After the grenade exploded, word spread in the capital that the grenade could easily explode.

In addition, Qin Mo's bombing was so severe that those who wanted to join the army were watching.

Li Yue came to Qin Mo with a grimace, "Idiot, what do you think we should do now?"

"Cold salad!" Qin Mo looked at the sky speechlessly. Yesterday he wanted to go out to collect news today, but he was banned.

He didn't know why, but he said that someone came over and asked him to go to Qintian Prison.

Qin Mo was full of resistance, but there was nothing he could do. There were many guards outside and he couldn't get out!
The mahjong parlor and storytelling parlor were opened. Li Yuan went there early. He didn't know what agreement Lao Liu had reached with the old man, but he didn't take him with him.

Qin Mo was frustrated.

However, this time the mahjong parlor and storytelling parlor opened, and people with some status in the capital came to support them.

To put it bluntly, the Emperor opened a hut as a restaurant, and they all felt the deliciousness while holding a bowl and eating.

Although the little old man has retired, he can now leave the palace at will. This signal is already obvious.

Everyone is not in a hurry to curry favor.

"Hey, idiot, I'm really stressed right now, and you won't come out to help me!" Li Yue also had a headache, "Although Yongfeng and the others can help a lot, they are all big bosses and do meticulous work. It won’t work.”

"You don't know how to recruit people yourself?"

Qin Mo snorted: "Can't you promote the children from poor families? Just keep your eyes on those people. Besides, can you sort things out into priorities?

Urgent and important things should be done first, urgent and unimportant things should be done second, important but not urgent things should be done third, and things that are neither urgent nor important should be done last. Do you understand?

Only by arranging your time reasonably can you become a time management master! "Hey, idiot, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you say that, I'll find the direction right away!" "He has done a lot of good things with Qin Mo. How could he have handled so many things before.

"The most important thing now is to recruit soldiers and fill up the new army, so that those who look down upon me can see that although I, Li Yue, am not well educated, it doesn't mean that I don't know how to be a soldier!"

"Recruiting troops? No wonder you can't recruit troops. So, just listen to me and recruit troops!" Qin Mo said.

In ancient times, conscription was the mainstream, which was to recruit young men, and the country compulsorily performed military service in accordance with their obligations.

If not, why would Hua Mulan go to war on behalf of her father?

Recruiting soldiers means paying you to be a soldier. Some people with poor families will definitely not be able to bear it.

However, conscription is a sense of responsibility, and recruiting soldiers is somewhat tempting with benefits.

Good or bad.

However, the society in Daqian is not the world that Qin Mo lives in. Everyone is rushing to be a soldier. If you want to be a soldier, you must agree to the conditions, otherwise you will not be able to become a soldier. I don’t know how many people regret it.

Here, only ghosts want to be soldiers, unless the common people cannot survive.

In a sense, conscription is better than corvee service. At least the state is in charge of the food!

Because war in the cold weapon era was too cruel.

"Recruiting soldiers, you need at least two taels of pay per month, right?" Li Yue said with a bitter face, "5000 people, that's 1 taels a month, and 12 taels a year. My father didn't allocate money to me, so I still have to take care of it. Two meals a day, clothes and shoes for all seasons.

There is some in the weapons treasury, but if you calculate it this way, it will cost at least 30 taels of silver a year! "

"Two taels of silver, what are you paying the beggar?" Qin Mo said: "Your current income of tens of thousands taels a month is short of this little silver?

You have to eat two meals a day, at least three meals a day, and every meal must have meat. If you create a new army, it will be the same as other armies. Only the devil will be willing to come!
If you don’t have money, won’t you cry about being poor and ask for money?What do you, the leader of the army, do for a living?
Also, the new unit still doesn’t have a name, you are really a ‘Togo’! "

Qin Mo gave a thumbs up!
"It has a name, Thunderbolt Army!" Li Yue said.

"Hang Lei? Why don't you call me Thunder Gaba?"

Qin Mo looked at the sky speechlessly.

"Hey, the Thunder Army is indeed better than the Thunder Boom Army!" Li Yue said: "Call the Thunder Army and use the power of thunder to clean up the enemy!"

"As long as you are happy!" Qin Mo turned around, "Xiao Gao, bring a pillow for the young master, I have a headache because of his anger!"

Xiao Gao quickly brought Qin Mo a pillow.

"Oh, idiot, tell me what I should do. This matter is the most urgent and important thing at the moment!" Li Yue was really anxious. In the past two days, people in the court criticized him every day and impeached him. His memorials were piled as high as a hill.

Moreover, there are also some unfavorable rumors among the people.

"Let's do this, the salary is five taels of silver per month, three meals a day, enough rice, meat and eggs for every meal!
There are three days off in January, three sets of clothes and three pairs of shoes per season, but you have to sign a five-year contract! "

"Mom, at this rate, raising these 5000 people won't cost 70 taels of silver a year?"

(End of this chapter)

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