big dry son-in-law

Chapter 366 The Devil's Head!

Chapter 366 The Devil's Head!
"He said that only a pure kiss can awaken him!" Qin Mo blushed, "You must not believe it, right? I also think that Qin Xianglin is wrong, he's astringent!"

Fang Shuan blushed, "Go and sweep the floor, you are talking nonsense, I'll beat you up, anyway, His Majesty said, just don't hurt you internally!"

Hey, this old man is really good!
Just wait, I will ask your daughter to repay the debt you owe ten times or a hundred times. If one daughter is not enough, I will find a way to get one more!
Soon, Qin Mo finished sweeping the floor and went to the kitchen to cook. Fang Wante was so perverted that he moved a stool and guarded him at the door of the kitchen.

"Sister, don't worry, I won't run away, I guarantee it with my personality!"

"Are you talking about Qin Xianglin or you?"

"Me, Qin Xianglin, I can't control him!" Qin Mo said.

"Okay, I get it, stop talking nonsense and cook!"

From a distance, she could smell the aroma. Da Gan, the God of Cooking, truly lived up to his reputation. "By the way, prepare another one for Master, do you understand?"


Qin Mo nodded and prepared the food. Just as he was about to serve it, Fang Chun said, "Nothing big or small. Have I finished eating? You can serve it after I finish eating!"

"You, you are deceiving too much!"

"How can I just bully you?" Fang Shun raised his head. The master said that although this guy is stupid, he is arrogant and arrogant. He must sharpen his arrogance to prevent him from causing trouble every day and giving His Majesty a headache. no.

The last time I felt so helpless was at Bishui Villa.

Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, "Senior sister, you are awesome. You don't mince words when you talk, and you have a straightforward personality. I like your personality!"

"It's enough that I like it, I don't need you to flatter me!" Fang Shun took a bite of the chicken leg, "This chicken drumstick is good, how do you make it?"

"I can do it, you don't need to know!"

"That's right. I don't cook anyway, so there's really no need to know!" Fang Wan ate with relish.

"Okay, you're ruthless!"

Qin Mo held the rice bowl and sat on the doorstep to eat. The food he ate was still white rice because Fang Shun would not allow him to serve it!

"Stinky bitch, female turtle, just wait, one day I want you to look good!" Qin Mo muttered while eating hard.

Fang Chun saw the resentment on his face and said, "Why are you staring at me? Smiling. Seeing you like this, my senior sister is not in the mood to eat. Hurry up!"

The long whip accurately made a mark at Qin Mo's feet, raising dust and Qin Mo took a bite.

"Hehe, haha, woo~" Qin Mo smiled and cried, "You're such a bully, you are just a female devil, don't you just rely on your martial arts skills? What's so great about it? If you have the ability, let's go to bed. Try it, I guarantee it will make you cry!”

"What are you talking about in a whisper?" Fang Chun whipped him again, which made Qin Mo tremble, "Oh, I said that senior sister is not only beautiful, but also good at martial arts. If I am half as good as you, I can wake up laughing in the middle of the night. !”

Fang Shuan snorted, picked up a chicken drumstick with chopsticks, and accurately threw it into Qin Mo's bowl, "This is your reward!"

Qin Mo clenched his fists!

Wait, you devil!

Qin Mo took a bite of the chicken drumstick and said, "Thank you, senior sister! The chicken drumsticks prepared by senior sister are so delicious!"

Fang Shuan was in a good mood when she looked at Liangou Mo. Originally, she was very reluctant to have such a silly junior brother, but now she looks at it and it's quite interesting.

"The Supreme Emperor gave you a name, Jingyun, and Master also gave you a Dharma name. We happen to be of the same generation as Miao, so you should be called Miaoyun!"

"What? Miaoyun? That's not a woman's name!"

Qin Mo was dumbfounded, and inexplicably thought of Aunt Xiao. Her Buddhist name was Xiao Miaozhen, and she was also a member of the Miao family.

"It is given by the elders and cannot be declined. Do you understand? If you are happy, you must accept it. If you are not happy, you must accept it. Remember, your senior sister, my name is Miao Chun, and I am usually called by the Dharma name on the road.

Most people use Dharma names when they travel around the world, and they won’t tell you their real names! "Fang Chun said. "So, Aunt Xiao is also a Jianghu person? " Qin Mo thought secretly in his heart. It seems that he still failed to win her trust. What a failure!
"What on earth are you muttering about?"

A whip hit Qin Mo's body, and Qin Mo shivered in pain, "Senior sister, what are you doing?"

"Remember, from now on Senior Sister, listen carefully when you speak, and if you wander too far, I will hang you on the tree in the Tianjian, so that people who come and go can see the majesty of you, a great county official!" Fang Chun said.


Qin Mo was very angry, but there was nothing he could do. This female devil was so powerful.

He can't escape now. No one will pay attention to him. If he continues to confront her, he will definitely give up. He can only pretend to obey her, and then...

Qin Mo sucked the saliva from the corner of his mouth, "Yes, senior sister!"

"Also, our master is from the generation of Heng, and his dharma name is Heng Gang. Do you remember it, Miaoyun?"

"Remember!" Qin Mo smiled naively, accepting this humiliating name!

It's all the old man's fault, why are you talking about him?

Alas, it is bitter!

Fang Shun nodded with satisfaction, "When you're full, let's clean up. I'll sweep the floor in the afternoon!"

The floor was swept clean, this was clearly torturing him, Qin Mo had no choice but to nod, "Yes, senior sister!"

Coming to the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks in his arms, Qin Mo threw the bowls and chopsticks away and said, "I'll clean it up!"

He looked left and right, sneaking out from behind the kitchen and looking at the puppy hole blocked by weeds in the corner of the wall.

"Escape first. If you escape, he will never come back again!"

After digging through the weeds, Qin Mo got in, only to find that he was stuck.

It's over, it's over, it's a dilemma!

Qin Mo cried, why can't he climb over the wall?

It's better to break your leg than to get stuck in a dog hole!
"Do you need to pull it?"

"If you want it, a good man will have a safe life!" Qin Mo raised his head with difficulty and saw the female devil looking at him with a sneer, grabbing his collar and pulling hard!

Qin Mo was pulled out forcefully.

"Come on, crawl in wherever you come out!" The female devil pointed at the hole widened by Qin Mo.

At that moment, the humiliation and grievance broke out in an instant, "Devil, I will fight with you!"

"I knew you wouldn't be so obedient, go back!"

Qin Mo flew out and was stuffed into the dog hole before he could react.

Then he was pulled in by the female devil again, and some cuts were made on his body, but they were not as painful as the pain in his heart.

"Remember, if you run away again next time, take off all your clothes, hang him up and beat him!" the female devil snorted.

Qin Mo's eyes were filled with tears of grievance, "Even a pervert like me thinks you are a pervert!"

"Go back and sweep the floor!"

The female devil pulled Qin Mo, and he didn't know how her small body could drag a strong man weighing [-] pounds.

(End of this chapter)

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