big dry son-in-law

Chapter 369 Guess

Chapter 369 Guess
Li Shilong looked helpless.

How come this is so?

After Li Yuan finished scolding, Empress Gongsun also came and complained to Li Shilong.

Li Shilong had a headache, but he didn't want to make a big move this time. After all, Qin Mo escaped on his own.

We can only send secret guards to search.

Qin Mansion.

Qin Xiangru is drinking tea.

Qin Xiuying said anxiously: "Your son is missing, and you are still drinking tea here?"

"What are you afraid of? The brat took away Xiao Gao and the guards. It's okay!" Qin Xiangru said leisurely.

"Do you think you are as good a father as you are?"

"Oh, sister, you don't understand. It's good for fools to go out and avoid the limelight. Things are not peaceful in the capital right now!"

Qin Xiangru said.

"Okay, if you don't look for it, I'll look for it!" Qin Xiuying left angrily.

Qin Xiangru did not pursue him.

Who is Yuan Tiangang? He is someone who can be counted among His Majesty's representatives in Zhou Dynasty.

It was His Majesty's will to accept Qin Mo as his disciple. Qin Xiangru didn't know what was hidden in it, but it must be important.

The Eighth Prince left the stage, and everyone started to take sides.

Don’t forget, the one above is still in his prime.

Qin Mo wore civilian clothes and pulled a donkey cart to a location about 45 miles away from Bishui Villa. "Xiao Gao, let someone build a thatched house here. The young master went up first. If you have nothing to do, don't come to me, you know?" !”

"Master, what if there is danger?"

"It's okay, it's very safe up there." Qin Mo patted Gao Yao's shoulder, and then bowed to all directions: "Uncles, thank you for your hard work. I will probably stay here for a while. Everyone, please find someone. Let’s find a temporary shelter in a secluded place!”

Anyway, Qin Mo asked them to bring mattresses and other things.

As for food, Gao Gao has to arrange it.

Looking at Qin Mo's back, Gao Yao didn't really obey, but quietly followed him.

Qin Mo whistled and came to Bishui Villa.

Jumping off the donkey cart, Qin Mo shouted happily: "Auntie, Xi'er, fierce brother, I, Wei Xiaobao, am back!"

The guard also recognized Qin Mo, "Why are you here again?"

"Hey, of course I'm here to repay the favor!" Qin Mo got a lot of things from the donkey cart, including food, drink, and many gadgets.

Each person gave one as a gift. Looking at the exquisite gifts, everyone smiled.

"By the way, it's been so long, why hasn't aunt come out yet?"

"Oh, Miss has gone to collect information, and I guess she won't be back soon!"

"At the top of the mountain? Then I'll look for it."

"The lady did not go to the top of the mountain, but to a place farther away. In this case, I will send someone to tell the lady, please pack your things and go in first!"

"Oh!" Qin Mo still wanted to see Xiao Miao really happy.

As soon as he entered, he went directly to the stables and found Brother Mule.

"Brother Mule, you're still here!" Qin Mo patted Mule's head. Mule's big eyes were full of doubts, and then he sneezed, all over Qin Mo's face.

"Are you angry? You came in a hurry this time. The hundred female donkeys I promised you last time still have to wait. But this time, I will take them away for you. From now on, follow me and enjoy the hot food. Guaranteed pleasure!
But you are a mule, and a hundred donkeys are not enough for you. I will find you a hundred young mares, and I guarantee that you will have a great time! "Qin Mo led the mule. The mule was quite docile, but he liked to spit at people.

After wiping his face, Qin Mo sat on the mule and wandered around.

From day to night, Qin Mo almost fell asleep. Finally before nightfall, one master and two servants finally came back.

Qin Mo was no longer sleepy in an instant, walked quickly to Xiao Miaozhen, opened his hands, "Auntie, I miss you so much!"

Qin Mo hugged his arms full and howled loudly, "Auntie, how have you been during the time I left? Do you miss me? Hey, after the heavy snow lockdown was lifted, I didn't dare to delay for a day, just Coming to find you!"

Xiao Miaozhen was stunned, and Emei suddenly frowned. In her early years, she was captured by Prince Jian, and later captured by Li Shilong, but even so, she had never been treated so lightly.

Now he is hugged by this little naughty man.

"Ah, Wei Xiaobao, let go of Miss!"

Xi'er gritted her teeth angrily, "You bastard, let go!"

Xiao Wu held Qin Mo's shoulder with his hand, "Wei Xiaobao, stay away from the lady!"

"Xiao Wu, stop!"

Xiao Miaozhen winked, Xiao Wu's eyes widened, and then he reluctantly let go of his hand.

Xi'er was also very angry.

Xiao Miaozhen's body was a little stiff, but she still reached out and patted Qin Mo on the back, "Just come back, just come back!"

"Auntie, I have a lot of things to say to you!"

Qin Mo squeezed his eyes hard until his eyes turned red, then let go of her.

Xiao Miaozhen also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's talk about it when we get back." Xiao Miaozhen said. Seeing Qin Mo's eyes red, she thought to herself, does this little naughty guy really think of herself as her aunt?
The group entered Zhuangzi. Xiao Miaozhen asked someone to get food for Qin Mo, while he went back and changed his clothes.

"Have you resolved your own matter?"

"Yes, aunt, I have successfully taken care of Hai Dafu. I have also burned the seven 42-chapter scriptures. That thing is so harmful to people!"

"There are countless treasures hidden there, aren't you tempted?" Xiao Miaozhen accompanied him in the acting.

"No, that was left by Emperor Zhou. I can't do anything to his old man!" Qin Mo said while secretly observing Xiao Miaozhen's expression.

"Really!" Xiao Miaozhen looked at Qin Mo, feeling inexplicably touched in his heart.

"Of course, to tell you the truth, I still admire that person very much in my heart, but the dynasties are different now, and there are some things that are hard to talk about."

Qin Mo drank a glass of rice wine and said, "Auntie, look, Emperor Zhou dug the Grand Canal to connect the north and the south. That was a huge achievement.

Even if future generations say that he was Emperor Yang, so what, how many people suffered from this?
Just for this courage, I, Wei Xiaobao, am convinced! "

Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, "Also appointing poor people to suppress aristocratic families, isn't this a good thing for ordinary people in the world?

Whenever dynasties change, the new dynasty will slander the old dynasty a lot. "

Having said this, he quickly said: "Auntie, please don't tell anyone what I said. If others hear it and file a lawsuit, we will be doomed!"

Xiao Miaozhen was shaken in her heart, but she was very calm on the outside, "Emperor Daqian said that you can speak freely and you will not be punished for what you say!"

"Auntie, what kind of person do you think Emperor Zhou is?" Qin Mo asked tentatively.

"I was still young at that time, and I had never been in contact with him, how could I know?" Xiao Miaozhen said, looking at Qin Mo with a gentler look, "However, what you said is similar to some people."

She thought to herself, Qin Mo was Da Qian's consort, but he admired Emperor Zhou. Did Li Shilong know that?

Or does it mean that the root lies with Qin Xiangru?
(End of this chapter)

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