big dry son-in-law

Chapter 376: Light a fire for me!

Chapter 376: Light a fire for me!

The king is so angry.

He has been honest lately.

The capital is changing too fast, which is not a good thing for the family.

Moreover, the imperial court had grenades, which greatly increased its deterrence.

With cheap pens, inks, paper, inkstones, and books, it won’t take 30 years for the aristocratic family to be weakened to the extreme.

It will then be very fragile and brittle.

This was all brought by Qin Mo.

So everyone got together to discuss, this is a disaster for the family, but it may not be an opportunity.

No matter how fast the imperial court moves, can it still be as fast as the aristocratic family's moves?

As long as you get these things and block the imperial court for a year and a half, there will be academies everywhere.

How majestic that is, it will definitely push everyone’s strength to another peak!
This method was proposed by Gongsun Wuji himself.

In the end, he was seeking death again!

Why did Qin Mo bombard him as soon as he came back? His eyes were red with anger. Something must have happened again, which completely angered Qin Mo.

Faced with the accusations from everyone, Gongsun Wuji wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Everyone, I, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

The palace door was closed tightly, and it was less than half an hour before it was locked.

But no one came out of the palace.

At this time, a large group of people came with torches.

Qin Mo came here with a group of people, and more than a dozen mortars were aimed at them.

"Qin Jingyun, misunderstanding, there must be a misunderstanding here!"

"Jingyun, we haven't had any trouble with you these days, why are you so angry?"

"Qin Hanzi, you've gone too far to bully others. If you have the ability, you will blow me up to death today!" Liang Zheng held his head high.

"Wen Guogong, please stop causing trouble. If he commits a crime, you won't know how he died." Although Dai Wei was angry, he still pulled Liang Zheng aside.

"Who planned to attack me last time, and who cut off my uncle Liugen's hands and feet, broke his tongue, and deafened his ears.

Today, if you don’t give me an explanation, I will send you back to the west! "

Qin Mo made a gesture, and the people from the Qin Mansion stuffed the ammunition into the barrel of the cannon, "Master, the cannonball has been loaded into the barrel!"

Li Yue and others were also startled, "Idiot, are you serious?"

"Idiot, this matter is no joke. These people are all important officials of the imperial court. I know you are angry, but after this bombardment, it will be really difficult to end it!" Li Yongmeng saw the shells fired by this thing. , it only took hundreds of rounds to destroy a huge mansion.

This is much more powerful than a grenade.

"Brother, calm down, you must calm down!" Brother Cheng Dabao quickly hugged Qin Mo.

Chai Rong also begged: "Brother Qin, I know you are angry. Go to His Majesty and never light a fire!"

The two brothers of the Xu family were scared to death. It was so damn scary. The power of Qin Hanzi was terrifying.

They prayed in their hearts not to fire, otherwise the two of them would be in bad luck.

Dou Yiai hugged Qin Mo's legs.

"I will count you to ten. If you don't give me an explanation within ten, I will send you to the West to see the Buddha!" ​​Qin Mo was hugged, but his eyes were red, "Xiao Liuzi, report the number!"

"Yes, Master!"

Xiao Liuzi shouted at the top of his lungs: "Ten, nine, eight, seven"

"Jingyun, don't be impulsive. If we are blown up, Duke Qin will not be safe for the rest of the year!"

"Jingyun, I swear to God, I definitely did not do this. I am unjust!"

"Damn it, it was that bastard who did it. Come on out, stop it, my mother!"

For a moment, there was a loud cry, the old, weak, women and children huddled together, and the children were frightened and started crying. "three two"

However, Xiao Liuzi was still counting!

When Xiao Liuzi shouted 'one', Qin Mo said angrily: "Light a fire and blast these bastards to death!"

Hearing this, everyone felt a chill from their feet to the sky.

At this moment, the closed palace door opened, "Captain Prince Consort, be merciful, be merciful!"

Gao Shilian ran out from inside.

boom! boom! boom!
More than a dozen rounds fired in succession.

The shocking sound completely exploded.

Echoing outside the palace gate.

It completely broke the silence of the palace.

Gao Shilian slowed down.

He slapped his thigh and said, "Ouch, something big happened!"

Li Yue and others' scalps were numb, while Gongsun Wuji and others were so frightened that they fell to the ground.

Some timid people were even scared to death!

When the explosion subsided, they realized that they were still fine and nothing had happened to them.

The location of the explosion was hundreds of meters away from them!
"Oh, the angle is not adjusted in place. Come on, continue to adjust the angle downwards. You are not skilled enough!"

"Yes, sir"

Everyone readjusted their positions!

The shot just now had completely eliminated their courage.

"Stop, stop all, don't adjust the angle, idiot, I know you are wronged, I know you are angry, believe me, believe me once, I will give you an explanation for this matter!"

Li Yue put his hands on Qin Mo's shoulders. He knew very well how angry Qin Mo was.

Qin Mo, who looks like a naive person, is the most affectionate. Whoever treats him well will be treated ten or a hundred times better.

He quickly ran to Gongsun Wuji and others, "If you don't want to die, give Qin Mo an explanation. I'm warning you for the last time. This cannonball can hit a hundred to 150 feet. You can't escape." dropped.

The shells explode, and the lethality is ten meters around the body. There are fifteen of them here. Think about it! "

Some were trembling with fear, some were angry, and some had resentment deep in their eyes, but in the end, they all turned into helplessness.

Seeing that they were fine, Gao Shilian breathed a sigh of relief and did not dare to delay. He ran to Qin Mo first and said, "Son, don't be anxious. I believe you, uncle, don't be impulsive. Your Majesty will definitely give you an explanation this time.

Don't let them set it on fire! "

Qin Mo looked at Gao Shilian, "Uncle Gao, if you lie to me, our friendship will end here!"

Gao Shilian smiled bitterly. It seemed that this incident really pissed Qin Mo off.

He is the most filial person and would never say such harsh words to the people around him.

I'm afraid it has something to do with lying to him last time.

Turning around, he had a murderous look on his face and walked quickly to Gongsun Wuji and others, "Your Majesty has decreed that everyone enter the palace. The palace will be unlocked tonight. The Gyeonggi army has sealed off the capital. There is now an immediate curfew.

It's up to you to figure out what to do if such a big thing happens. Each of you is still an important official in the imperial court, and you know what you have done.

It will bring shame to His Majesty and bring shame to Da Gan, just wait! "

He glanced at them with sharp eyes, flicked his fly whisk, turned around and walked in.

Gongsun Wuji and others looked at each other, gritted their teeth and said, "Let's go into the palace!"

Li Yue said to Qin Mo: "Idiot, let's go into the palace!"

Qin Mo shook his head, "I won't enter the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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