big dry son-in-law

Chapter 378: All sent to prison

Chapter 378: All sent to prison

Those murderous words made everyone lose their minds for a while.

Qin Mo is not afraid of the imperial power, he just pretends to be used to it and angers him. He has many ways to subvert the world.

It's just that he saw the cruelty of war, and saw fresh lives falling on the knife like pigs and dogs.

As a latecomer, he can kill enemies, but he really can't bear to treat innocent people.

He saw the drought in the northwest, and the victims were begging like pigs and dogs at the foot of the city wall.

Just like Li Shilong asked him, how to suppress aristocratic families and how to leave poor families alone.

If one system wants to overthrow another system, blood must be shed.

Many, many people are going to die.

He is a history student and can look at history from 5000 years later. The death toll in the book is just a number.

But the reality is not.

"I'm here to accompany you." Li Yuan sat down next to Qin Mo.

Li Yuan sat down, but others dared to stand and sat there one by one.

Including Queen Gongsun.

At this time, the Tai Chi Palace was as bright as day.

Li Shilong's face was as dark as water.

Everyone below was crestfallen.

"The Queen is sitting outside, the Emperor is sitting outside, and even Xiaojiu is sitting outside."

Li Shilong said angrily: "Qin Mo is honest and honest, not stupid. Why doesn't he bomb others or bully others, but he bullies you?
He was looking for death. He bullied people again and again. Who cut Yang Liugen into a human pig and threw him at the door of the Qin Mansion.

If you don't say anything, they will all be thrown into the prison for severe interrogation! "


"The servant is here!"

"Put him in prison and interrogate me. If he can't be found out, he will be interrogated until he is found out!"

"Father, please don't do it. As the saying goes, if you catch the thief, you will catch the stolen goods. Although my son and I are very much in the same situation, we must not upset everyone's hearts!" Li Xin knelt on the ground, "Please calm down my father!"

Li Zhi also knelt on the ground, "The prince is right, please think again!"

The two of them were kneeling, as if competing.

Only Li Yue said angrily: "Think twice, why didn't you say three or four when you took Qin Mo away? Why didn't you say three or four when you cut the six Yang roots into human pigs?"

Now I know I'm scared. If Qin Mo didn't have grenades or cannons, he would have died long ago.

If it is wrong for weak people to take out weapons to defend their own safety, then what is the use of national laws?

The law of the country is used to favor the weak and prevent them from being bullied. It is a sword in the hands of the weak.

Only through strict investigation can we give justice to Qin Mo, justice to Yang Liugen, and justice to the Duke of Qin! "

Li Yue knelt on the ground, cupped his hands and said, "Father, Qin Mo has done so many things for Da Qian and made so many contributions. This is the capital, at the feet of the emperor, and under the eyes of our father.

None of them can protect Qin Mo's safety. I dare to ask, is there any safe place in this world? "

These sharp words made Li Shilong furious.

"Wuji, are you deaf? You didn't hear what I said. I will throw these people into prison and give them a new trial!"

Wuji waved his hand, and hundreds of shadow guards rushed out and pulled these people down.

Some people cry out for injustice, while others are calm and collected.

There are a dozen ministers here, and the lowest official position is the fourth-rank minister.Are they all killed?
"Father, Son"

"You two, get down, Lao Ba, you stay!" Li Shilong snorted coldly, and Li Xin and Li Zhi had no choice but to leave.

After the two left, Li Shilong rubbed his head and said, "Let's go out of the palace with me!"

"Yes, Father!"

Now, the locking time has passed, but all nine doors in the palace are open.

This has set a new precedent.

After leaving the palace, I saw people sitting on the ground.

"You, hey, father, queen, why are you all sitting on the ground?" Seeing this scene, Li Shilong had a headache.

"Are you willing to give up? Aren't you watching the show next to you?" Li Yuan said sarcastically: "Your child is being bullied to the point where he doesn't even speak? I think your father-in-law is done with it!"

"Father, I have sent those people to prison, tortured them and interrogated them. I will definitely give Jingyun an explanation."

With that said, he was about to help Queen Gongsun up.

"Jingyun, help the Supreme Emperor up quickly!" Li Shilong said as he pulled Xiaojiu up, "Yu Shu, get up too!"

Seeing that Qin Mo still didn't get up, Li Yuan said: "They are all in prison, get up!"

"So what if they go to prison? Will they be killed? They are important officials of the imperial court. They will receive at most two sticks, a few years of salary fine, and a two-level demotion. What next?"

Li Shilong said: "Is this what you think of me? I said that if I find out who did it, I will chop off their heads directly. Not only that, I will also confiscate their homes and exterminate their families!"

Under my eyes, committing crimes and stealing the prince's consort and county magistrate is equivalent to conspiracy!
How can I deal with such a big thing? "

Qin Mo snorted: "Have you made enough mud?"

Li Shilong's eyes widened, "You brat, you have no conscience. Everyone can criticize me, but you are not qualified!"

How many people has he secretly killed? Does Qin Mo know?

"Humph!" Qin Mo turned his head to one side.

Li Shilong was angry and helpless, "Then tell me, what should I do to satisfy you?"

"I want to be the chief judge, and Prince Cheng will be the deputy judge!"

"Are you the chief judge? Can you judge cases?" Li Shilong shook his head repeatedly, "No, let's change the request!"

Qin Mo stood up, "Since His Majesty does not agree, then Wei Chen can only find a way to find the real murderer on his own. If there is no explanation, Wei Chen will not give up.

If your majesty feels that the minister is a nuisance, you can reduce the title of the minister and remove the prince's consort. My father has also said that it doesn't matter if the prince is not the right one. The two of us, father and son, will go far away and never come back again. Yes.

Oh, I can't even go far away. Those people will want me to die, so I can only go far away and stay anonymous! "

This brat actually changed his name to "Your Majesty".

Li Shilong is angry.

However, Qin Mo's words also forced him to be cautious.

Qin Xiangru seriously said that he would no longer be the duke of the country?
"Why are you so ink? The child has been wronged. I will try the case by myself. Do you agree or not? Give me the right words. If it doesn't work, I will be Qin Mo's deputy judge." Li Yuan got up angrily and pulled Qin Mo away. got up.

Empress Gongsun also said: "Your Majesty, you are not weak. Qin Mo is the presiding judge, Chengjun Wang is the deputy judge, and the father is supervising. This is the most fair!"

Li Cungong wiped the sweat from his forehead. This deputy judge was not easy to be.

Those who were tried were all court officials, and they were all high-ranking officials, which offended people in particular.

But in this situation, he couldn't get in the way.

Cheng Sanxu grinned and snickered, and Li Cungong was so angry that he glared at him. He snorted coldly, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Duke E said he has some clues about this case, and he wants to recommend himself to be the deputy judge of this case!"

(End of this chapter)

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