big dry son-in-law

Chapter 382 Six Doors

Chapter 382 Six Doors

At this time, in the prison.

Li Shilong said: "Jingyun, look, Tiangang has also apologized. It's time for you to calm down. I won't force you to learn martial arts in the future."

Qin Mo felt comfortable, "Father, if you know your mistakes and can correct them, you will be a good emperor, and I will still be your good son-in-law!"

Li Shilong sighed, this brat has learned how to fetch Joe.

But there is no other way. We must coax this boy born in the year of donkey to come over. "In order to protect your safety, I have also discussed with Tiangang and let Fang Xuan protect you personally!"

What the hell!

Qin Momeng was confused, "Father, I don't want that female devil, I just have Xiao Gao, Xiao Gao is also very powerful!"

"Why are you being polite to your father? It's settled. That Fang Chun is a master of Tiangang True Tradition and is quite powerful. Although Xiao Gao is powerful, there is only one person and your safety cannot be guaranteed.

With one more person, your safety will be more guaranteed! "

"What you're doing looks like a big deal." Li Yuan nodded, "But you have to warn that girl, if she bullies my grandson-in-law, let alone Yuan Tiangang's apprentice, she is Yuan Tiangang's daughter. I can’t even spare her!”

"Don't worry, father, we have already agreed!" Li Shilong said.

"That's about the same, Jingyun, Yuan Tiangang is still very capable, and his apprentice is not far behind. Since your father has agreed, there will be no problem." Li Yuan patted Qin Mo. shoulders.

Qin Mo looked at the ceiling speechlessly. These two father and son, both of whom had a virtue, liked to crowd people around him.

"Okay, this matter is settled, Jingyun, I ask you, is there any way to do something about the severe drought in the northwest? Your father-in-law passed away, why don't you help?" Li Shilong said, why did he name him? The reason why I asked Chai Shao to go was because Qin Mogui had many ideas.

"Okay, Father, you are really a 'Togo' emperor. All your thoughts every day are all on me!" Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, "There are ten buckets of minds in the world, and you alone have nine buckets, and the rest will be yours." One bucket, all taken up by my brothers-in-law!"

"What did this kid say? It's like I'm plotting against you every day!" Li Shilong was furious. "Then if there's a problem, I can't even ask you?"

Qin Mo said speechlessly: "Well, Father, I'm not a god, and I've never been to the northwest, how do I know what to do?
And I can't think of it even if I try hard. I have to ask Li Yue to come over and discuss it with me. You and I are not thinking on the same line. We can't pee in the same pot! "

"Okay, then you can discuss it with Lao Ba later." Then I ask you, what is the iron donkey you pulled outside the palace last night?I heard Lao Ba say that it seems to be a cannon, right?Why is there such a big gap with Shi Pao? "

"Artillery!" Qin Mo said: "You can think of it as a super upgraded version of the stone cannon. It is much more powerful than the stone cannon!"

The so-called stone cannons in Da Gan are trebuchets, but they are called more pleasantly, but the throwing distance is only about [-] to [-] feet at most. Qin Mo knows these data very well.

"I heard that it can blast dozens of feet?"

"The furthest is a hundred feet. If the barrel is lengthened, it's not impossible to go up to a thousand feet!" Qin Mo said. .

Thousands of feet?
Darling, if this is a duel between two armies, why don't you just blast the opponent's camp with one shot?
"Seriously?" Li Shilong's breathing became rapid.

"Really, but I can't do it now. There's only so much I can do."

"It's even more than a hundred feet long." Li Shilong now believes Yuan Tiangang's words more and more, Qin Mo must be the one to break the situation.

"I heard from Lao Ba that a hundred cannons destroyed Wuji's mansion, right?" "Well, that's about right!"

"Hiss, that's a good blast, no, this is really powerful!" Realizing that Gongsun Wuji was still in the sky prison not far away, Li Shilong lowered his voice, "Then let me ask you, is this thing expensive to build?"

"It's not bad, about 120 per pair. It's fine for defending cities and fighting mountain battles, but not on the grassland. The Huns are too mobile, unless the opponent dismounts and fights us!"

"Didn't you say that you can upgrade and hit a thousand feet away?"

"It's very expensive. If you don't have tens of millions of taels, you can't get it at all." Qin Mo said: "Father, with the current financial resources of Da Gan, we can't do this at all. We should just develop the cavalry honestly!
Although I have not joined the army, my father has said that although Daqian's horses are not as tall as Huns' horses, they have good endurance and are suitable for long-distance raids. Let's talk about it later when the treasury has money! "

Li Shilong also felt helpless. Do you want tens of millions of taels?

Doesn't that mean investing all the royal court's taxes in the past two years?
"Jingyun, I interrupted, can't you study it slowly?" Li Yuan said: "Although it seems that the world is at peace in Daqian, Liu Chenghu has also conquered Jiaozhi and established the Annan Protectorate, but there are still Huns and other five barbarians in the north. There is still Tibet in the west, and the war will not end within 50 years.

You said this thing can defend the city. If it can be placed on the city wall, wouldn't it be able to severely frighten foreigners? "

Qin Mo thought for a while and found that although Daqian was similar to Datang, there was no Weishui Alliance.

In Li Shilong's fifth year in power, Jiaozhi stood up and jumped into action. He had never paid attention to it before. After all, it was a small country.

I randomly sent a young general there, but the place was full of miasma, and the young general couldn't get used to it.

Later, Liu Chenghu passed by, and in just half a year, Jiaozhi was turned into the Annan Protectorate!

"Old man, this thing is difficult to handle. There is a risk of exploding the barrel." Qin Mo said deliberately: "It's just like a grenade exploding. The probability of this thing is greater. Let's wait until the people in Qinzhuang study it!"

Hearing this, Li Shilong was a little disappointed, "Jingyun, if you can develop a qualified artillery, I will make you the Duke of the country!"

"I'm not interested. It's too dangerous. I'll be assassinated every day. It's better to find a place with beautiful scenery and stay anonymous. At least I can live to old age.

Here, you might be assassinated one day! "

Li Shilong was extremely embarrassed. Indeed, it was really embarrassing that these things happened under his nose.

Or at the feet of the Emperor, wouldn't it be even more chaotic in places other than the capital and Jingzhao Mansion?

Those people will kill whoever they want to kill?
"Jing Yun is right. If this continues, the palace will not be safe." Li Yuan said.

"Father, I will increase the number of patrolling soldiers now."

"Useless father, it's best to crack down hard on a regular basis. Those ruffians and rangers are the key targets. It's best to set up a department to manage this area. Hit them when they show up. Kill them when they are arrogant. Kill a group and recruit them. A group of them can even become intelligence agents if necessary!"

Li Yuan and Li Shilong's eyes lit up and they said in unison: "This is a good idea. What will the new department be called?"

Qin Mo smiled and said: "Six doors!"

(End of this chapter)

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