Chapter 392
Li Yue was overjoyed in his heart, but said calmly on his face: "My son, I am just doing something within my ability to reduce the burden for my father and the people of the world!"

"Not arrogant or impatient, very good!" Li Shilong praised.

Li Zhi became anxious and said quickly: "Father, my eighth brother is right. If I become a vassal in the future, I will allocate all the acres of land to the people under my rule, as long as there is a roof to protect me from the rain!"

Li Shilong smiled and nodded, "Okay, you have this kind of awareness, which is very good!"

Li Zhi quickly said: "This is what I should do!"

"Xuanling, Jingming, what do you think?" Li Shilong asked.

"Your Majesty, this is a good thing. I would like to congratulate your Majesty and congratulate the world. There are two virtuous kings. They will be good stories in the future and can be role models for the crown prince!" Dou Xuanling said.

Li Yue looked at Li Zhi, he was shameless and imitated him every day. In Qin Mo's words, he was like 'touching porcelain'!
Made him sick.

"Tch, you don't even have a vassal title. Isn't this a bad check?" Qin Mo said, "Fourth brother-in-law, if you ask me, you have made so much money by opening Tianxiangyuan, why not donate some to charity?" Foundation, do more good things.”

"Qin Hanzi, how did I offend you? You want to frame me like this!" Li Zhi's mentality exploded. This matter will never go away, right?
"Who framed you? You are the richest here. Last time I heard someone said that the ransom fee for your courtesan was 50 taels of silver. Doesn't that mean you are as rich as the country?"

"Father, please don't listen to the idiot's nonsense. I really don't have any!" Li Zhi hurriedly knelt on the ground. Li Shilong was very happy at first, but now he was not so happy. "Okay, Jingyun, now I will investigate the matter carefully, if you don’t have evidence, don’t say anything.”

"Oh!" Qin Mo said with an aggrieved look on his face: "Father, haven't you been calling me poor all the time? I'm thinking that my fourth brother-in-law is rich, so I can help you get more money!"

Li Zhi was so angry, this idiot was so damn vindictive.

Li Shilong was also helpless, and soon he arrived at the station.

Before anyone could react, the carriage stopped.

"Father, we've arrived at the station, get off the bus!"

Qin Mo opened the car door, pulled down the stairs, and everyone got off in order!
I saw a prosperous street.

There is a stone monument at the entrance of the street, "Sunshine Pedestrian Street!"

"Jingyun, what's going on with this pedestrian street?"

"Oh, it's a fixed market and commercial district. This is also the most prosperous place in Qinzhuang. People from all over the country like to come here to attend the market. The goods are high quality and low price. Businessmen from the capital also like to come here!" Qin Mo pointed out Looking at the bustling streets, there are people walking shoulder to shoulder.

"Go, go in and have a look!"

"Your Majesty, there are too many people and it's not safe!" Gao Shilian reminded.

Li Shilong waved his hand and pulled Qin Mo over.

Li Xindu could only follow Qin Mo, while Li Yue squeezed to the right of Li Shilong, slightly shorter than him, "Father, I will protect you!"

Li Shilong smiled and nodded, "This place is really prosperous. I remember, this was originally a wasteland, right?"

"Yes, Father, we have summoned tens of thousands of people to build it before!"

Walking on the pedestrian street, Qin Mo regained some of his past feelings. Just collecting rent here would cost him several thousand taels a month.

There is no way, this street belongs to his family, and outsiders can also rent it.

After just walking around, Li Shilong had a general understanding of the layout of Qinzhuang, "The east district is the market, the southwest two districts are the residential areas, and the north district is the workshop area. The roads are wide and flat, and the houses are brand new. This place can be called Daqiandi." One Village!”

Qin Mo opened a hot pot restaurant here called Ji Jihong. It took the low-end route and was self-service.

One hundred Daqian Tongbao per capita, all you can eat!

Business is booming!

Of course, the food is not as good as Haidilao.

Qin Mo hosted a banquet for them here today. After eating, Li Zhi said with disdain: "It's far worse than Haidilao." "Please, the average per capita here is [-] Daqian Tongbao, okay? Haidilao is [-] taels per capita, can you?" Comparing?" Qin Mo rolled his eyes.

"Okay, Fourth Brother, I think this Ji Jihong tastes pretty good, is affordable, and can be afforded by the common people, and there are meat options to choose from. Compared with Haidilao, the self-service hot pot also has its own taste!"

Li Shilong wiped his mouth and said, "Jingyun, Ji Jihong is so cheap this time, can you make money?"

"It's just not as profitable as Haidilao!" Qin Mo said: "Father, don't you also want to participate in the stock? This small business was started by me and the Qinzhuang people, so don't participate in the stock.

In the future, I will also open Ji Jihong all over Daqian. It is not authorized by the people of Qinzhuang. "

"You bastard, can I still partner with you?"

Qin Mo murmured in a low voice: "Are there still too few partners?"

Li Shilong glared at Qin Mo, walked out of Ji Jihong Hotpot, and then left with a group of people.

Qin Mo curled his lips and said, "I'm full of food and drink, but I don't even say thank you!"

On the way back, Li Shilong asked everyone to remain silent and not to reveal that Qin Mo was the 'agricultural, industrial, and businessman' you mentioned in the carriage.

Very offended.

After returning to the palace, he quickly asked Li Yue to write down the drought and how to deal with it.

Li Yue did not dare to delay and began to take people from village to village to dig wells.

Li Zhi and the prince were not left behind and asked for orders one after another.

Even the sixteenth prince, Li Xuan, stepped forward.

Li Shilong didn't see clearly because of his young age. On the contrary, he felt quite happy.

At a young age, he knew how to share his father's worries. When he grows up, he will be a wise king!

Without the intrusion of Gongsun Wuji, Liang Zheng and others, Li Shilong could do things more freely.

Several problems were solved and he was in a good mood.

In the afternoon, I quietly left the palace through Baihumen.

Fuliu lives inside.

Xiao Yurou looked at the several paintings in front of her infatuatedly. Among them, the painting with her rouge was particularly beautiful.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to paint the spirit with skin and bones. This painting by Qin Mo shows her expression vividly.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Xi'er's voice came, "Miss, that one is here!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yurou hurriedly hid all the paintings in the tunnel.

The clone also hid well, calmed down his mood, showed a faint smile on his face, and quickly came to the courtyard. Looking at the stalwart figure, he spoke softly, "Brother, you are here!"

Li Shilong turned his back and looked at Xiao Yurou. Even though he had been looking at her for several years, his heart moved every time he looked at her.

"Sister, I haven't been here for quite some time!" Li Shilong looked at the beauties coming, like the most beautiful paintings in the world.

"It's been a long time. I've been very bored these days!" Xiao Yurou pouted slightly, looking unhappy. At this time, she was not Xiao Miaozhen or Princess Zhou, but an indifferent person. A slightly ignorant woman.

She knew that Li Shilong was good at this!

(End of this chapter)

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