big dry son-in-law

Chapter 394 Qin Mo’s bastard

Chapter 394 Qin Mo’s bastard
Seeing Li Xin's ugly face, Xiao Yurou couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"

"Aunt, you're right!" Li Xin didn't have time to say more, "I'm leaving first!"

Seeing Li Xin leaving in a hurry, Xiao Yurou was speechless and held her forehead, this idiot, Qin Mo is not a fool.

I never really trusted her.

Either he is in temptation, or he is on the road of temptation.

It's good for him, he just catches anyone and takes them back.

Shang Wu came out of the darkness, "Why didn't you let me do it for him? There were so many opportunities, but he decided to do it while hunting in the suburbs of Beijing. In the end, he stole the chicken but lost the rice!"

Xiao Yurou said with a cold face: "That was decided by you, not me. It was you who wanted to raise a banner and call on the world, but in the end you fell short.

Now you are throwing the responsibility to me, where is your face? "

Shang Wu knew he was in the wrong and changed the subject: "Then let me kill him now!"

"You want me to die?"

Xiao Yurou said angrily: "Let me tell you, I will probably enter the palace and will be by Li Thief's side forever.

I have a way to regain control of the country, but I need your cooperation!"

Shang Wu's face changed drastically, "That dog emperor wants to welcome you into the palace."

But soon, his expression returned to normal, "Oh, he said that a few years ago, aren't you still here fine now?"

"This time is different. Remember, from now on, don't come here again. The tunnel is sealed for me. When I leave, Thief Li will definitely investigate this place thoroughly and don't leave any clues!"

"What about the fake body?"

"After you disguise yourself, follow me!"

People in the world cannot help themselves. At first, Xiao Yurou just wanted to give in, but now, she has to compare herself and move on.

When there is no way out, she must be cruel and force herself!
"Okay, I hope you don't forget your goal after entering the palace. We will do everything we can to help you!" Shang Wu sneered: "You just need to remember that there are far more loyal ministers in Dazhou than you think!"

After saying that, he turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, Li Xin looked at Dou Jianming who was hit by several arrows. Dou Jianming was grinning. Although he was miserable, he was lucky and did not hit the vital point!
"How could this happen?" Li Xin asked.

"Your Highness, the Qin family is so cunning. Not long after we caught them, many people came to our door. The lives and deaths of others are uncertain. If I hadn't been lucky, I definitely wouldn't have come back this time."

Gongsun Chong's face was particularly ugly, "This time I still underestimated the enemy. Fortunately, Jianming is fine, otherwise, the secret will really be exposed."

Li Xin was so angry that veins popped up on his forehead, but there was nothing he could do. If he blamed Dou Jianming now, it would chill his heart.

He suppressed his anger and said: "It's fine, but what about that person? Has he been beheaded?"

Dou Jianming lowered his head and said with some embarrassment: "That man is quite powerful. I originally wanted to kill him, but his skills were so flexible that he almost took off the mask on my face."

In other words, this time, I lost my wife and lost my soldiers, and there was still the risk of being exposed.

"Your Highness, we'd better be patient during this period!" Gongsun Chong thought for a moment and said, "Wei Chen has a plan here!"

"What's the plan?" Li Xin asked quickly.

Gongsun Chong whispered in Li Xin's ear.

Li Xin frowned at first, and then couldn't help but nodded, "A great idea, but I'm just going to wrong you!"

Gongsun Chong said with a smile: "As long as I can help His Highness the Crown Prince, so what if I give up my life?"

Li Xin was very moved, "Okay, I will keep your contribution in mind!"

After Gongsun Chong suffered several losses, he learned that people must grow up.On the other side, Qin Mo was busy in the kitchen.

There are a lot of crisp and tender tea leaves in the pot. Qin Mo stir-fries them constantly, and the slightest scent of tea is released, which makes people feel relaxed and happy just by smelling it.

"It's a pity that we didn't catch a big fish!" Qin Mo looked at Xu Que, "Don't be nervous. You didn't make any mistakes. What are you afraid of?"

Xu Que wiped the sweat from his forehead. Could he not be afraid?

This person who can be bombarded at a glance, with his thin arms and thin legs, cannot resist his pretentiousness.

"Captain, I made a mistake, please punish me!" Xu Que knelt on one knee and said.

"Are you short-sighted? Did I hit you or scold you?" Qin Mo was holding tea fruit in his hand, "Get up quickly and add firewood to the stove. Xiao Gao, wipe the sweat for me!"

Gao Yao quickly took a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from Qin Mo's forehead, and then stepped aside.

"Yes, Governor!"

Xu Que joined the Six Sects in the past two days and became a long history under Qin Mo, starting from the fifth rank.

His eldest brother and second brother just wanted to integrate into Qin Mo's small team, but Qin Mo's small team only treated the two of them as their lackeys.

Xu Que was different. Xu Que just wanted to be Qin Mo's lackey.

This is good, no, the two of them are still guarding the city wall, and they have become the long history of the fifth rank.

He reached the sky in one step.

Qin Mo carefully rubbed the water out of the tea leaves.

This is not the first time he has made tea. The amount of tea he wasted before was eight pounds if not ten pounds.

So no matter what, he will succeed this time.

He had had enough of Da Gan making tea.

Put ginger and salt in the water, just like soup.

No wonder it’s called tea soup.

"Don't make the fire too big!"

"Yes, Governor!"

Gao Yao wiggled his nose, "Master, it smells so good!"

"Of course, this is my young master's original roasted tea. It tastes much better than boiled tea!" He felt quite satisfied as he watched the tea leaves gradually forming in his hands.

Xu Que also stretched his neck, wondering what the difference between the tea leaves in Qin Mo's hands was and their usual tea leaves.

"Little sparrow!"

"Commander, what are your orders?" Xu Que stood up quickly. He refused Qin Mo's nickname at first, but after thinking about it later, the person who could make the governor call him a nickname would at worst be at the level of Gongsun Chong. of people, the more advanced ones are Liang Zheng and others.

He now also has the nickname of Qin Moqi. Thinking about it, he actually felt a little proud.

"This matter, you continue to follow up and find ways to set up more traps. If a dog is beaten with a stick, he will definitely hold a grudge, but if you throw a bone, he will still come back with a bang." Qin Mo smiled and said: "Also, in the name of the Six Sects, you send a message to the rangers, the three religions and the nine streams, telling them that from today on, if they want to do business well, they must follow the rules of the Six Sects.

Starting from tomorrow, I don’t want any rangers to wander the streets with knives in the capital. At the same time, I will investigate and deal with the rangers with problems, kill some, arrest some, and gather some.

Starting from the capital, and then gradually spreading to Jingzhao Mansion, I want every road, every state, and every place with people in the world to have the shadow of the six doors! "

(End of this chapter)

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