big dry son-in-law

Chapter 398 Just cheat

Chapter 398 Just cheat

"No, Uncle Li, I have just taken office. As the saying goes, a new official has three things to do when he takes office. I haven't started this fire yet, so you ask me to put it out. Isn't that bad?"

Qin Mo made a bitter face, "Hey, it's true, Father, I already said, I don't want to do this, you have to force me to do it.

In short, I begged my two uncles to cooperate and let my subordinates cooperate with my work.

Moreover, this is also an opportunity for you. "

Cheng Sanxu asked hurriedly: "What opportunity?"

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the old man's teahouse. Let's talk while drinking tea." Qin Mo hooked their shoulders.

Soon, we arrived at the teahouse, where there was Qin Mo's exclusive box.

No, there are people sitting down there, packed with people, most of whom are nobles from the capital.

In the morning, at the end of the day, they would come to the teahouse to have breakfast, drink morning tea, and listen to Mr. Listening and Reading.

Then we walked through the alley and came to the mahjong parlor.

The mahjong parlor is also divided into several areas. The outermost ones are merchants, and the ones further inside are more respectable petty officials.

Further inside, there is the Lord, and there is also a women's section. .


In mahjong parlors and bookstores, just the tea fee, breakfast fee, and mahjong playing venue fees cost thousands of taels a day.

Daily consumption per capita, three taels.

Those who can come here are all rich people.

No, what is being told below is a story, Journey to the East of Da Qian. This is a story created by the old man based on Journey to the West.

"What nonsense Journey to the East? How can it be the same as Journey to the West? Jingyun, you are really good at copying it yourself!" Cheng Sanfu is also a fan of Journey to the West. There is no other way. Qin Mo arranged a Taoist guardian position for him here. He liked it very much.

"I didn't write this, it was the old man! The stories are different, but the themes are similar!" Qin Mo helplessly spread his hands.

"Oh, it turns out it was written by the Supreme Emperor. He is really talented and has gorgeous words. He is much better than you!" Cheng Sanxu gave a thumbs up and smiled like a chrysanthemum.

"Uncle Cheng, you are so green!" Qin Mo also gave a thumbs up.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, I just want to praise your freshness!" Qin Mo explained with a smile!
Li Cungong looked at the green tea in front of him and took a sip, "This fried tea tastes really different. Although the taste is bland, it has an endless aftertaste. Jingyun, get me a ten-pound or eight-pound cup and I'll take it back to try it!" "

Qin Mo's eyes widened, "Ten or eight pounds, my hands are burning to the point of being bald, you know, I can give you twenty taels at most. I only made five pounds this time, and I have to prepare the rest!"
Moreover, this tea is exclusively for tea houses, and I will also train tea masters! "

Hearing these two words, Cheng Sanfu and his wife narrowed their eyes, "Nephew Qin Xian, can we participate in this business?"

"If you want to start a tea-fried business with me, fine, find a way to help me deal with the rangers in the capital, and make those people in the capital come over and apply for licenses!"

Hearing this, the two of them shivered instantly, "Nephew Qin, this matter is too difficult. Doesn't it offend everyone to death?"

Cheng Sanxu said: "Hey, this matter is not easy to handle. You should take it easy. Your father really doesn't care about you for such a big matter.

Do you know how crazy those people are? Let me tell you, the last few times you were assassinated were all trivial. Those rangers who went crazy attacked indiscriminately. "

"What Lao Cheng said is right. It's not that our two elders won't help you, nor that we are timid. There are some things that you really can't do." Li Cungong sighed. "This tea is a good thing. Once fried tea spreads, it won't be long before it becomes popular.

I, Qin Mo, dare not say anything else. When it comes to eating, drinking and having fun, I am the weather vane.

For example, Uncle Cheng, don’t you really like tearing off clothes now?Dare you say you don't like it? "

Cheng Sanfu blushed and glared at Qin Mo, "You kid, who told you that I like to tear off clothes? Nonsense, I have natural supernatural power. Your clothes are as thin as cicada wings, and a three-year-old child can tear them apart!"

"Just tell me whether you like that feeling?" Qin Mo asked.

Cheng Sanxu scratched his head and smiled sheepishly: "It's not bad, it feels quite good! Lao Li, you are so ridiculous. Didn't you say last time that you particularly like that hazy feeling? The two of us The eldest brother doesn’t laugh at the second brother!”

Li Cungong quickly drank tea to cover up his embarrassment.

Qin Mo smiled and said, "Do you know how profitable this business is? Let's put it this way, from now on, my 'My Fair Lady' will be the weather vane. Women all over the country will like it in the future. Looking at the whole country, this is a multi-million business." , If other outfits want to do business, they must imitate us!

We Dagan people prefer to make tea, but making tea is troublesome. This fried tea is not only easy to store, but also very good at relieving tiredness.

It can be circulated across the country as bulk goods, and we can also plant tea trees in the south of the Yangtze River. By then, this will not be a million-dollar business, but tens of millions. "

Hearing this, Cheng Sanfu and Li Cungong both secretly swallowed their saliva, "Yes, is it such an exaggeration?"

"Everyone laughed at me when I bought Xishan Coal Mountain. Who can still laugh now?" Qin Mo's honeycomb briquette family is the only one in the family. If nothing else, just the unit price is enough to buy firewood and charcoal.

The coverage rate of permanent stoves in Beijing is now nearly 70%, and the daily shipment volume of briquettes exceeds 80.

Cheng Sanxu and the two looked at each other. Indeed, Qin Mo was recognized as the God of Wealth.

There is even a saying that Qin Mo descended to earth to endure calamities, and would not return to his throne until his merits were fulfilled.

Of course, this is just a folk saying.

As long as it spreads from Qin Mo, it will definitely cause others to imitate it.

Just like Haidilao, their caravans travel all over the country. Even on the farthest Lingnan Road, it is said that someone has opened Haidilao.

"Then I want [-]% of the shares!" Cheng Sanaxe said.

"No, it's [-]% at most. This business is too big. Uncle Cheng, you can't control it!" Qin Mo said.

"You set a price, how much money, if not, can I add some money?" From last year to now, Cheng Sanfu has made a lot of money with Qin Mo, whether it is the sugar business or the fireplace business, he has made a lot of money.

The initial investment has long been earned back.

"20 silver per share!" Qin Mo said: "In addition, Uncle Cheng and Uncle Li, if you want to do this business, you need to go to Jiangnan and buy as many tea mountains as possible."

Damn it, this is more expensive than the sugar business.

But reluctant to let the child catch the wolf, Cheng Sanaxu gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I admit it!"

Li Cungong also nodded, "I can't afford so much money at once, but leave the tea mountain affairs to me. I'll use the tea mountain as a share, okay?"

The corners of Qin Mo's mouth raised slightly, "It couldn't be better!"

(End of this chapter)

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