Chapter 400
"What's this name? How could anyone name it like that!"

"Old man, I am from Guanzhong. If I had written it a little better, do you think they would have guessed it was me?" Qin Mo helplessly spread his hands, "Of course I chose this name just to confuse people with others."

"Then why does it have to be sunny? I feel more like it on a rainy night. I feel like a wandering knight, traveling through the rainy night. What an artistic conception!"

"It has to be you, old man, you have artistic conception, but I still like sunny days!" Qin Mo said.

"Okay, as long as you like it, what are you going to prepare? Daqian's Journey to the South or Journey to the North?"

"Keep it secret first, you will know later."

Li Yuan was completely curious, "Tell me!"

Unable to withstand Li Yuan's plea, Qin Mo sighed: "The four great gods are arresting you!"


"I can't help it. My father forced me to take over the Six Doors. I wrote this book to become a naturalized ranger."

"This name sounds very grand when I hear it. Have you wanted to write it for a long time?" Li Yuan asked.

"I just thought about it!" Qin Mo rubbed his head and pretended to be uncomfortable, "I can't stand it anymore, old man, I've been too tired from work recently and I have a headache!"

"Then don't think about it. Hey, the gift I prepared for you will take a few days to be ready!"

Zhao Manyun is still learning the rules. She will wait until the aura of worldliness is completely gone from her body.

At the same time, Duke Wen’s Mansion!
Liang held the tray with both hands, knelt at the door and cried: "Father, I beg you, please have some food!"

This is the Liang family's new house, not the real Duke Wen's mansion.

The day after Liang Zheng came out of Dali Temple, he didn't drink a drop of water or eat a grain of rice.

Now, it has been three full days.

The female family members of the Liang Mansion tried to persuade her one after another, but Liang Zheng refused to open the door.

It was not because Liang Zheng entered the Dali Temple. In fact, in the early years, civil servants and military generals also fought every day, and it was common for them to enter the Dali Temple.

There is no need to go on a hunger strike for this reason.

What really made Liang Zheng go on a hunger strike was because of a few books!
"Wu Meng Yuan", "Stone Nodding", "Embroidered Couch Unofficial History". The most excessive one among them is "Liang Zheng Biography"!
Shi Nodou tells the story of a domineering and corrupt official in a fish and meat village. The protagonist's name is Liang Zheng, and he just pointed at Liang Zheng's nose.

The other books are simply unsightly, especially the biography of Liang Zheng, which is the most popular.

The heroine's surname is Hei, and Liang Yong felt angry when he saw it!
What's more, his father?
Liang Yong knew very well who his father was. He cherished feathers and dared to die to remonstrate for the sake of the people.

But now, the reputation is completely ruined.

"Father, I beg you, my child, please have a sip of food and a sip of water. My child has already reported to His Majesty, and Your Majesty has sent someone to investigate this matter!"

Liang Yong was particularly afraid. If Liang Zheng collapsed, the Liang family would be completely ruined.

Because of this matter, although they are still stranded in the capital, he would rather leave the capital now. As long as his father's reputation is still there, it is only a matter of time before he returns to the capital.

Everyone in the Liang Mansion kept pleading, and just when Liang Yong was about to find someone to open the door, Liang Zheng, with a pale face and chapped lips, opened the door from the inside.

Liang Yong was overjoyed, "Dad!"

Liang Zhengyong said in a hoarse voice: "Prepare hot water, I want to take a shower and change clothes, bring in the food!"

Liang Yong quickly got up from the ground, brought the food in, and knelt in front of the desk again, "Dad, I'll wait for you to eat!" Liang Zheng took a sip of water, moistened his throat, and showed a look of relief on his face, "I How old is your son this year?"

Liang Yong was stunned for a moment, a little confused as to why his father asked such a question, but he still said respectfully: "Father, the child is twenty-three!"

"Well, you have a main wife, three concubines, four sons and four daughters. You can be considered a winner in life. When dad leaves this time, you should stay in the capital and don't think about avenging dad. Do you understand?" Liang Zheng confessed. road.

"Dad, this idiot Qin has a vicious mind and uses such a scheme to ruin your reputation. I can't bear to swallow this!" Liang Yong said suppressing his anger.

"You can't fight him!" Liang Zheng sighed, "Remember, when dad leaves this time, you must follow the prince well, not seeking merit, but seeking no faults.

Your Majesty will definitely take care of you because of my past kindness. The prince is also a wise man. As long as you handle things peacefully, he will definitely not treat you badly. "

Liang Yong said seriously: "My child, please remember your father's teachings!"

But he was thinking in his heart, if he could not avenge his father as a son, would he still be considered a human being?
"Dad is gone, you must treat the people of the Liang Mansion well, the children at home, and teach them the principles of life.

If you want to be a good person, you must be worse than the bad people. Only with an exquisite heart can you live happily as a good person! "

"Dad, I have thought about it. When you go back to your hometown this time, take the child away with you. It would be best for you to educate him. My son has only a shallow knowledge and is not capable of learning!" Liang Yong said.

Liang Zheng smiled and shook his head, "Remember, if you want a harmonious family, everything will be prosperous. When you go under the prince's command, you must behave in a low-key manner and do things in a high-key manner!"

Liang Zheng was an unsmiling person and rarely spoke to his descendants.

But after saying so much today, Liang Yong was a little surprised and even a little uneasy.

But then I thought about it, maybe my father was leaving Beijing, and he was afraid that he would make a mistake by staying alone in the capital, so he urged me.

"Dad, don't worry, even if you go back to your hometown, if you encounter something difficult to decide, your child will write to you for advice." Liang Yong said.

Liang Zheng nodded, "You have to take good care of the second, third, and fourth children. Although they are concubines, they are blood relatives after all.

Even though your two younger sisters are married, don’t let their contact with you go away!
Okay, I've explained everything that needs to be explained. You can go out first! "

Liang Yong always felt uneasy, but he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he had to turn around and leave.

After returning to the study, the servant announced, "My father-in-law has a good appetite. He ate all the food and drank a small glass of wine. He seems to be in a good mood!"

He felt relieved after hearing this.

However, he thought that his father was leaving Beijing soon, and wanted to be more filial and filial. When he came to Liang Zheng's yard again, his servants said that Liang Zheng had already bathed and changed clothes and was in the study at this time.

He hurried to the study again and called outside, but there was no response.

Unable to avoid doubts, he bravely knocked on the door, but no one responded despite such a loud sound.

At that moment, Liang Yong was so flustered that he quickly called someone to knock the door open.

But they found Liang Zheng sitting behind the desk, his eyes closed and his face darkened.

He walked over and shook Liang Zheng, "Father."

Liang Zheng tilted his head and hit his head on the document. Black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth!

Liang Yong's eyes were about to burst, and he stretched out his hand to feel his breath. The next second, tears burst into his eyes, and he knelt on the ground, crying sadly, "Dad!"

(End of this chapter)

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