big dry son-in-law

Chapter 403 Come, Master, I’ll rub it for you!

Chapter 403 Come, Master, I’ll rub it for you!

The incident happened suddenly, no one expected that Qin Mo would be so strong.

The generals' eyes were filled with tears.

Qin Mo's head was about to come into close contact with Zhuzi.

Gao is coming.

She didn't know when she was standing in front of the pillar. Qin Mo rushed too quickly and bumped into her.

At that moment, it hit Gao Yao's chest directly.

Gao Yao's face turned pale, while Qin Mo fell heavily to the ground, but his butt hurt terribly.

Gao Yao covered his heart and couldn't breathe for a long time.

It was during this gap that Li Yue rushed over and pressed Qin Mo under him, followed by Li Yongmeng and others who pressed on top of Qin Mo like a stack of Arhats.

"Ouch, get off me quickly, little Douzi, you are so heavy, I didn't kill you, I was crushed to death by you and you!"

Li Shilong was so angry, "You, you, you, you can do it, I just scolded you a few words, you are seeking death, you are too cruel, come, come, die, don't stop him, I will watch him being killed today." Killed!"

He was scared to death.

Qin Mo's collision just now was completely without mercy. If the little eunuch hadn't stood in front of the pillar and acted as Qin Mo's flesh pad, Qin Mo would have been half disabled even if he hadn't died.

"Father, this fool is also impulsive. She can't bear to hear others wrongly accuse him and give him false charges.

Wen Guogong even sought death and survival for his personal reputation, but now Liang Yong has pinned the crime on Qin Guogong and his son. For such a serious crime, what other way can he do except to die to prove it? "Li Yue's body was trembling, he was really frightened.

Cheng Sanfu and Li Cungong held Qin Mo on the left and right, and Li Daoyuan quietly took Gao Yao's place and acted as a human-shaped pillar.

"Your Majesty, it is wrong to blame someone without conclusive evidence!" Dou Xuanling took a step forward and said.

Du Jingming also said: "The father and son of the Qin family are strong-tempered and would not do such a cruel thing. The death of Duke Wen is a great disaster for the country, and the ministers are also sorry."

Qin Mo's words were fierce, but they were also the reaction of a son. If the father dies and the son is indifferent, that would be cold-blooded, so neither of them is wrong! "

He was doing well, hitting fifty boards each.

Not to mention, the effect is pretty good.

Many people nodded along.

Li Shilong turned to look at Liang Yong, who had slowly woken up, and then looked at the Liang family members, "I have served as an official for more than forty years, and the court has relied on him like his buttocks. I have been rewarded with gold and jade clothes, and he has been granted the title of Shangzhu Kingdom. His posthumous title is 'Wen'." strong'!"

Everyone's expression changed.

The gold-threaded jade garment was a reward from the princes and kings. It was of a very high standard. The Shangzhu Kingdom was not bad, but it removed the title of "Prince Taifu", which originally belonged to Liang Zheng.

The best posthumous title for a civil servant is 'Wenzheng', followed by 'Wenzhong' and 'Wenlie'.

At this time, Qin Xiangru also woke up faintly, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, why have you gone to the underworld?"

Hearing this, Li Shilong was both angry and funny, "Qin Xiangru, are you going to piss me off to death? If you feel wronged, you hit a pillar. Where did you learn this bad habit?
If Cheng Sanaxe hadn't saved you this time, you would have gone to report to the Lord of Hell.

I finally understand. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Both of you, father and son, have the same virtue. Go back and reflect on it for me! "

"Oh, it turns out that the minister is not dead!" Qin Xiangru held his forehead.

Qin Mo pushed Li Yue away, knelt in front of Qin Xiangru and cried, "Dad, you scared me to death. I thought I would inherit the family business early!"

Qin Xiangru was very angry, but thinking about the child's responsiveness, he secretly praised him. "Hey, dad doesn't want to live anymore. Duke E, if you don't say thank you for saving your life, you will definitely repay him in the future!" Qin Xiangru said.

Cheng Sanxu quickly said righteously: "Qin Guogong, please don't do stupid things again. His Majesty has just cleared your grievances.

If you die, it will really be the biggest injustice in the country. "

"Your Majesty, you are wrong!" Qin Xiangru shook off Cheng Sanxu's hand and knelt on the ground tremblingly. Seeing you, Li Shilong felt soft-hearted and hurriedly went over to help him up, "Xiangru, I trust your conduct. Please don’t do such reckless things again!”

Qin Xiangru nodded with a look of shame on his face, "Damn it, I made Your Majesty worry!"

"Hey, go back and have a good rest!" Li Shilong personally asked Qin Xiangru to go with him and sent him home.

Qin Mo naturally followed obediently.

"Idiot, you scared me to death. Don't do such a reckless thing next time. If you don't do it to Liang Zheng, don't say it wasn't you. Even if you did it, so what!"

Li Yue said with lingering fear: "After a while, if the man named Liang is killed and framed for my brother, I will cut off his lineage!"

Qin Mo was still quite touched, and patted Li Yue on the shoulder, "Hey, I didn't make a mistake, brother!"

Li Yongmeng also said: "Idiot, it's a big deal. The brothers are here. If they want to bully you, let's see if we agree!"

"His grandma's surname is Liang, there is no good thing!" Dou Yiai said: "When I find a time, I will kill the Liang family members, and then bring all the female relatives into the workshop to see if they still dare to bite people. !”

"Okay, brothers, let's go to Haidilao. Haidilao has launched several new packages recently. Go and try them all. My dad is injured, I have to go back and have a look!"

After Qin Mo separated from the others, he quickly said to Gao Yao: "Xiao Gao, does it hurt?"

Gao Yao shook his head repeatedly, "It won't hurt, Master!"

"Nonsense, it's weird if it doesn't hurt. Your face turned pale from the pain. I'm sorry, but the young master didn't control his strength well this time, hey!"

Qin Mo stretched out his hand, "Come here, Master, let me rub it for you!"

Gao Yao was so frightened that he quickly backed away, covering his heart, "No, no need, young master, I, I'm fine!"

"Is it all right?"

"It's really okay!" Gao Yao panicked.

"Yeah, but you have to exercise more in the future. I feel soft where I hit you before!" Qin Mo said: "Let's go home. The young master will have someone make ginseng and black chicken soup for you!"

With that said, he hooked Gao Yao's shoulders, and the two returned to the Qin Mansion under the escort of the guards.

As soon as he returned home, he was called into the room by Qin Xiangru.

"Hey, sister, don't cry. I'm fine. I just got a scratch on my head!" Qin Xiangru was lying on the bed, watching Qin Xiuying wipe her tears, feeling heartbroken.

"You are old and don't think about your family. What will I do if you die?" Qin Xiuying cried.

"It's okay, my dad is thick-skinned!" Qin Mo stepped forward and said.

Qin Xiuying quickly stepped forward and took Qin Mo's hand, checking nervously, "Mo'er, look, are you injured anywhere? Why are you so reckless? Can you hit that pillar at will?

Qin, if you don’t treat your child badly next time, I won’t be with you! "

Qin Xiangru said aggrievedly: "He hit it by himself, is it my fault too?!"

(End of this chapter)

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