big dry son-in-law

Chapter 406 Anti-routine!

Chapter 406 Anti-routine!
When Ji Zhisheng returned to Beijing, civil servants flocked to him.

However, Ji Zhisheng immediately brought his "Five Classics of Justice" to the palace to pay homage to Li Shilong.

Li Xin was also very happy to see Ji Zhisheng. As the 20th and sixth generation grandson of Ji Zhisheng, Ji Zhisheng may not be the Duke of the country, but his status is more important than the Duke of the country.

Every dynasty, every generation, if they don't get the recognition of the Ji family, it will be very difficult.

The court was tired of them and had to respect them.

Only the Ji family dared to use the word "Holy Saint". Even the emperor couldn't blame this arrogant name.

Because they are originally from a family of saints, and their traditions have been passed down for thousands of years and are deeply ingrained and difficult to shake!
"I'd like to see your Majesty, I've been waiting for you for three years. How is your Majesty?" Ji Zhisheng strode forward and cupped his hands slightly.

Li Shilong also looked happy, "Duxiu, you are finally back. Gao Shilian, please give me a seat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ji Zhisheng smiled and sat down generously.

"How is your work on the Five Classics of Justice going?"

"Weichen once said before leaving Beijing that he would integrate the Five Classics such as the Book of Songs and the Book of Documents. Now, Weichen has done it!"

He handed over a thick stack of books, dozens of them in total.

Opening the Five Classics of Justice, Li Shilong couldn't wait to read it, and he was fascinated by it.

When he came to his senses again, it was already half an hour later.

"It's so wonderful that I was fascinated instantly." Li Shilong closed the page of the book, "Duxiu, your Five Classics justice is incredible, and it has set a new standard for the Five Classics!"

Ji Zhisheng was happy in his heart, but said modestly on his face: "Your Majesty is so complimentary!"

"This is definitely not false praise. With the Five Classics' righteousness, it will be much easier for people to read books in the future. This is a great thing and should be rewarded!"

Li Shilong loves books and prefers talented people.

"Duxiu, you have been studying hard for three years and have never slacked off. Today I make you the Duke of Qufu. The prince of the country will offer you wine and reward you with a purple gold bag and millions of gold."

The county prince is one level higher than the county prince and is the first grade, while the Guozi sacrificial wine is from the third grade.

It seems that it does not match the title of the Duke. You must know that the six ministers are only the third-rank official. The prince of the country offers wine, is in charge of the administration of the school, and lectures to the crown prince.

It's too expensive!

Just replaced Liang Zheng's position.

Ji Zhisheng accepted it without any false excuses.

"Duxiu, don't leave at noon. Just have dinner with me in the palace and teach me the scriptures by the way!"


Soon, it was noon, and Li Shilong introduced to Ji Zhisheng: "These dishes are the most popular stir-fry dishes at the moment. They were created by my son-in-law and Qin Xiangru's son. They are wonderful and extraordinary.

I know you are an old gourmet, so the dishes I serve are all your specialty!
This wine is Shao Knife, the king of wines!
Come on, use your chopsticks! "

Having three meals a day is Li Shilong's happier time. "This elbow is very good, and this Qin's chicken drumstick is super good. I like eating it very much!"

However, no matter how much Li Shilong recommended it, Ji Zhisheng did not move his chopsticks.

Li Shilong couldn't help frowning, "Duxiu, but these dishes are not to your liking?"

"Your Majesty, these dishes are indeed very good. Although Weichen has never tasted them, they are full of color, fragrance and flavor, and the taste is definitely not much different. It's just that Weichen is used to eating vegetarian food in his hometown in Dongshan.

In addition, coming from Dongshan, I saw the hardships of the people along the way, and I felt even more that meat-eaters are despicable! "

These words immediately stopped Li Shilong.

What do you mean?
Is it despicable if I eat meat?

You have been the emperor for so many years and you have worked so hard, but you still get scolded for eating meat?
Ji Zhisheng looked at Li Shilong and thought that His Majesty would definitely say that he was noble and upright, and he was thinking of ways to bring the topic into the conversation.Just perfect.

"Hey, you are right, but my son-in-law said that in the world, a group of people must eat meat first. Eating meat first will lead them to eat meat later. Slowly, everyone will have meat to eat.

It doesn't matter, my son-in-law has established a breeding farm. After a while, meat will be available in large quantities. In a few years, everyone in the world will be able to eat meat.

We eat meat well to take care of our bodies, and we cannot treat ourselves badly, as this will make us malnourished and damage our bodies.

Duxiu, but don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you. If you don’t want to eat this big elbow, I will eat it.

Gao Shilian, go give Duxiu four whole vegetables. Don’t add any oil. He is used to being a vegetarian! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Gao Shilian hurriedly went down to make arrangements.

Ji Zhisheng was stunned.

Damn it, Your Majesty, why don’t you speak according to the formula?

I haven't been back for three years, why do you enjoy it so much?

Li Shilong ate the elbow with big mouthfuls, and his mouth was full of oil.

Are you kidding me? You can still vomit after eating an elbow in your mouth?
"Your Majesty, it's not that Wei Chen thinks eating meat is bad, but Wei Chen thinks that since we are in high positions, we should think more about the people of Li."

"Well, Duxiu, what you said is very good, but for the sake of the common people, it has nothing to do with eating meat. I usually eat very sparingly and only eat my elbow once every three days.

It was you who came back this time that made me so extravagant and wasteful. Now that you say you don’t want to eat, I can’t finish it by myself.

Moreover, these meats are provided directly from my son-in-law. Don’t worry, it doesn’t cost anything. "

Ji Zhisheng was speechless. Was he talking about saving money?
"Your Majesty is of the ninth grade, how come you are like a barbarian in the outside world, grabbing meat with your hands?" Ji Zhisheng started to find faults, and made Li Shilong tired of all the nonsense.

Is this Ji Duxiu sick?

I kindly asked him to eat my elbow. This is his favorite dish. If he didn't appreciate it, let it go and he still beeped.

I really couldn't listen anymore, so I tore off a piece of elbow and stuffed it into Ji Zhisheng's mouth, "Come on, Duxiu, the sage said: You don't talk when you eat, and you don't talk when you sleep. Since your mouth is empty, come and chat with me." !”

Ji Zhisheng was speechless. How could he refute what his ancestor said?

He was embarrassed to vomit the elbow in his mouth, which was too disrespectful to Li Shilong.

I had to hold back my anger and chew.

"Well, it's okay!"

"Hey, this elbow is so delicious, isn't it?"

"It melts in your mouth, the meat is tender and chewy, with a slightly sweet taste. It will make my boy feel happy. Ahem!"

Realizing that Li Shilong was looking at him, he quickly said: "Your Majesty, this elbow is not bad."

"My wife said it's delicious. Come on, please give me a piece. I tell you, I generally don't want to share it with others!" Li Shilong took a piece in front of him.

Ji Zhisheng said with a bitter face, "Your Majesty, I am accustomed to being a vegetarian."

"This is my reward for you, I'll give you a good job!" He is aloof, pretending to be so, but he also wants to use the same routine as three years ago to trick himself. He is no longer the same person as he was three years ago.

Ji Zhisheng sighed and started eating reluctantly.

Every bite is full of sin.

Every bite tastes better than the last!

Really fragrant!

(End of this chapter)

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