big dry son-in-law

Chapter 425 Daqian’s Hospitality

Chapter 425 Daqian’s Hospitality

Su Yingao brought Yukiko Suga to Honglu Temple, but at this moment, there was a long queue outside the door of Honglu Temple.

"Where did it come from?" asked the young general who was keeping order at the scene.

"This general, we have traveled across the ocean and come from Japan."

"Oh, I got it, let's get in line. We are going through the formalities for entry into Beijing in front of us. Before going through the formalities, we need to check the things you brought. If we find anything prohibited, we will deport you directly!" The young general waved his hand.

The guards accompanying the Japanese country quickly came over.

"Be brave, this is Daqian Honglu Temple. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed!"

"Second Yin!"

At that moment, hundreds of soldiers drew their swords.

There are hundreds of soldiers with their bows stringed into the full moon!

At that moment, everyone in Japan felt the breath of death.

Su Yingao said quickly: "General, we cooperate, we cooperate, everyone go back and let the generals check!"

He was furious, why were Daqian's soldiers so unruly?
But there is no way, these people are too tough.

"That's pretty much it!" The people from the six gates were maintaining the current order. The leader was none other than Xu Que. With a wave of his hand, dozens of people began to search them, including various searches and body searches!
"Who's in the sedan? Come out and get checked!"

"General, that is the legitimate daughter of Emperor Xiaotoku of Japan, and the most precious princess of Japan. You can't search her. She was canonized by the Daqian royal family!" Su Yingao said while holding back his anger.

"You don't even want her to show up. Who knows what she is doing? Hurry up, our commander-in-chief has issued an order. Even if it is a dog, its hair must be cut to see what kind it is!" Xu Que snorted. He shouted, "What about the princess of the country? Hurry up and let her come out."

He struck the sedan directly with his knife, and the curtain of the sedan instantly opened, revealing the people inside.

"Oh, she's still a little girl in her early ten years!" Xu Que curled his lips.

When Sugako Sugako walked out of it, his eyes almost popped out of his head, "My dear, are all Japanese princesses so precocious?"

"Is this the way Dagan treats guests?" Suga Sachiko spoke fluently in Dagan and glared at Xu Que. Although she was not as tall as Xu Que's shoulders, so what, "It's not weak even for me and the sedan chair." Cut it off!”

At this time, the Japanese soldiers rioted, "Baga!"

Humiliate them, humiliate their princess, whom they are willing to die to defend.

Su Yingao had a cold face but didn't stop him.

"You still dare to draw a knife? Whoever dares to move will be shot to death by random arrows!" Xu Que said angrily.

The governor had specifically told them that when the Japanese came over, they should pay special attention to them.

Although, he didn't know what was special about Japan.

Bo Cuijin, the master of Honglu Temple who was standing by, quickly stepped forward and said: "Xu Changshi, don't use the knife. There are so many envoys from various countries here. If you use the knife, big trouble will happen."

"Since they are standing in the land of Daqian, they must abide by the rules of Daqian. If they are disobedient, they will get out of the land of Daqian. These are the governor's exact words. Otherwise, why don't you go talk to our governor?" Xu Que said coldly.

Cui Jin slapped his thigh and couldn't help but said: "This Qin Jingyun is not good at taking care of Tubo. He also has to take care of other countries. Isn't he afraid of something happening?"

With that said, he quickly found Tang Jian who was making tea and told what happened. Tang Jian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "You didn't start a fight, did you?"

"Hey, if you don't come forward, there will be blood. By then, it will not only be a matter for the Japanese family."

He refused at first when Qin Mo took over the affairs of Honglu Temple, but then he thought about it, he had to drive one sheep and two sheep, so he could take care of it if he wanted to.Just let Qin Mo kill their limelight and eliminate their inappropriate thoughts.

But the knife won't do it.

He didn't bother to make the tea and hurried over to Qin Mo. He was drinking tea and enjoying the foot massage from the little eunuch.

"Jingyun, why are you still here!"

"What's the matter, Old Tang? The Tibetan envoy has arrived?"

"Not yet, but it's coming soon!" Tang Jian said with a wry smile.

"Oh, that's okay. I told the people below that the Tubo envoy has arrived and I'm on my way out." Qin Mo said nonchalantly.

"No, you cut off the Japanese princess's sedan chair with a knife. Now everyone in the Japanese country is rioting. If this is not handled well, it will be a big deal. I have thin arms and legs, I can't bear it!" Tang Jianku Said with a face.

"Damn it, if you dare to blow up in Daqian's territory, you'll give them face, right?" Qin Mo quickly sat up straight, "Xiao Gao, stop pressing it and put on my shoes!"

After putting on his shoes, Qin Mo walked out with a cold face. At this moment, the atmosphere outside was extremely tense.

"Little Queque, what's the matter?"

"I've seen the governor. This little Japanese girl didn't get off the sedan chair to be inspected. She is afraid that they might be hiding weapons."

Qin Mo looked in the direction of his finger. He was stunned for a moment, and then cursed: "Who is so cruel and beat her so swollen?"

"Captain, that wasn't for beating, this girl has already had haircuts." Xu Que reminded in a low voice.

Qin Mo frowned, "How did you know she was old enough? I said she hid the murder weapon? You won't be searched, right? Then don't search. Send them all back, send a group of soldiers to escort them, and prohibit them from talking to anyone. Talk to people!”

Su Yingao looked at Qin Mo and saw that he was wearing ducal clothes with a purple gold bag hanging on his waist. He knew that this man was a high-ranking official in Daqian and said quickly: "I am Su Yingao, I am accompanying the Japanese envoy. This sir, We came all the way here, you can’t be so unreasonable!”

Qin Mo looked down at him and made a big backhand move, "Come here, chop him down!"

Su Yingao was stunned by the beating. This high-ranking official must be too reckless. He would beat and chop people whenever he disagreed!

As Qin Mo's most effective henchman, Xu Que executes orders without compromise.

He drew out his knife and slashed directly at Su Yingao.

"No, keep someone under the knife!"

Tang Jian was so frightened that he was sweating all over and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. However, the knife turned from the middle and cut off Su Yingao's head.

Su Yingao felt a chill in his head and his heart was in his throat.

The Japanese people didn't expect that the Dagan people would cut them off.

This knife directly shattered their longing and yearning, and they felt that they had arrived in a sinful country.

"What are you looking at? Go back and line up. If anyone dares to obstruct the search again, he will be sent to rebel or beheaded!" Qin Mo yelled at the envoys from other countries. Those people quickly turned around and even lined up. It's more tidy.

Sugako looked at Qin Mo, "Okay, today I have seen Daqian's hospitality. Do you dare to tell me what your name is?"

Qin Mo sneered, "Okay, then listen carefully, my surname is Li and my first name is Yizhi!"

(End of this chapter)

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