big dry son-in-law

Chapter 433 A story girls love to hear!

Chapter 433 A story girls love to hear!

"Don't cry, you're such an adult, you can't do such a small thing well!" Qin Mo frowned and asked Gao to bring the medical kit over, and then picked up the cloth bandage to wrap it up.

Li Yushu pursed her lips, tears like broken pearls, "I have never done it before, I asked you to teach me, but you didn't teach me, so I can only try it myself!"

"Okay, I'm really scared of you. Stop it. I don't want to eat your fingers in the shaved ice!"

Fortunately, the wound was not deep, just a superficial wound.

The accompanying imperial doctor was about to rush over with the box in hand.

He was stopped by Li Yuan, "You don't have any eyesight. Just stay still. Didn't you see my grandson-in-law bandaging?"

The imperial doctor had a sad face and was very tired.

You have to scold me if you go, and you have to scold me if you don't go. It's too difficult.

"Father, what are you doing?"

"Ha, you haven't noticed yet? How can you be a father and not know what your daughter's temperament is like?" Li Yuan took a sip of milk tea and hummed: "Look at my daughter-in-law, she is very smart and takes care of everyone. In the past, when Lao Qi was injured, he would not go to see him."

Li Shilong had already noticed it and said with a wry smile: "Is Qin Mo going to marry two princesses? Isn't that cool!"

"Don't you see that your seventh child is fighting? Let me tell you, her temper is really like yours. She doesn't cherish it when she gets it, and regrets it when she loses it."

Li Shilong smiled awkwardly and glanced at Li Yushu, whose hand was bleeding. Finally, he felt distressed and walked over, "Yushu, are you injured?"


Seeing Li Shilong, Li Yushu had a sore nose and cried even more sadly, which made Li Shilong feel bad. "Qin Mo, what did you do? Look at Yu Shu's hands!"

"Father, it's her own clumsiness. I've demonstrated it once, but she still can't do it. Who's to blame?" Qin Mo poured milk and milk cover on the shaved ice while shaving it, and garnished it with some nuts.

A sweet and delicious ice cream is finished.

However, Da Gan called it 'Sushan'. He curled his lips and pushed Sushan in front of Li Yushu, "Okay, seeing that you have been busy for so long, I treat you to food. Isn't it embarrassing for such an adult to cry?"

"I, I'm just crying and I want you to take care of it!" Li Yushu felt that she was completely embarrassed in front of her brothers and sisters.

And the eldest princess of Daqian, she is the number one doormat princess of Daqian!
Not far away, Li Ling, who had never come over, made a sound and whispered: "You deserve it. If you don't cherish a man like Qin Mo, how can Gongsun Chong compare with Qin Mo?"

She drank milk tea and looked at Qin Mo, but her eyes were shining.

Only such a man is worthy of bowing at his feet.

Only worthy of being conquered by him.

Her eyes were full of beauty, "I heard that those ladies like their fair ladies very much, and those lords especially like to play with each other. I don't know if he likes it."

No one knew that under her palace clothes was the latest style 'Don't worry' specially chosen for Qin Mo!
If Dou Yiai, that bastard, dares to hit her, she has said that she will put a hat on him and make him raise a son for someone else.

Moreover, he is also his best brother.

Li Ling's legs felt a little weak when she thought of this.

"You brat, I haven't settled the score with you yet!" Li Shilong slapped Qin Mo angrily, pulled Li Yushu up and left, "Follow your father, we won't suffer here!"

This bastard, it was not enough to have the third child, so he still flirted with Qinghe. Now, the seventh child regrets it again.

Why, the princess and princess of their old Li family can't marry other than Qin Mo, right?
After finishing the milk tea and shaved ice, Qin Mo lay comfortably on the recliner. He had just drank two sips of milk tea and was about to get married to his wife.

Li Xuan ran over with shaved ice in his left hand and milk tea in his right hand, "Qin Mo, my father asked you to come over and tell a story!"

"Pah!" Qin Mo slapped Li Xuan on the head, "No matter how big or small, call me brother-in-law!"

Li Xuan was so angry, but there was nothing he could do about it. Qin Mo's story was nice and he was very good at making food, so he had to bow his head.

One day, he will let Qin Mo tell stories and get food for him alone.

"Brother-in-law, Father calls you over!"

"Hmph, you know how to order me every day!"

The more Qin Mo thought about it, the angrier he became, and he kicked Li Xuan directly.

"Ouch, why did you kick me?"

"I see you're unhappy, okay?" Qin Mo snorted and walked over angrily. Only then did he realize that everyone was sitting in a row, each holding a cup of milk tea.

"Father, you asked me to take charge of the spoons yesterday, and today you asked me to make food and tell stories. You don't want to see me idle. Can you feel sorry for me?"

"Jingyun, it's rare for your cousins ​​to come here and tell a good story to make them happy." Li Yuan said.

Although Qin Mo was reluctant, the old man said so, "Okay, then I'll do it!"

"You brat, I ask you to talk so much nonsense about you. Father asks you to talk, so you accept it happily. Are you going to treat it differently?"

"The old man gave me a girl, will you give me a girl?" Qin Mo said, "I am my biological father, but my father-in-law is not necessarily my biological father-in-law!"

Li Shilong was also stunned. He didn't react at first, but when he did, his face turned black with anger.

Gao Shilian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Your Majesty, the Prince Consort is joking!"

Li Shilong gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, doesn't he like girls? I will reward him by transferring ten plump nuns from the palace to take care of him at his home."

"Oh, Your Majesty, can you handle the small body of the Prince Consort? His waist will be broken." Gao Shilian smiled bitterly and kept saying good things to Qin Mo.

"Okay, let's transfer three of them, lest he say that I'm not my real father-in-law!" But Li Shilong didn't really want Qin Mo to accept three mothers, but this brat is too unsightly. After staying in Qin Mansion for five days, I still don’t want to become a grandfather so soon.

It's been more than three months, and you're getting married in two or three months. You can't bear it?
Let grandma watch. It's okay to be a guest in the Qin Mansion, but it's definitely not okay to stay overnight.

I also sent three nuns to Lao San’s place. "

Gao Shilian responded with a wry smile: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

He looked at Qin Mo and thought to himself, little ancestor, it's not that Uncle Gao is incompetent, our Majesty may seem generous, but he can hold grudges. He said that no one dares to say that he is second to the first!

But at this time, everyone's attention was on Qin Mo.

Li Xuan raised his voice and asked: "Brother-in-law Qin, is it time to tell the story of Master Chen becoming a true immortal today?"

Everyone's spirits were lifted. To be honest, Da Qian's Journey to the West is definitely the most popular story in Da Qian at the moment.

It has also been recognized and promoted by two generations of emperors.

Qin Mo was inexplicably dubbed a 'novelist' because of this book!

"We'll talk about that later. Let's tell some interesting stories today. There are many girls here today. The girls will definitely be excited after hearing this story!"

Li Lizhen couldn't help but ask: "What story?"

Qin Mo grinned and said: "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai!"

(End of this chapter)

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