big dry son-in-law

Chapter 436 A brilliant plan!

Chapter 436 A brilliant plan!

Qin Mo spread his hands and said, "No more!"

In fact, there are still ways, but Qin Mo has already tested Li Shilong's background.

The imperial power was granted by heaven, but the power of ministers was granted by the emperor. Li Shilong took over and abolished the prime minister. In the final analysis, he was fighting for greater power.

Even in another time and space, in the Ming Dynasty, the imperial power did not go to the countryside.

Lao Zhao and the scholar-bureaucrats ruled the world together, which was not fundamentally different from the slogans shouted by Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty, although the influence of the aristocratic family was not very great at that time.

Instead, the imperial examinations catalyzed the creation of scholars.

This scholar is much more numerous than the scholars of the common family.

It can be as small as a village or as large as a state capital.

Children, scholars, and officials all naturally protect the imperial power.

But these scholars are attracted to the country and suck blood.

The fastest way to change is to overturn the existing system or start a new competition.

"Really gone?"

"It's gone!"

"Okay, the method proposed by Jing Yun is very good, but it is not applicable to the current national conditions. Maybe in two years, I will implement this system." Li Shilong sighed, changed the subject, and asked: "Jing Yun, I Let me tell you, the imperial court does not want to fight in a short period of time, not because it does not dare or because it is afraid of losing, but because it does not allow it.

Do you have any ideas to make the border peaceful for a year or two?

What you mentioned to Lao Ba last year to support war with war was indeed very fruitful. Some small tribes secretly surrendered.

Your father went there again later and opened a border market. Many small tribes who did not surrender secretly came over to trade. Now they are basically self-sufficient. The first batch of cattle, sheep and horses have entered Gyeonggi Province.

There are [-] heads, and they will be able to reach the capital in three to five days. "

Last year, Qin Mo supported war with war and cooperated with the dual policy of border cities, which greatly reduced the pressure on the court.

Not only did he bring cattle and sheep to Daqian, he also trained strong soldiers, and relied on the smuggling business route to win over the leaders of some small tribes.

They obtained some key intelligence, which also enabled them to strike accurately, and the Sixteen-Character Mantra also made great achievements.

At this time, Queen Gongsun made an excuse and took Xiaojiu away. It would be inappropriate for her to listen to him any longer.

The guards surrounded the area, and everyone consciously stayed away.

Qin Mo took a sip of milk tea and said: "Well, there is a way, but I can't guarantee that it will work. What my father means is to scare them for a year or two without spending a single soldier. To be honest, No one can say for sure.”

"Tell me what you can do!" Li Shilong pricked up his ears.

"Our army has cavalry, infantry, and heavy baggage troops. The infantry is divided into armor soldiers, sword soldiers, and crossbow soldiers. We have 634 mansions, and there are 261 in the pass. The total force should be more than 63, which can be said to be the best in the world!

Why can't we remove some of our elites and pull out our elite soldiers and generals to show them to the big guys? "

"Pull it out and have a look?" Li Shilong was stunned, "Is this useful?"

"Why does it sound like you're showing off to me?" Li Zhi said, "Tubo is not intimidated!"

Li Yue also felt that this matter was a bit unreliable, "Idiot, is there a better way than this?"

"That's gone. This is the best way I can think of at the moment." Qin Mo glanced sideways at Li Zhi, "Fourth brother-in-law, do you know what it means to knock the mountain to frighten the tiger? Even if you can't scare Tubo, you can scare the capital. All the common people can see how powerful our army of tigers and soldiers is.

Only in this way can we gather the determination to win.Moreover, without Tubo, wouldn’t there be other vassal states? Couldn’t they be frightened? "

Hearing what Qin Mo said, Li Yue suddenly felt that this method was quite good.

Li Shilong and his son also seriously considered the feasibility.

Looking at each other, Li Shilong asked: "Is it just a matter of pulling them out and letting them see it?"

"We can do something interesting, and we can choose a day as the military parade day, and we invite people from all over the capital and even the country to take a look at our military front.

The heads of the aristocratic families, the vassal kings who live in distant places, and the local officials who are unwilling to move their homes can all invite them over. "

Li Yue's eyes lit up, "Wonderful, this method is really wonderful. In this way, you can defeat the enemy without fighting."

Li Shilong was also slightly excited. Because of his excitement, he even stood up, "Okay, I can't find a better way than this. In this way, there are a lot of things that can be done."

Li Yuan stroked his beard and kept nodding, "What a wonderful idea. Not only can it unite the people's hearts, but it can also scare foreign enemies and subjugate them without fighting. It's a very clever plan!"

Qin Mo was embarrassed by the praise, "Old man, don't praise me like this, you'll make me proud."

"Why do you praise me? I'm so happy!" Li Yuan's old face turned into a chrysanthemum smile, "Jingyun, as long as you accomplish this, I will reward you well!"

"Forget it, if you need rewards for doing things for your own family, then what kind of family are you?" Qin Mo waved his hand, "My family is too distant if they say rewards!"

Hearing these words, Li Shilong's pores all over his body opened, and his heart felt extremely tense.

Listen, for coming up with such a brilliant idea, it’s okay not to take any credit, not even a reward.

The most important thing is that Qin Mo said 'a family', which made Li Shilong feel relieved that 'I did not love him in vain'.

He thought to himself, "You brat, if you are so sensible, it's not impossible for you to marry my two daughters, but I'd better get this done first!"

Li Xin was also stunned by Qin Mo's words.

Damn it, why couldn't he say such nice things.

Look at his father and grandpa, they have kind smiles on their faces. Those smiles have never smiled at him.

Li Yue hooked Qin Mo's shoulder, "Idiot, I knew you had a solution!"

"You idiot, didn't you look down on me just now?"

"Clumsy eyes, clumsy eyes!" Li Yue smiled, not caring at all.

"Well, Jingyun, I'm very relieved that you think so." Li Shilong restrained his smile and said seriously: "You proposed this method, so you will be the one to coordinate it. When the time comes, write a note to me. ASAP!"

Qin Mo was speechless. He knew this was the case and was too lazy to struggle. He said, "Father, it can't be faster. The military parade cannot be completed overnight. It will take at least a month."

"A month, so long? Can those foreign envoys stay here?"

Qin Mo said: "They have to wait even if they can't wait, but they have to wait even if they can't wait. But father, we have agreed that you can't interfere in this military parade, otherwise I won't do it!"

"Okay, okay, I won't interfere!"

"Old man, you will be the advisor. Li Yue, you will train with the army. In this military parade, the Thunder Army is the top priority!"

Li Zhi quickly said: "Jingyun, what about me?"

"You?" Qin Mo smiled, "You are applauding from the side!"

(End of this chapter)

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