big dry son-in-law

Chapter 462 The Birth of Cement

Chapter 462 The Birth of Cement
Li Yue caught up with Qin Mo, "Idiot, what are you thinking?"

"What do you think?"

"My seventh sister, don't tell me that you can't tell. To be honest, in the palace, only the seventh sister is nice to me. There is a misunderstanding between you.

But Seventh Sister has also changed. Are you not going to give her any chance? "

"That was the dissolution of the engagement by my father. She said she disliked me personally, and the person she liked was a cuckold Gongsun. She came back to me, but she just didn't want to be reconciled." Qin Mo curled his lips, "Don't worry about this. It’s impossible, I’ll be my brother-in-law, and she’ll be my sister-in-law, this is our relationship!”

Li Yue felt depressed watching Qin Mo leave.

After returning home, Xiao Liuzi came over and said, "Master, the clan leader and several clan elders are here."

When Qin Mo came to the main hall, he saw Qin Xianggui, Qin Youde and others.

"The Duke is back!" Qin Xianggui quickly stood up and bowed.

"Clan leader, as a family, don't be so outspoken." Qin Mo said, "Why are you free to come here today?"

"My lord, I never thought of becoming an official in my life, thank you!" Qin Xianggui and others were so happy that they couldn't believe it when the imperial edict was delivered.

Although Qin Xianggui, the highest ranking official, is only from the seventh rank, Qin Xianggui is already very satisfied.

I am also qualified to attend the Great Court Meeting.

"My lord, I will never thank you for your kindness. From now on, everyone will look after you!" Qin Youde said, cupping his fists.

"Brother from the German tribe, you're welcome. We are all one family. From now on, you should work hard. Don't be afraid if anything happens. We don't take the initiative to bully others. But if someone bullies you, just do it."

"I sincerely follow the Duke's teachings!" Qin Youde said politely.

"I don't want to hear any advice. Anyone who sees anyone like this in the future should not come to my house." Qin Mo said with a smile and returned to the study.

As a result, as soon as I lay down and my butt was still hot from sitting, someone came from Qinzhuang.

"Grandpa, Uncle Qin Liao has got what you want." The people who came were Qin Mo's grandsons.

Qin Mo said excitedly: "Is it cement?"

"Yes, it's cement. Where is Uncle Qin Liao waiting for you!"

Qin Mo was extremely pleasantly surprised. After waiting for so long, he finally arrived. It took him nearly a month to become a genius like Qin.

Soon, Qin Mo brought Gao Yao to Qinzhuang's secret experimental base.

"I've met my uncle!" Qin Liao quickly greeted him.

"No gift, good boy, where is the cement I want?" With cement, many things can be done, and it's hard for Qin Mo not to be excited.

Of course, this kind of thing still has to be done by professionals.

"Uncle, come with me!" Seeing Qin Mo so excited, Qin Ling felt very stressed because he was afraid that what he made would not meet Qin Mo's requirements.

Arriving at the center of the secret experimental base, the people guarding this place are all the old people of Qinzhuang, and they are the most loyal.

Looking at the pile of gray cement on the ground, Qin Mo was overjoyed. He couldn't help but insert his fingers into it, and then rubbed it carefully with his fingers.

The powder was not as fine as he imagined, but there was no doubt that this was serious cement.

"Have you tried it?"

"It has been tested. In fact, I already made it yesterday, and then poured a wall in the backyard according to the pouring method given by my uncle!" Qin Liao said.

Qin Mo didn't waste any time and came to the backyard. Looking at the solidified cement wall, Qin Mo asked someone to bring a hammer.

Knocked hard.

After a day of solidification, although the cement had not completely solidified, Qin Mo knocked off the corners of the cement after knocking it more than a dozen times.Qin Mo was extremely excited, "Okay, great, it's small, you have made a great contribution!"

Qin Liao scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "It's all thanks to my uncle's advice, otherwise I wouldn't be able to make cement!"

Qin Mo liked Qin Liao's pragmatic temperament very much. He was unwilling to ask him to drill cave dwellings and study cement processes and proportions.

"This time the list of people participating in the experiment is reported. I will reward you with 1 taels. In addition, I will give you another 5000 taels as a reward. You will have [-]% of the profit from the cement, and the remaining [-]% will be for your participation. Everyone in this experiment will share the benefits!" Qin Mo is not a stingy person. Who knows who uses cement, and it is only a matter of time before it replaces the glutinous rice juice limestone.

"Uncle, there are too many!" Qin Liao quickly refused.

Qin Mo patted his shoulder and said, "The gift from the elders cannot be shunned. Be a good subordinate and work hard according to the direction I gave you. One day, you will carve out a road of your own."

Qin Liao's eyes were red with gratitude. This feeling of being recognized and valued was really great.

He is a craftsman, and it was Qin Mo who helped him find the direction and gave him guidance.

"No matter what, Qin Liao is a member of the Qin clan and uncle's nephew. Without uncle, there would be no Qin!"

Others also thanked him one after another. They did not expect that Qin Mo would reward him so generously!
"Okay, grown man, don't pee like a horse. Did you cause trouble in the brick kiln last time?"

"It's done. It's not difficult. There is a manuscript of my uncle's brick kiln. It took us five days to build it.

The red clay from Xishan is very suitable for making molds. One kiln can produce more than 2 red bricks, and the cost of one red brick is only a large amount of Tongbao.

Moreover, there is a lot of coal in Xishan, so it is very convenient to get the materials nearby! "

Qin Mo calculated in his mind, red soil is his own, coal is his own.

It just takes some labor.

Dry bricks are quick to make, and mainly blue bricks are used. However, these green bricks are not affordable for ordinary people. A brick without texture costs four or five large dry bricks.

There are lines, starting from the top ten Qian Tong Bao.

It is generally used in the construction of tombs, or the residences of large families, city walls, etc.

Red bricks are cheaper. A large piece of Qian Tong Bao, based on a two-story building and 4 square meters, will cost less than [-] yuan.

Calculated in this way, the cost of building a house will not exceed one hundred taels.

"Build more brick kilns. Don't worry about too many brick kilns. No one lives in Xishan anyway!"

Qin Mo explained and asked: "How much cement can be burned in one furnace?"

"About a thousand pounds!"

"How long does it take to get out of the oven?"

"Three hours!"

If you calculate it this way, a furnace can only produce about two tons of cement a day without interruption.

Qin Mo remembered reading information that a common cement production line could produce 1000 tons a day.

But considering that this is Daqian and cement is a new thing, what kind of bicycles are needed?

Will improve it later.

"Continue to build furnaces, the more the better. The demand for cement will be huge in the future. We have to find ways to increase cement production. Such a small amount of cement is simply not enough!"

With the current output, we can’t even build those teachers’ dormitories!

"Yes, uncle!"

Qin Mo was in a good mood and hurriedly came to the south of the city, but his good mood was gone!
(End of this chapter)

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