big dry son-in-law

Chapter 475 The mice will run out crying

Chapter 475 The mice will run out crying

"Hey, Lao Yu, don't be convinced. If your workshop can make these, I can also go to your place to get the materials!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Nonsense, I have so much freedom in my sleeves, where did the workshop come from!" Yu Boshi snorted, "You are the prince consort of the dynasty and the governor of the Six Gates. You control so many industries below. Who dares to touch you in the future?"

"Lao Yu, can you give me some eye drops?" Qin Mo said unhappily: "Okay, then I won't do it. Xiao Gao, go back and tell them that all the workshops have stopped and Haidilao and others have closed down. It’s not like our family doesn’t have money to spend, why should we be so angry?”

Gao Yao bowed and said: "Yes, young master!"

After speaking, she was ready to leave.

"Stop, Xiao Gao, your young master has committed a crime, and you have committed a crime too?" Cheng Sanfu hurriedly stopped her, then looked at Yu Boshi and said: "Lao Yu, you just don't want to see other people's kindness, do you?
Was Jing Yun's workshop stolen or robbed?Did he use his position to enrich himself? "

Li Cungong also said: "There is nothing to say about this matter. The project in the south of the city is worth millions. Wherever the imperial court has money, the national treasury only has more than 30 taels. His Majesty still allocated some money, but most of the money belongs to Jingyun." Produced by myself.

Wouldn't it be better for him to use the money on himself?The construction of the main road was all paid for by Jing Yun.

Bo Shi, you don't want to follow others' opinions and criticize those who speak and do things. Did you contribute money or efforts?

Who doesn’t know how to talk? "

Yu Boshi was speechless by the rebuke, and Li Shilong also said: "You brat, you can give up your choice after just a few words. This kind of habit cannot be used. As long as you are not greedy for power or seek personal gain with power, you will be fine.

But if you are greedy and use power for personal gain, I will not beat you to death! "

"Oh, just the little money from the treasury, is it worth my greed?" Qin Mo snorted, "The rats will come out crying when they get in.

I made a budget. The Chengnan Teachers' Workshop requires at least 200 million taels of silver. If we use criminals, we can save a few 10 taels.

All the roads in the capital are no less than 250 miles long, which is another three to four million taels.

Even if the imperial court was sold, it would be impossible to get so much money. "

Du Jingming said: "Nearly 300 million taels, can you get it?"

"If you can't get it, you have to find a way to get it!" Qin Mo said.

"Then I'm curious, how did you come up with these two million taels!" Dou Xuanling said.

"Why don't you bother me? I'm definitely not here to plunder people's wealth and wealth!" Qin Mo said: "But I'm recruiting investment now. Not only cement, I also made red bricks. One red brick is worth a lot of Tongbao, although there are no blue bricks. Delicate, but stronger and cheaper.

Lao Yu, if you are interested, you can also talk to me. I don’t dare to say more than a month. I can still make you a few thousand taels. "

Yu Boshi's mouth twitched, a few thousand taels a month is not much?
One month is worth his entire salary for a year.

"Lao Du, Lao Dou, and Prince Heng, you can all participate in the shares. In principle, I welcome anyone to participate in the shares!"

Du Jingming said: "Jingyun, this is an open bribery!"

"Oh, my father is still here. No matter how stupid I am, I will never bribe you!" Qin Mo said: "The imperial court has no money. You haven't even paid out last year's salary, right?

To be honest, it is not easy to raise a family in the capital. Although the salary from the court is not bad, to be honest, it is still insufficient for you.

Come to me and invest in shares, and you will receive dividends every month, so that you will not be greedy for money and you will be motivated to work! "

It's not that Qin Mo is stupid, but the piece of meat is too big for him to eat alone.

Another point is that Qin Mo wants to implement the business tax matters, and then the officials and gentry will pay the taxes together.

Before it was time to say this, Li Shilong didn't say anything.If you say this now, you are looking for trouble!
Cheng Sanfu winked at Qin Mo crazily, why did he get so many people to buy shares? Isn't this to share his profits?

Qin Mo pretended not to see it, "Father, what do you think?"

"Will this encourage collusion between officials and businessmen?" Li Shilong took a deeper look.

Qin Mo smiled, "Isn't it possible to just cover the lid? Of all of you here, who dares to say that your family has no property? How can you afford to support hundreds of servants and slaves with the little salary from the court?"

Come on, can we talk about this openly?
"If you ask me, just pierce this layer of window paper."

Several people were sweating a little, and Li Cungong said quickly: "Today we are talking about cement and the military parade, don't go too far!"

"Yes, let's get back to the point!" Cheng San said.

To be honest, even Du Jingming and Dou Xuanling can't stand the chance of doing business. Although no one touches their family, the annual filial piety from his clan members is enough for them to enjoy.

Qin Mo snorted, his face full of disdain.

However, Li Shilong's expression was full of confusion at this moment. He wanted Qin Mo to continue talking, but he was also afraid that Qin Mo would say something shocking.

"These days, Liumen has been well managed. I saw that no one on the street is wearing a sword, the roads are clean, and every house is decorated with lights. It really has a new atmosphere!" Li Shilong suppressed the doubts in his heart and praised.

"It's okay!" Qin Mo scratched his head.

"Although you have made some small achievements, don't be proud. The real test is yet to come."

After saying that, Li Shilong led everyone away, mainly because he was afraid that Qin Mo would talk nonsense.

As soon as the group left, Li Yuan finished talking and went upstairs to see Qin Mo. He was immediately happy and said, "Jingyun, why do you have time to come to my place today?"

"Father Huang called me here!" Qin Mo quickly poured him tea, "Old man, storytelling is becoming more and more interesting. Now they love to hear your storytelling!"

"That's right!" Li Yuan said proudly: "Now every time I appear, I can receive a reward of thousands of taels. By the way, Jingyun, can you do me a favor!"

"Old man, just give me your orders!"

"Hey, it's Xue'er. I want her to stay, but I can't find a good reason!"

"That's it?"

Qin Mo thought for a while and said: "It's easy to say, just make her a princess or a princess, or grant her a marriage, or she can stay in Daqian."

"This is also a solution, but I'm afraid Xue'er won't agree. After all, she grew up in Tubo!" Li Yuan said with a bitter face.

"She is not with Qimei. Let Qimei do her job well!"

"Hey, that's all we can do. If it doesn't work, just try to persuade her. She quite listens to you!" Li Yuan said.

"Okay!" Qin Mo stood up, "Old man, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first. I need to take good care of myself these days. I will have to stand on the city wall for a long time on the day of the military parade!"

"I know, don't leave yet!" Li Yuan made a gesture, and Wei Zhong asked someone to bring a few boxes of silver over, "There are 3 taels here, use them. The project in the south of the city is too expensive, and the road needs to be repaired. We also need to build houses, which are both contemporary and future-proof.

I also know that you have endured a lot of pressure alone. Don’t be too tired. If you have any difficulties, you must tell me. Don’t bear everything alone, okay? "

(End of this chapter)

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