big dry son-in-law

Chapter 478 The most capable minister under his command

Chapter 478 The most capable minister under his command

He should be executed by the emperor when he returns, right?
He is the shame of Japan!
"Su Yingao!"

"Chen is here!"

Sachiko Soga said in Japanese: "After the military parade, they should let us go. What do you think, should I go back or stay in Okan?"

Su Yingao said: "Princess, the emperor wants you to marry Emperor Daqian. If that doesn't work out, you can also become the crown prince. However, the crown prince of Daqian already has a concubine, so you can only be a concubine!"

"But neither His Majesty nor the Crown Prince looks down upon this princess!" Sugako bit her lip. She was homesick, but if she goes back, her father will hate her, and her status as a princess will become a disaster!
Su Yingao also had a headache, "Princess, if that's not possible, marrying the crown prince is fine. Nowadays, it's quite serious to seize the direct heir. As long as we stand in line, there will definitely be no problem!"

Sachiko Soga asked: "Who is standing?"

"Fourth Prince, Li Zhi!"

"That damn fat guy?" Sugako was disgusted when she heard the name now. Although she knew that Qin Mo did everything, she still hated it.

And Li Zhi is extremely fat, don’t let him sit on your butt to death!
"I don't want it, princess!" Sugako said with a look of resistance on her face!
"That is the eighth prince, King Yue. The King of Yue has a reputation as a virtuous man. He is in charge of the army. The most important thing is that Qin Mo supports him the most and is the most capable minister under his command!"

Sugako's eyes lit up, and she immediately thought about it, "Okay!"

Su Yingao also breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Suga Sachiko would make a noise and want to go home.

The two communicated in Japanese, and they were surrounded by their own people, so there was no need to worry about leaking the conversation.

At this time, the sun was getting higher.

The squires and representatives of aristocratic families from all over the country who dared to come also took their seats.

The April sun is not too hot, but rather warm.

The main road in the capital was full of people.

At this time, Qin Mo, as the general manager of the military parade, was under great pressure.

Early in the morning, he left the women at home and came to Nancheng, where nearly [-] people were lined up nervously.

The most difficult thing to train is the cavalry, because horses are very troublesome once they are frightened.

Therefore, Qin Mo let these horses train next to the Thunder Army.

Over time, they got used to it.

The leaders of the square team were all arranging their clothes there.

"Jingyun, am I handsome?" Cheng Sanxu pulled Qin Mo and asked.

"Junjunjun, more handsome than Li Yue!" Qin Mo said.

Although he didn't know why he was comparing himself to Li Yue, he still grinned and said, "Have a good eye for it!"

"Okay, Lao Cheng, stop dragging Jingyun, he is not as relaxed as us." Li Daoyuan said, Qin Mo has lost a lot of weight in the past few days.

Qin Mo really didn't have time to chat with them. He held a loudspeaker in his hand and said, "Cheer up! Who the hell is holding you back? I won't spare him!"
Li Yue, your team must not be in chaos. In the finale, you must hit accurately and hit us as fiercely as we did! "

Li Yue nodded. After nearly a month of non-stop training, he had gained a hint of toughness.

He also became more capable, "Don't worry, there will definitely be no problem!"

"Be brave, Dabao, Xiaobao, Xiaoliu, Xiaodou, Xiaochai, brothers Haier, hold your heads high!"

The eight people quickly stood up straight.

To be precise, everyone.

They wore the latest armor and carried Mo Dao, and some had Chang Ge and carried giant shields!

The team is taking shape.

At this moment, Xu Que rushed over and said, "Captain, the palace asked me to ask you when it will start!"

"Have the old man and Your Majesty finished the memorial service to the Ancestral Temple?"

"It's over, I'm asking you if you want to come over!"

"I won't go. I have arranged all the procedures. Just let them follow the procedures!" Of course Qin Mo wanted to stand on the city wall. That would be a great honor.

But no, he has to watch everyone from below! "Wait, are those tools and everything okay?"

"Don't worry, Commander, it was checked before dawn and everything is safe!"

Qin Mo patted his shoulder and said to Xu Que: "Some people are destined to stand in front of others and shine brightly, while some people are destined to stand behind and make suggestions. After this time, I will ask you for credit!"

"Thank you for your humble position, Governor!" Xu Que clasped his fists.

At this time, the palace.

In the big cauldron outside Tai Chi Palace, there stand these three huge incense pillars.

Li Shilong wears a large fur hat with six patterns of sun, moon, stars, mountains, dragons and Chinese insects on it.

The lower part of the garment is embroidered with six patterns: algae, fire, rice, Zongyi, 黼 and 黼.

Beside him is Empress Gongsun, whose mother Yi Tianxia.

The prince and princess were behind, followed by the ministers of the court.

Gongsun Wuji and Ji Zhisheng are among them.

Qin Xiangru stood on the right side with Xu Shichang and other generals who did not participate in the military parade.

"Your Majesty, the auspicious time has come, and it can pass!" Yuan Tiangang stood aside with Fang Shuan. He held a small astrolabe in his hand. He knew very well that this military parade was for Daqian to continue the national destiny. It's begun.

Qin Mo proposed a military parade, so Li Shilong approached Yuan Tiangang. Yuan Tiangang made some calculations and said, "When the military parade begins, great efforts will be made!"

Li Shilong did not doubt his presence and fully supported Qin Mo.

"The emperor has lifted up his sedan chair!" Gao Shilian sang loudly.

The strong man raised the dragon chariot, followed by the prince, the third by the officials, and the fourth by the prince and princess.

The palace gate opened.

On both sides of the road, musicians held buffalo horns and blew them into the sky.

The low horn resounded throughout the palace.

Solemn and solemn!
After the crowd had gone away, Li Yuan's sedan passed leisurely.

He doesn't care about all the fame and wealth, let him take all the limelight.

Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom!
Loud gongs and drums sounded.


Hundreds of strong men roared together.

Li Shilong led everyone onto the city wall of Shuntian Gate.

The moment the two appeared, the drumming stopped.

Under the Chengtian Gate, Liu Fazheng was standing on a platform one foot high. In front of him, there were several huge loudspeakers, and seven or eight loudspeakers were connected with iron pipes below.

He looked serious and extremely nervous. The moment he saw the emperor, he shouted loudly: "His Majesty Daqian is here!"

The loud voice resounded in all directions.

At that moment, everyone looked up.

On the towering city wall, Li Shilong had a smile on his face. In front of him was a special loudspeaker, "Thank you for your hard work, gentlemen!"

His voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the square through the special loudspeaker.

At that moment, everyone shouted in unison, and all the people shouted, "Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work!"

That neat voice converged into a torrent, and all the scattered beliefs converged at this moment.

"Long live Your Majesty!"

That voice seemed to disperse all the clouds in the sky!

Li Shilong opened his hands and quietly enjoyed the fans of thousands of people!
(End of this chapter)

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