Chapter 484
Li Yuan smiled and said: "You are just trying to live up to your expectations!"

Qin Mo smiled and said, "Old man, can you let me have a good rest these days?"

"Okay, I have made the decision. No one can disturb you these days!" Li Yuan waved his hand domineeringly: "If your father dares to come over and bother you, I will kick him!"

"Hey, old man, this is what you said!" Qin Mo gestured, and Gao Yao quickly brought various snacks.

"But you have made such a big contribution, I must reward you well!" Li Yuan said, Qin Mo is not his business, but he must reward him.

"Okay, old man, then I won't be polite to you!" Qin Mo said.

Li Yuan smiled and said: "You brat, why are you so polite to me?"

He looked at Qin Mo expectantly. Even if Qin Mo said he wanted to marry the princess now, he would immediately enter the palace and let Li Shilong give the order.

"Old man, I want to hear your story. Hey, you said that the sequel to Da Qian's Journey to the West is really interesting!" Qin Mo said.

"Just this reward?"

"Yes, no reward is as comfortable as ours, don't you think?" Qin Mo held a purple clay pot in his hand and took a sip happily.

"Okay, I will give you a special talk today!" Li Yuan rolled up his sleeves, "Old dog Wei, bring me my folding fan!"

"Your Majesty, your folding fan, Xingmu!" Wei Zhong quickly offered it with both hands.


"The morally ancient sage, empress of Xia with fame"

Qin Mo was lying in the rocking chair with his legs crossed, feeling really comfortable.

For two days in a row, Qin Mo finally had two days of leisure. The old man was here and none of the naughty children came over.

Originally, Li Yue and others were going to come over to celebrate Qin Mo's move to the mansion, but the Qingming Festival was right after the military parade.

The old man returned to the palace early in the morning. He was enjoying himself outside, but he also wanted to return to the palace to pay homage to his ancestors.

Li Yulan said reluctantly: "I'm going back to the palace. I'll come back in two days!"

"The wedding will be in two months, and then we won't have to run back and forth!" Qin Mo said with a smile.

Li Yulan was both shy and expectant, so she got into the carriage and left the Dingyuan County Duke's Mansion.

"Master, I want you to go home!" At this time, Hu Sanjin ran over from the Duke of Qin's mansion.

"Okay, Xiao Gao, let someone clean it up and let's go home!"

Soon, Qin Mo returned home with large and small bags.

There are wickers stuck at the door of the house, and there is a hint of silence in the house.

The streets are filled with the smell of burning incense, and the Qingming Festival in Daqian is similar to another time and space. Unfortunately, there is no moxa cake here.

"Auntie, are you feeling better?" As soon as he entered the door, Qin Mo saw Qin Xiulian, who had lost a lot of weight. After all, she had a child in old age. Although she had never given birth, her early morning sickness still made her particularly uncomfortable.

Thanks to Qin Mo's food supplement prescription, otherwise, it would be hard to say whether he could have saved the child.

"Much better. I have vomited less in the past two days and can eat other things." Qin Xiulian was very happy to see Qin Mo.

"Where's my father?"

"Talk to your mother in the ancestral hall!" Qin Xiuying said.

Qin Mo waved, and Xiao Gao quickly brought the pillow over, "Girl, this is the pillow I specially asked someone to make for you. It can be adjusted!"

It's stuffed with pure duck feathers and down.

Although Qin Mo couldn't find cotton, duck down and goose down were very good at keeping out the cold.

He raises chickens, ducks and geese on a large scale, not just for everyone to eat meat.

Qin Mo put the pillow down and showed it to her. Qin Xiulian couldn't help but nod, "Mo'er, thank you!"

"Auntie, you are the eldest baby of our family now. Don't think about anything. Just take good care of yourself and give birth to a big fat brother for me."

Qin Xiuying smiled and nodded.

Soon, Qin Mo arrived at the ancestral hall, and before he got too close, he heard his father's cry.Qin Mo thought for a while and retreated directly.

He looked at the sky. It was clear and it was still not raining. It seemed that the drought this year would be very serious.

"Xiao Gao, have you found the mugwort?"

"Master, Xiao Liuzi has brought back a lot!" Gao Yao said.

Qin Mo nodded and entered the kitchen. The floor was filled with fresh mugwort.

"Master, what are you doing with all this mugwort?" Xiao Liuzi asked in confusion.

"Make Qingming fruit and Qingtuan fruit!"

Qin Mo said: "Clean the mugwort on the ground and let the steamed glutinous rice steam?"

"Okay, young master!" Gao Yao pointed to the steamer over there.

After Qin Mo washed his hands, he poured the glutinous rice into the mortar that had been prepared in advance. "Xiao Liuzi, come and smash the glutinous rice. Remember to go slower and use more force!"

"Master, I can't lift this wooden hammer!"

"What kind of wooden hammer? This is called a wooden hammer!" Qin Mo corrected him. At this time, Erzhu volunteered and said, "Master, I'll do it!"

Everyone was extremely curious and didn't understand what Qin Mo was doing.

Even Qin Xiuying rushed over and watched from the sidelines.

"Hey!" Two pillars and one wooden hammer came down, and the rice was smashed immediately. Qin Mo quickly went to stir the rice.

"Uncle Erzhu, be careful and don't hurt the young master!" Gao Yao reminded.

Erzhu nodded, his speed and strength becoming smaller.

When the glutinous rice was half rotten, Qin Mo quickly poured the juice from the mashed mugwort into it, "Quick, Uncle Erzhu, work harder!"

After hammering for hundreds of times, Qin Mo put the sticky green glutinous rice cake into the basket, went to the kitchen, stirred the glutinous rice cake with a spatula, and the aroma of mugwort mixed with glutinous rice spread out in the kitchen.

When it was ripe, Qin Mo said quickly: "Quick, come together, I will teach you how to figure out the Mingguo and Qingtuan!"

Everyone stepped forward.

Qingming fruit dumplings are large dumplings with pickles inside. Qingming dumplings usually contain candied dates, sesame seeds and sugar!
Use a mold to shape it into a round shape.

"Girl, how do you like it?" Qin Mo handed the first Qingming fruit she made to Qin Xiuying.

"It's delicious!" Qin Xiuying couldn't help but praise after taking one bite, "And it tastes so good that I don't want to vomit after eating it!"

Qin Mo was also overjoyed, "That's good, I'll eat two more later!"

His second Qingming Fruit was handed to Yang Liugen who was sitting in a wheelchair beside him.

After working all morning, Qin Mo made no less than five hundred.

There is no way, there are too many people to send.

Qin Mo asked people to deliver the food from house to house, but he carried the food drawer to the Duke Chai's Mansion.

Chai Sitian was very happy to see Qin Mo, "Brother Qin, why are you here?"

"My father-in-law is not here, so I will come over in advance to celebrate the Qingming Festival with you!"

The military camp has a holiday today, and Chai Rong is also at home. He was also happy to see Qin Mo, "Brother Qin, you are here!"

Although technically he was Qin Mo's second uncle, he was used to them having their own affairs.

"Have all the graves of the elders in the family been swept?"

"Well, I already scanned it this morning!"

Chai Shao is not at home, so this burden naturally falls on Chai Rong. Chai Sitian is not qualified to visit the grave!

"Here, I made some Qingming fruit and green dumplings, you guys have a try!"

(End of this chapter)

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