big dry son-in-law

Chapter 491 Da Gan is destiny!

Chapter 491 Da Gan is destiny!
"The Daqian in my heart is a Daqian with blood, an enlightened king, and a civilized atmosphere.

It is a minister who is dedicated to serving the people and embracing all rivers!

The Da Gan in my heart has the backbone and dares to retaliate with tooth for tooth and blood for blood.

We can endure the humiliation and bear the burden, but we can also dare to shake our fists!

Have we tolerated it for so long that our minions have degenerated?
Yeah? "

Qin Mo asked this question to everyone.

Ji Zhisheng stood up with difficulty, gritted his teeth and said: "Qin Mo, you instigated a war, can you bear the consequences?"

Qin Mo smiled calmly, "I, Qin Mo, was born in Daqian and grew up in Daqian. I am the consort of Daqian, and my father is the Duke of Daqian.

What they serve is the rice bowl of Daqian, and what they eat is the food grown by the people of Daqian.

It's just one death, and I, Qin Mo, am willing to bear it with all my strength! "

He knelt on the ground respectfully and said, "Your Majesty, Emperor Daqian, death is inevitable for everyone, and it may be lighter than a feather or heavier than a mountain.

Qin Mo is willing to use blood to awaken the conscience and bloody nature of the world.

The Daqian in my heart means that if there is no marriage, no compensation, no land ceding, no tribute, the emperor will guard the country, and the king will die!
Even if I fight to the last soldier of Dagan, I will still have the backbone of Dagan! "

Hearing this, everyone felt their scalps go numb.

Li Shilong was even more breathless, "No marriage, no indemnity, no land cession, no tribute, the emperor guards the country, and the king dies. Is this what you have in mind?"

"Yes!" Qin Mo said: "Da Qian has the destiny, can the destiny be withdrawn?"

"No! We cannot retreat from destiny!" Li Yue responded loudly and hurriedly stepped forward, "My son, I would like to share the responsibilities with Jingyun!"

Li Xin, Li Zhi was just a step too late, secretly regretted it, and quickly knelt down, "I beg you to fight!"

Qin Xiangru knelt on the ground, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, we are brothers who fight tigers. Father and son go into battle. Although I have been sealed, I am willing to be a soldier at the border. I don't want to be the Duke of Qin who lives in an ignoble way!"

Cheng Sanxu, Li Cungong, Li Daoyuan, and Yuchi Nobuxiong all knelt down and said, "I'm asking for a battle."

Cui Youren yelled: "You are harming the country!"

Li Shilong looked at everyone and already made a decision in his heart.

Qin Mo's words deeply touched his heart. He was destiny, he couldn't retreat!

My father knelt down and lifted this up!

He looked at Qin Mo and said, "As you wish!"

"Thank you, Father!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"My order is that from today onwards, the world will enter a state of war, and the Zhongshu Province will issue edicts and suppression documents."

"I obey the order!" Dou Xuanling said with cupped hands.

"Also, starting from today, there will be no reconciliation, no compensation, no land cession, no tribute, the emperor will guard the country, and the king will die!
This article is included in the ancestral law, and no one in the future generations can change it.

From now on, anyone who dares to mention the word "marriage" will be killed! "

As soon as these words came out, Ji Zhisheng and others subconsciously shrank their necks, knowing that the matter was a foregone conclusion!

Soon, the news spread out of the palace.

Li Yuan knelt down.

The whole capital was shaken.

Countless people rushed to Shuntian and knelt in the square.

Public opinion is boiling.

And Dalu Dongzan also understood that he completely messed up this matter.

For a moment, even he was a little at a loss.

Honglu Temple has been alerted, and the people from the six gates have taken Manluo Mangzan away.

This boiling public opinion is absolutely unstoppable.

Even if Dagan cannot defeat Tubo, it will definitely be an unbearable consumption for Tubo.He had planned it well and could have definitely taken away a lot of benefits.

It's all Qin Mo. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't be so passive.

"Xu Changshi, I want to meet His Majesty the Emperor Daqian!" Da Lun Dongzan said.

Xu Que sneered: "Meet Your Majesty? Wait until you meet your Tubo gods!"

After the words fell, Pei Huaiyuan, the commander of the Imperial Army, came here with his people, "According to His Majesty's decree, Da Lun Dongzan and others will be captured and thrown into the Dali Temple's heavenly prison!"

Xu Que cupped his hands and said, "Commander Pei, please!"

Pei Huaiyuan nodded expressionlessly, "Except for Da Lun Dongzan, anyone else who dares to resist will be killed on the spot!"


The imperial army rushed in, and some people wanted to resist. Dalu Dongzan quickly said: "Don't resist, don't resist!"

He raised his hands and was pressed to the ground by several imperial guards. "I want to see His Majesty Emperor Da Gan. I did not mean to provoke Da Gan. This is a misunderstanding!"

Pei Huaiyuan said: "You will never have that chance!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and said, "Take it away!"

At this time, Li Shuangan and Li Xue were also in Da'an Palace.

On the one hand, it is Tubo, and on the other hand, it is the country of mother.

The two of them are suffering the most.

"Grandpa, please, let my uncle go!" Li Shuangan knelt on the ground, "He has no intention of provoking Da Gan.

When I go back, I will definitely persuade my father not to go against Da Gan! "

Li Yuan looked at him and said, "Don't worry about this matter. From now on, you will live in Daqian. Daqian has national prestige and cannot be provoked.

Your brother-in-law came here just now. He said that if he wants to stop the war, he will ask Nai's father to send Jing'an back, return the land of Jiuqu, open up trade routes, and set up the Daqian Honglu Pavilion in Luoche! "

Qin Mo, very good.

That child is so filial. He never likes these things. When he heard him kneel down, he stopped caring about everything.

"You also know what your brother-in-law is capable of. If he gets serious, nothing in this world can stump him.

It’s also your fault that your uncle and father are overestimating their abilities. Daqian is no longer the Daqian it was more than ten years ago! "

Li Xue knelt down and cried bitterly, "Grandpa, don't fight!"

Li Yuan gently stroked her hair, "Don't cry. When your mother comes back, our family will be reunited!"

This time, Li Shilong acted quickly.

Li Cungong is the commander-in-chief, and Liu Chenghu and Qin Xiangru are the deputy commanders.

Cheng Sanxu, Yuchi Nobuxiong, and Zhang Xi are the main generals.

There were no fewer than ten lieutenants, and Li Yue was also on the list, as was Qin Mo. The seven brothers gathered together again, followed closely by the Haier brothers.

As soon as the list was released, the whole world was trembling.

People from the charity foundation walked through the streets with loudspeakers and donation boxes in their hands, "Tubo is a wolf with ambition and dares to claim emperor. It is not like the Son of Man. The Supreme Emperor kneels down and the sky weeps blood. Now Your Majesty wants to punish the traitor who is not willing to submit. Welcome Return to Princess Jing'an and avenge her shame."

People came forward one after another to save their day's rations and put them into the donation box.

In the Storytelling Hall, Mr. Storyteller, and Li Yuan's kneeling, all the audience in the audience were angry.

When I heard the storyteller say: "If you don't get married, if you don't cede the land, the emperor will guard the country, and the king will die in the country."

One by one, they stood up and said, "Well said, this is the backbone of Da Gan!"

"Dongyuan County Duke is the most courageous person in Daqian!"

"If anyone ever calls Duke Dingyuan a fool again, I will kill him!"

Coppers, silver, and even women's gestures were all thrown up, "Help me donate to the court!"

"Kill all the Hun dogs! Welcome the princess back and take back the ceded land!"

(End of this chapter)

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