big dry son-in-law

Chapter 493 Qingning County Male

Chapter 493 Qingning County Male
Qin Mo remembered, "Are you talking about Yuan Tiangang?"

"Yes, yes, that old god!"

"What a god, you old bastard!"

Qin Mo waved his hands repeatedly, "See you, see you!"

"Prince Qin, Pindao knew that you didn't want to see me, so Pindao came in person!"

Qin Mo turned his head suddenly and saw Yuan Tiangang, the immortal spirit master, coming with the female devil.

What the hell!

He even came to the door himself.

However, this is his home court, so he is not afraid, "Old Yuan, what do you want from me?"

"What did you call Master?" Fang Chun stared, "Lao Yuan? Aren't you afraid of thunder?"

Qin Mo hesitated for a while, "Then my name is Xiaogang? Gangzi?"

"You!" Fang Shun was so angry that he wanted to catch Qin Mo and teach him a lesson, but was stopped by Yuan Tiangang. "People outside Fang can be called whatever they want. You call me Xiao Yuan and you call me young. Thank you, Jun." Sir!" Yuan Tiangang said with a smile.


He has a face as thick as a city wall, and he is worthy of being a metaphysician.

"Qin Mo, don't go too far!" Fang Chun wanted to hit him angrily.

Qin Mo curled his lips and said, "Tell me, why did you come to me!"

"It's nothing, I just want the Duke to help me with a small matter!" Yuan Tiangang said.

"No need to talk!" Qin Mo turned around and walked to the military camp, "Xiao Liuzi, tell my dad that I will sleep in the military camp tonight!"

"My lord, you are going to suffer a big disaster when you go to Tubo. Pindao will help you to avoid the calamity. How about you do Pindao a small favor?"

Qin Mo didn't stop, "Don't listen, don't listen, just recite sutras!"

"Master, he is so annoying!" Fang Shun clenched her pink fist, "I want to hit him!"

Yuan Tiangang smiled helplessly and couldn't help but pat Fang Shun's head gently, "It's not you, you bullied him too hard!"

"I, I am eliminating the hostility in his heart, allowing him to see his true feelings clearly and subdue his inner apes!" Fang Shun bit his lip, "Besides, whoever tells him to talk nonsense should be taught a lesson!"

"You have to make up for the mistakes you made. This time is very important. The military parade has improved the national fortunes in the past 200 years. But if you want to break through this shackles, this battle is the turning point!"

Yuan Tiangang said: "Whether it will be suppressed by the Eastern Divine Dragon or whether it will be attacked by a group of dragons, we will have to wait and see!"

"Master, can I not go?"

"Okay!" Yuan Tiangang said.

Fang Chun was overjoyed, but she almost cried the next second.

"If you don't go, don't recognize me as your master. Let's go back to the bridge and go back to the road!" Yuan Tiangang was always doting on Fang Chuan, but this time, he was particularly strict.

Fang Chun's eyes suddenly turned red, "Master, I."

"Remember, Ziwei Sect, each generation has its own responsibilities. If you can't shoulder this responsibility, leave." Yuan Tiangang said with a heart.

Fang Shun quickly knelt on the ground and cried: "I'm going, I'm going, Master, don't drive me away!"

In her heart, Yuan Tiangang is both her teacher and her father.

Without Yuan Tiangang, she would really have no home.

"Can you take responsibility?"


"would you like?"

"The apprentice is willing!"

"Remember, keep him safe."

With that said, Yuan Tiangang turned around and left.

Fang Shuan wiped her tears and quickly followed.

"Xiao Liuzi, are they two gone?"

"Let's go, young master, don't worry, I just asked someone to explore the way, and I'm really gone!" Xiao Liuzi said.Qin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's go home!"

He is not afraid of Yuan Tiangang, but annoyed.

The original plan to go to Liumen was also disrupted. He simply wrote a general outline of the plan and called Xu Que over. "I'm not at home, so I will follow this general outline."

"Yes, Governor!" Xu Que said: "Does the cooperation of six doors need to be carried out in this battle?"

"Just take care of your family, keep an eye on those people, and write to me anytime if there is anything unusual.

And protect my family for me, and kill anyone who touches you. No one can touch you until I die! "

"Yes, I understand!"

"Have those people been found?" Qin Mo asked.

"We found some clues, but those people were very cunning and the clues were interrupted!" Xu Que said, "Please punish me!"

"There is nothing to punish. Your Majesty has not found these people from the Great Zhou Dynasty to now. The Six Gates have only been established for a long time. It is normal to not find them for a while.

Find a way to dig deeper into the roots of the Six Doors, go deep into every corner of Daqian, and find a way to penetrate into their interior, so that they can be uprooted!
The method was not given to you before, so you just have to follow that method. "

"Yes, I humbly obey the governor's teachings!" Xu Que said with cupped hands.

"Get up, go back, as long as you work seriously, I will never treat you badly!"

"Yes, Governor!"

After putting away the general outline of the work, Xu Que left the Qin Mansion.

Working with Qin Mo, he became more and more capable.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he tried to do the work according to Qin Mo's ideas, and he was able to do things easily.

He was not a genius, but he was able to take care of the six doors in a short time, which was inseparable from Qin Mo's guidance and guidance.

When he returned to his house, he was called over by Xu Shichang, "Dad, are you looking for me?"

Looking at Xu Que, Xu Shichang's eyes were filled with relief, "Did Qin Mo let you go in this battle?"

Xu Que shook his head, "The governor asked me to stay in Kyoto. I have a task that I cannot tell my father in detail!"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Xu Shichang's eyes. Daqian valued military exploits, and even those civil servants mostly relied on military exploits to make their fortunes.

"What a great opportunity!" He sighed secretly.

At this moment, the housekeeper hurriedly came to report, "Master, angel, the palace has sent an angel to read the imperial edict!"

Xu Shichang was stunned, "Quick, open the middle door!"

He stood up quickly and asked, "Who is the decree for?"

"It's for the third young master!"

The housekeeper glanced at Xu Que and said.

Xu Que's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Go, get out!"

Xu Shichang brought Xu Que to the main hall, and the person who came was none other than Gao Shilian.

"Don't blame me for not being able to greet you from afar when Duke Gao comes!" Xu Shichang repeatedly handed over his hand.

Gao Shilian smiled and said, "We are here to congratulate you. Your third son, Xu Que, has done a good job and won the Holy Heart. No, the reward is here!"

"Xu Shichang respectfully listens to the edict!" he bowed.

Xu Que was half-kneeling on the ground to show respect.

Gao Shilian said: "Under the sect: Xu Que, the third son of the British prince, has a long history in the six sects, is capable in doing things, and is rewarded to a man from Qingning County, Qingyang. From the fifth rank, he will be rewarded with a reward of [-] and a gold belt."

Xu Que was so excited that he was trembling all over. Qingning County Duke, after Qin Mo, was the second founding county man who did not rely on military exploits.

Moreover, Qingning County is located on Guannai Road and is a prosperous place.

Although it is not hereditary, there are only more than 20 hereditary marquises, usually they are demoted in the second generation, and then gradually downgraded!

"Mr. Qingning County, it's time to accept the order!" Gao Shilian said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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