big dry son-in-law

Chapter 542 Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding!

Chapter 542 Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding!

Dou Jianming was so angry that he trembled all over, "Qin Hanzi, how dare you hit me!"


Qin Mo slapped him again, "Okay, now it's symmetrical. Next time you walk more carefully and don't block the road!"

With that said, he walked to the study angrily. It's not like he had never been to the Dou family before, so why should he go to the backyard.

Dou Jianming clenched his fists. At that moment, he could really kill Qin Mo, but if he killed Qin Mo, he would be dead.

He was really aggrieved. Qin Mo lost all his official positions and even forced his way into his house. He was slapped twice, but he didn't dare to fight back.

Qin Mo, I and you are inseparable!

He knew what Qin Mo was going to do, so he ran to the backyard angrily and found Dou Mei.

At this time, Dou Mei was practicing shooting.

"Sister, stop practicing!" Dou Jianming said angrily: "Qin Mo came to the door and wants to force dad to let you marry Chai Rong!"


Dou Mei was so angry that she stopped practicing her gun, "It's impossible for me to marry that loser!"

"You also know how favored Qin Mo is now. If dad doesn't agree, he will probably make fun of him!"

"He's too much of a bully. I'll go find him!"

Dou Mei snorted, "If he dares to bully dad, I will stab him with a gun to death."

At this time, Dou Yiai stood there in Li Ling's room, "Why don't you let me out?"

"You're just doing nothing!" Li Ling snorted coldly, "Qin Mo barged in so carelessly, did you take me seriously?"

"But I told dad, Qin Mo is also my brother after all, so why don't we even see each other?" Dou Yiai was very angry, "Is it the second child who is behind it again? What's the benefit of him doing this? ?”

Seeing that Dou Yiai was about to leave, Li Ling said quickly: "If you still want to enter my room in the future, then just stay there. If you don't want to go in, then get out!"

Dou Yiai was immediately confused. During this period, the relationship between him and Li Ling also eased a lot.

This is all Qin Mo's credit. Now he can get tens of thousands of taels every month. He has achieved military exploits on his own and is looked down upon wherever he goes.


"Nothing to worry about!" Li Ling stood up, "I'm going to see Qin Mo. You stay here, do you hear me?"

"Okay then!" Dou Yiai had no choice but to endure it in order to be able to enter and leave Li Ling's room at will. "Then remember, don't make Jingyun angry!"

"Hmph, you don't need to remind me."

After walking out of the room, Li Ling straightened her clothes, smiled on her face, and walked over quickly.

At this time, Qin Mo had already arrived in the study and caught Dou Xuanling who was about to lie down on bed and pretend to be sick.

Dou Xuanling was extremely embarrassed, "Um, I'm sick. I really didn't lie to you!"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Qin Mo said directly: "We have always had a good relationship. What's the reason why you can't see me?"

Dou Xuanling said helplessly: "Jingyun, please go back. It's not that I won't sell you face. My daughter can marry anyone, but the key is... my wife won't allow it!"

"Meimei is already a grown-up. I'm not saying that Meimei is not good. What I'm saying is, which young man in the capital is so upset that he would come to propose marriage? It's my Xiaochai!"

Qin Mo said: "I dare not say too much. If you marry my Xiaochai, you will definitely live a good life. Why are you so confused!" "You know nothing!" Dou Xuanling sighed: "Chai Rong is not young anymore, and now Chai Guogong is back. It stands to reason that he should have started a family long ago, but you can’t figure out why he hasn’t started a family yet?”

"I know, just because my father-in-law is a relative of the former dynasty, you all can't avoid him!" Qin Mo said, "The Great Zhou Dynasty has died, and you still cling to the past. If you ask me, you are old-fashioned. The main culprit who destroyed the internal unity of Daqian!"

"Fart, I don't care about that!" Dou Xuanling's eyes widened, "You don't even think about what my wife's last name is!"

"My surname is Lu!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Mo reacted immediately, "Oh shit, I remembered, your wife is the daughter of Fan Yanglu's family."

Dou Xuanling nodded, "It's not that I don't allow it, it's that she doesn't allow it. As you know, I always respect her!"

"If you're afraid, just say it, don't put gold on your face." Qin Mo said: "I have beaten the Lu family in the capital, and the Fan Yang Lu family hasn't figured it out yet?
I'm too lazy to talk nonsense. Tell your wife that my Xiaochai really likes Xiaomei.

If Xiaomei doesn't like her, I won't say anything, but you can't stop Xiaochai from pursuing her. If your pursuit really succeeds, you can't stop her. "

Dou Xuanling felt aggrieved. As a husband, he was afraid of his wife, but today he was bullied by a junior.

"Okay, I will definitely bring your words to you!" Fortunately, Qin Mo didn't do anything to rob the girl. Dou Xuanling said: "It's nothing, you can leave!"

Qin Mo didn't talk nonsense. There was no need to rush this matter. Just as he was walking out the door, he saw a burly woman walking over carrying an iron gun weighing several dozen kilograms.

Seeing Qin Mo's murderous intent, "Qin Mo, if you dare to bully my father, I will stab you to death!"

As he said that, he shot him.

Dou Jianming was watching from behind, but he didn't expect Dou Mei to be so brave. If the shot hit, he would lose half his life if not death.

Although I felt happy in my heart, I was still a little afraid of actually killing someone, so I pretended to shout, "Third sister, please be merciful!"

But along the way, Dou Jianming said a lot of bad things about Qin Mo. Dou Mei was in a state of anger. He had so much control over her, so there was not much room for him to strike.

Qin Mo was startled, seeing that the sharp spear was about to pierce into Qin Mo's body. At the critical moment, Gao Yao grabbed the iron spear, pressed it down suddenly, and with Dou Mei's strength, directly smashed the iron spear into Qin Mo's body. The gun was pressed down.


Sparks splattered.

Gao Yao jumped and stepped on the gun. The huge inertia made Dou Mei unable to hold the iron gun steady.

When she reacted, a dagger was already pressed against her neck. If Qin Mo hadn't called her to stop her, Gao Yao would have slashed her neck.

"Who gave you the courage to attack my young master? If you hurt my young master even a little, you will kill the entire Dou family!" Gao Yao said angrily.

Dou Mei felt embarrassed when she saw that she was restrained by a young eunuch.

Dou Xuanling quickly ran out of the study room, "Misunderstanding, Jingyun, this is all a misunderstanding, please let go of your little kid!"

As he said this, he cursed at Dou Mei: "You are crazy. If you attack the prince of the dynasty, how much life does your father have?"

"Dad, he bullied you!"

"Who said Jingyun bullied me?" Dou Xuanling said helplessly: "Who did you listen to? He came to visit and brought gifts. How could he be bullied?"

Dou Mei said: "He came to help that loser marry him, but he just can't do it anyway!"

Dou Xuanling still wanted to scold, but Qin Mo stopped him and said with a smile: "Meimei, you have to think clearly. If you want to join the Thunder Army, no one can do this without my consent!"

(End of this chapter)

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