big dry son-in-law

Chapter 546: Striving to Become a Brick

Chapter 546: Striving to be a brick in the great cause
"Father, you are killing me!"

"If you still recognize me as your father, swear that you will never listen to your mother again and never associate with your grandfather's family again.

If you don't listen to me, I will expel you from Dou Mansion today. From now on, whether you live or die, it is up to you! "Dou Xuanling said angrily.

Dou Mei had never seen such a hysterical father, and she was frightened and overwhelmed for a moment, "Dad, I listen to you, I will definitely control my temper in the future, don't expel me from the house!"

Dou Xuanling nodded, strode out of the main hall, looked at his timid wife outside, and said: "I have made a great contribution to the Lu family to be here today, but today, I have returned everything to the Lu family. From today on, all grudges will be severed.

I just want to ask you, do you want your natal family or this family? "

"Mr. Lang, I was wrong!" Mrs. Doulu was frightened. "If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog. Naturally, I want it from our family."

"Okay, we have been husband and wife for decades, and you still haven't lost your mind." Dou Xuanling had a divorce note hidden on her body. If Mrs. Dou Lu wanted her parents' family instead of his own, he would divorce her without hesitation.

When the housekeeper was ready to pay homage, Dou Xuanling went directly to the Duke of Qin's Mansion, but as soon as he got on the carriage, he felt something was wrong.

It is not good for Qin Xiangru to come to the door in such a arrogant manner.

He went back to his hometown and wrote two letters, one to Qin Xiangru and one to Qin Mo.

At this time, Qin Mo was called into the palace by Li Shilong.

"Father, why are you calling me here in such a hurry?"

"Why didn't you inform me about the Dou family's affairs?" Li Shilong snorted, "Do you think you can hide this matter from me?"

Qin Mo had already guessed that Li Shilong was responsible for this.

He didn't say it mainly because of Dou Yiai's face. In addition, Dou Xuanling was a good person and he didn't feel sorry for him. There was no need to kill everyone.

The ones who really deserve to die are the Lu family and their evil intentions.

"Father, then you have wronged me. There must be evidence for the report. I can't just accuse a prince of the dynasty with empty words!" Qin Mo said with an aggrieved look: "Besides, I guess this matter , Lao Dou was also a hindsight, he was the type to be implicated."

Hearing what Qin Mo said, Li Shilong's anger subsided a little. If the old people who followed him all the way were stabbed in the back, he would never be merciful.

"Besides, the only people who know about the grenade formula and the blueprint of the thunder cannon are my father, me, and Li Yue. Apart from that, there is no fourth person." Qin Mo said.

Li Shilong nodded and said: "Fan Yanglu's family has rebellious intentions. I want to cut him off. Do you have any idea?"

What the hell!

This old man is floating.

"Father, this matter involves too much. I'm afraid it really needs to be settled." Qin Mo shook his head repeatedly, "If you ask me, killing them is pointless. Keeping them is more useful than killing them."

Li Shilong said: "Don't hesitate. Do you want to say that this matter has something to do with Cheng Qian?"

"Father, I didn't say anything!"

Li Shilong snorted, "Follow me for a walk in the Royal Garden!"

"It's such a hot day, I just want to get some air!" Qin Mo quickly changed his words when he saw Li Shilong's cannibalistic expression.


He didn't expect Lao Dou to be so decisive.

Say back and back.

Li Shilong would not kill him because of his past friendship, but the prince was unlucky.

In order to protect the prince, Li Shilong wanted to kill Fan Yang and the Lu family.

But after the killing, the aristocratic families united, and the world might be in turmoil again.

Aren't you going to bother him later?When he came to the Imperial Garden, Li Shilong dispersed everyone else, and even Gao Shilian was driven far away.

Weng and son-in-law were drinking tea under a towering tree, which was quite cool.

"I ask you, if one day Cheng Qian comes up, will you assist him?" Li Shilong asked lightly.

"Father, you are asking this, of course!" Qin Mo said: "I will assist whoever comes up, but I am a lazy person, I can't talk about assisting, I will just do my best.

When you need me, I will come out. When you don’t need me, I will stay here, striving to be a brick in the big effort! "

At this time, you must not give Li Xin any more eye drops. You cannot answer such an obvious test randomly.

Only the king and the father choose their ministers, and how can the ministers choose the king's father?

Li Shilong sighed: "Can't you just have a heart-to-heart relationship with me?"

Qin Mo scratched his head and said, "Father, let me tell you the truth. How can I, a son-in-law, interfere in my father-in-law's affairs?

Whoever you think is wise and more suitable to inherit the throne, then let him succeed.

Everyone is my brother-in-law, and they are all my relatives. They are close to each other, but governing the world is not based on nepotism. I can't support whoever I am close to.

What if the person who comes up is a idiot, how can everyone hate me to death? "

"You are telling the truth. There are no two people in the imperial court who can communicate with each other, and you are one of them!" Li Shilong felt lonely in his heart. He felt that Qin Mo understood him, and Qin Mo did not let him down.

While being lazy, I worked hard to solve countless troubles for him, making Da Gan's carriage run faster and further.

Ordinary people don't understand Qin Mo, but Li Shilong understands that at this moment, they are Weng's son-in-law and close friends.

"I will show my heart to anyone who treats me well. Even though my father always scolds me and kicks me, he is really kind to me!"

"You brat, you have some conscience." Li Shilong snorted, "Then I'll ask you again, prince, fourth child, or eighth child, who is the most suitable among these three people!"

"Father, didn't I tell you that you were cheating? I don't care about this matter and I don't have any opinions!"

"Just say what I ask you to say, don't worry!" Li Shilong directly gave Qin Mo a chestnut, "You must seriously analyze for me and decide who to appoint, I will make my own decision!"

Qin Mo covered his head with a grimace on his face, "No, you can't beat me. If you beat me, I'll beat your daughter!"

Li Shilong laughed angrily, "If you dare, I will hang you up and beat you!"

Qin Mo snorted: "Just say it, what's the big deal!"

He drank a cup of tea and said, "I won't comment on any of these three people. I don't care who my father appoints. I'll just tell you my personal opinion!"

Li Shilong took a sip of tea and said, "Stop talking nonsense and hurry up!"

“Two thousand years ago, the abdication system was implemented, and whoever was wise would be promoted, and whoever was capable would be promoted.

Therefore, those people selected by the Holy Emperor are all wise and rarely foolish.

However, society has progressed and there are more people, so there are selfish motives. Only then does it appear that sons inherit their father's inheritance, and they establish their direct descendants first, and those who do not have direct descendants.

If it doesn't grow, you should also adopt a bloodline clan to ensure that the incense will not be extinguished.

The incense continues, but after two or three generations, a foolish king will appear. Even if he is not a faint king, he will still be a successful king.

The people who are most afraid of being in power don't even have the ability to maintain their integrity. That would be a disaster for a country.

After all, how many people in this world are as civilized and virtuous as my father?
Even if there are hundreds of kings, they are only a handful of people! "

(End of this chapter)

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