big dry son-in-law

Chapter 561 Encounter

Chapter 561 Encounter

On the way back, Qin Mo felt relaxed and sat there fishing with a fishing rod.

He estimated that in the past three days of sailing, he should have passed the Jiaodong Peninsula and entered the Blackwater Ocean, otherwise it would be impossible to catch Lan Kun.

This chart is so inaccurate that it kills people.

He said he hadn't seen land after three days of sailing!

"Are you stupid? How can a fish take the bait without bait?" Fang Shun thought Qin Mo was crazy. In fact, she was going crazy on the fishing boat. She had a quarrel with the little eunuch just now and almost got into a fight.

"This is called Junguo Gong fishing, and those who are willing will take the bait, do you understand?" Qin Mo took a sip of ginseng tea and was in a good mood.

"Why are you here to disturb the young master? Do you want to fight?" Gao Yao came over and glared at Fang Chun.

Second groan!

Fang Shun drew out his sword and said, "When we fight, we fight, whoever is afraid of whom!"

Gao Yao didn't tolerate her, so he started to fight with a knife in his hand.

Qin Mo didn't bother to care. The two were definitely enemies in their previous lives, and they looked down upon each other.

At this moment, a captain ran over and said, "General Manager, an unknown fleet has been spotted ahead!"


Qin Mo frowned, "Is it our caravan?"

Although he blocked the Bohai Bay, there were still fleets coming from the Jiaodong Peninsula.

"It doesn't look like our big boat!"

Qin Mo threw the fishing rod aside, quickly climbed up the mast, looked around, and sure enough, he found a fleet of dozens of ships on the right front.

"Quick, come over, put the harpoon on the ballista, and raise the flag to the Thunder Army so that they can be ready to fire at any time!"

The captain was stunned, "Do you want to tell General Zhang?"

"Let you go!"

Regardless of whether these fleets were engaged in large-scale operations, he had to check. Maritime smuggling was far more exaggerated than land smuggling.

Once maritime trade is encouraged, there will definitely be a lot of smuggling on the sea, so there must be a maritime military strike force.

Zhang Xi was confused when he saw the flag bearer changing the flag, "What's the situation? Why should we fire when everything is fine?"

"General, the general manager thinks there is a problem with any fleet, so he must stop them for inspection!"

Zhang Xi frowned and said nothing.

Fang Shun and Gao Yao also stopped, "I'll fight you next time, but I'll let you go this time!"

Gao Yao snorted coldly, "I let you go!"

Qin Mo climbed down from the mast, and the three thousand navy members had entered a wartime state.

The fleet in front not only did not slow down, but accelerated towards the fleet.

Zhang Xi frowned, "Quick Yacht went over and flagged the opponent to make them stop!"

When marching on the sea, it is unrealistic to rely on shouting, so semaphore is the best way to communicate.

Although it has various limitations, it is still the most advanced method of maritime information exchange nowadays.

"General, there is no response from the other party!"

Years of combat experience told Zhang Xi that the other party had a problem, "Quick, tell the building ship over there to be ready for battle at any time!"

"General Manager, General Zhang reminds us to be ready for battle!"

"Put up the racket!" Qin Mo said: "Be ready to fire at any time!"

The racket is a more powerful and practical weapon than the ram. It is used to hit passing boats. With one blow, it may even break the boat into two pieces. It is very scary!
However, they had thunder cannons, and this time Qin Mo brought a hundred of them.

Although the Thunder Cannon is not suitable for naval battles, you have to let them get used to it!
"Sprint with all our strength and warn the opposing fleet again that if they don't stop, we will take coercive measures!"

Qin Mo was now certain that the other party was not a merchant ship.Although the other side's ships were not as tall as theirs, they were almost twice as numerous.

They used flags to tell them that they were the Daqian Navy, but the other party kept moving but accelerated.

The atmosphere was suddenly tense.

The flagman on the yacht warned three times in a row. Not only did the fleet not slow down, but they opened their bows and fired arrows.


When the fleet entered the firing range of the thunder cannon, Qin Mo decisively ordered the cannon to fire!
Boom boom boom!
The deafening sound of cannons sounded!

Some cannonballs fell into the water and exploded, but others hit the opponent's deck heavily.

The ammunition exploded, and those on the deck were instantly killed and wounded.

The wooden hull was destroyed by the thunder cannon!
In addition to the thunder cannon, there is also a weapon similar to the ballista on the ship, the winch crossbow!
This thing can fire seven crossbow arrows at one time, and the effect is comparable to the rocket Katyusha!

Before the opponent's fleet even got close, two ships were sunk!
The accuracy of shooting at sea is still too poor.

After five consecutive volleys, they managed to knock out four or five of the opponent's ships.

At this time, the leading ships collided heavily.

The huge inertia directly shattered the bow of the ship!
Zhang Xi said angrily: "Kill them!"

Qin Mo clenched his fists, "Oh, these people are not wearing armor and are pretending to be a caravan. Isn't this concealing their identities?"

"Keep shelling, don't stop!"

Qin Mo saw that the troops at the front were already standing in a group, rockets ignited the deck, and black smoke was billowing from the sea. Today, they will never come back!
At the same time, Goguryeo general Doufang punched the rudder of the ship, "Quick, rush up, launch rockets, and fight them in close combat!"

This time they brought 8000 ships with a total of [-] people. They did not wear armor because they were afraid of being retaliated by Da Gan. They came here to receive the goods!
Moreover, he would never allow the Bohai Bay to be blocked.

It's just that the intelligence didn't say that Daqian had such a terrifying weapon!

Bang bang bang!
The sound of explosions that came from time to time in his ears made him terrified.

But he has no way out.

"Don't retreat, charge forward, hurry up!"

"General, the Dagan people have mastered the thunder, we are no match!" A deputy general ran over covered in blood, his eyes full of horror, "Almost everyone among them can control the thunder, it's terrible!"

Doufang watched his men being killed and retreating steadily. He was repelled almost as soon as he met them.

How to fight this?
The racket stick fell heavily.

A huge gap was opened in a medium-sized ship, and sea water poured in. Within a few breaths, it began to sink.

The Goguryeo soldiers on the boat fell into the water, but what greeted them were grenades!
"Quick, fry the fish!"

Qin Mo shouted loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, hundreds of grenades were thrown into the water.

The rolling sea water was dyed red with blood, and screams came one after another.

Qin Mo showed no mercy at all.

"Don't let anyone escape!" Qin Mo said angrily.

A naval battle is no safer than a land battle, and is even more brutal. The two sides are fighting in such a small place. Either you die or I die!
Boom boom boom!
The thunder cannon continued to bombard.

The explosion made the other party fall on their backs!

Melee combat?

They think too much!
This time Qin Mo brought a full 20 grenades out to fry fish, which would sink all their ships!

"Hahaha, so happy!" Zhang Xi looked at the enemy soldiers who had been killed and turned upside down below. This was a battle achievement delivered to their door. It was so damn exciting.

You can get military exploits even when you go fishing in the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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