big dry son-in-law

Chapter 606 It's all drama!

Chapter 606 It's all drama!

Since giving birth to Shuangshuang, Qin Xiuying's status has become even higher.

Qin Xiangru was eaten to death.

In the past, it was just a matter of words, but now if you pluck your ears, it’s quick and accurate.

"You idiot, just wait and see if I don't beat you to death, yo yo yo Xiuying, I was wrong."

Qin Mo covered his mouth and snickered, but thinking about the third sister and the younger sister, he felt a little uneasy.

He's really such a scumbag.

"Dad, please enter the palace as soon as possible. Your Majesty and the others are waiting. Remember, you must help Sitian get benefits. Come on!"

After saying that, Qin Mo quickly ran into the inner courtyard.

Li Yulan already knew what was going on. She was currently embroidering on the fire bed and Qin Mo came in and ignored him.

Seeing this, Qin Mo's heart skipped a beat, "Third Sister?"

"Where did Mr. Lang go last night? He didn't even know where the door was!" Seeing Qin Mo's eyes red and swollen, Li Yulan thought it was because of staying up late. She felt distressed and uncomfortable at the same time.

Even though we know that Qimei is in danger, it's more than that, right?


Qin Mo smiled and took out a pair of small clay figurines like magic, "Third sister, look, I made them with my own hands, do they look like you and me?"

"It doesn't look like it, it's so ugly!" Li Yulan said.

Qin Mo rolled his eyes and knew that Li Yulan was angry. He sighed and simply stopped trying, "Third sister, I was wrong!"

Li Yulan pretended not to know, "Where did Mr. Lang go wrong?"

"I stayed at Fengyang Pavilion last night without informing Third Sister. When I left the palace this morning, my father asked us to come into the palace to propose marriage!" Qin Mo pretended to look pitiful and turned sideways, "Third Sister, please pull my ears. Come on, you can hit me or scold me, I’m so worthless!

But just don't sulk secretly. If you can't do it, just whip me with a whip, okay? "

Seeing Qin Mo's aggrieved look, Li Yulan was still angry, and immediately said: "Why should I hit you? Who do you like? Can I still stop you?

Could it be that in your eyes, I am that kind of jealous woman?
Qimei came to see me a long time ago and she has indeed changed.

My feelings for you are also rock solid. She is my sister, so how can I see her as someone who cannot love her? "

Li Yulan sighed. If Li Yushu hadn't been running for her, maybe she would be married to Hou Yong now.

The Hou family is very ambitious, so her end may be another tragedy.

"Didn't you guys break up?" Qin Mo was stunned.

"We broke up, but we made up again!" Li Yulan blinked her big eyes, "We made up a long time ago!"

"Okay, third sister, you didn't tell me!"

Li Yulan was pulled into Qin Mo's arms, she exclaimed and couldn't help but said: "Seventh sister is arrogant, you are even more arrogant than seventh sister. If seventh sister doesn't bow her head, you may never pay attention to her in this life.

If I tell you, you will be on guard, and then you will say that Qimei is plotting against you! "

Qin Mo smiled awkwardly, "Third sister, aren't you angry?"

"What's the use of me being angry?" Li Yulan sighed: "I owe you both in my previous life, but don't treat Sitian badly. That girl is innocent and loves you!"

"Third sister, you are so kind!"

Qin Mo couldn't stop confessing.

"Yeah, since you know how good I am, stop teasing me. It's broad daylight. Father-in-law will call you later!"

"My father has entered the palace, and there is no way I can get back the time!" "Good brother, Third Sister, I beg you, let Third Sister wait for two more days!"

"Good uncle, sister-in-law, please"

Gao Yao stood silently at the door, listening to the sounds inside, shaking his head secretly, didn't this make Qin Mo even more excited!
At this time, Qin Xiangru entered the palace.

Looking at Li Shilong, whose face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, his heart pounded, "Your Majesty."

"Qin Xiangru, I won't talk nonsense. Please tell me what to do about this matter.

I can't let my legitimate daughter marry your Qin Mo together with my eldest daughter. Where do you want me to put my face? "

Qin Xiangru scratched his head and said, "Your Majesty, even the humble ministers don't know what to do."

Li Yuan said: "The main reason is that there is no such precedent in Daqian. If we marry together, I guess those people will have a huge quarrel, but it won't work if we don't marry together.

There will always be children who are wronged. Besides, marrying is no problem, but Chai Sitian is another problem.

As her equal wife, her children are also equal sons and are eligible to inherit your family's title. "

Qin Xiangru sighed, but he still felt secretly happy. He scolded and beat him every time. His fool was really good at it.

"Your Majesty, if you can't help it, why don't you give me another title!" With so many debts weighing him down, he thought about it. Qin Xiuying was right. They would be jealous of marrying one princess, but how about marrying seven or eight?
They have to take a detour!

If you are afraid of a hammer, just marry him!
"Return the title? Three Dukes in the same family? Don't even think about the smoke coming out of Qin Xiangru's ancestral grave!" Li Shilong was so angry that Daqian's title was just a wild vegetable on the roadside. You can dig it up if you want?

"Your Majesty, aren't we discussing this? We don't want a prince, just a county prince. We don't want fiefdoms and towns. We don't want any rewards. Just hereditary replacement!"

"Qin Xiangru, do you know how many hereditary princes and county princes there are in Daqian? There are no more than thirty in total, and your family only accounts for two!

One more one, you Qin family want to die, don’t you? "

"Then how about the county prince?" Qin Xiangru said: "Your Majesty, please stop digging around. Our family has few children, and there are three or four children in other families. They all marry princesses and are all consorts, and they are all given the title of duke. Lord's.

If I had three or four children in my family, wouldn’t I have to give these rewards the same way?
Now I just give all these rewards to one of my children.

But our children are capable. Your Majesty, please tell me how many things my idiot has done in the past year.

It's not just asking for credit. To be honest, I'm afraid that he will take credit again.

But that kid is disobedient and insists on making meritorious deeds, which worries me. "

Li Shilong felt angry, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt that what Qin Xiangru said made sense!

"Bah, he is my son-in-law. What's wrong with doing some meritorious service? He is more capable of getting into trouble than doing meritorious service!"

"Your Majesty, you are just Chesou!"

"Qin Xiangru, are you going to rebel?"

Qin Xiangru was worried that he had no place to cause trouble, so this opportunity came.

He frowned, "Your Majesty, I have been following you since I was young. You can scold me, beat me, or kill me, but you can't say that I rebelled.

Wei Chen is just seeking benefits for his daughter-in-law. If His Majesty feels that it is not possible, Wei Chen will be dismissed. Anyway, Wei Chen doesn't want to be the head of the Price Bureau anymore! "

"Sure enough, like father, like son. You two, father and son, know how angry I am!" Li Shilong kicked him directly.

Qin Xiangru 'followed the trend' and flew far away, which made Li Shilong laugh angrily, "Drama queens, you two father and son are both drama queens, one can act better than the other!"

Qin Mo's crying scene is a masterpiece, as is Qin Xiangru's collision with a pillar.

But Li Yuan put his hand on his belt, "What's wrong with you, do you treat your veteran like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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