big dry son-in-law

Chapter 608 Princess Jing’an’s Goddaughter!

Chapter 608 Princess Jing’an’s Goddaughter!

"Your Majesty, Qin Mo wants to marry two princesses?" Du Jingming thought he heard wrongly.

"That's right, I want to marry Jingyang and Yonghe to Qin Mo at the same time. Originally, only Yonghe was to marry, and the daughter of the Chai family was an equal wife.

But the title of the Qin family was not enough, so Qin Xiangru and Qin Mo took the initiative to request a decree to demote the county prince in exchange for a third county prince! "

"Your Majesty, it's fine if the eldest princess gets married, but if the eldest princess gets married too, it's going to be huge!" Du Jingming smiled bitterly. There was smoke coming from the Qin family's ancestral graves. The two most expensive princesses in Daqian married the same person?
"Are two hereditary and irreplaceable princes worse than three county princes?"

"Of course it's comparable, but marrying two princesses is unprecedented in Daqian. How should we get married?
Who is the legal wife or the equal wife?
Even though there are three wives and four concubines, equal wives are just a gift! "

"There are no legitimate wives." Li Shilong said: "The imperial decree does not mention this matter."

The Qin family has made such a big concession. Even if it would be a bit unfair for the two princesses to be equal to Chai Sitian, it was their choice.

For Qin Mo's sake, consider it a gift.

"But, cocoa, this is against the rules!"

"My rules are rules!" Li Shilong waved his hand, "Draw up the decree and send it out as soon as possible!"

Du Jingming had no choice but to return to Zhongshu Province. Now he was temporarily acting as Zhongshu Ling. Cui Youren and others were furious when they saw the imperial edict he had drawn up.

"It's ridiculous and confusing. The matter of deposing the prince has passed with thunder and rain, and now the eldest princess and the eldest princess are married to one person, and they are on an equal footing with the daughter of the prince, without any dignity or inferiority.

If it is against the rules, this will cannot be issued! "

Not to mention Cui Youren, the other members of Zhongshushe looked confused and resisted.

Du Jingming said: "The imperial edict is still going to be issued. If you want to resist, just go on your own and don't get involved with me!"

The two princes of the Qin family are not as good as three county princes?

In his eyes, this is the princess that the Qin family bought in exchange for two hereditary princes. Although it is unprecedented, it is reasonable.

"Du Zhongshu, you have to think carefully about the consequences of issuing this imperial edict!"

"The Tian family is marrying a daughter, the Qin family is marrying a daughter-in-law, and I am drinking wedding wine. What will be the consequences?" Du Jingming didn't bother to talk nonsense to them, and directly sent the imperial edict.

Gao Shilian read it personally.

Qin Mo was stunned when he heard the contents of the imperial edict.

His Duke of Junguo became the Duke of Dingyuan County and the Duke of Fengyang County?
Dad also became the Duke of Qin County.

He looked at Lao Qin blankly, "Dad, is this the clever plan you mentioned?"

Qin Xiangru said proudly: "Isn't it wonderful? We have finally been demoted. Son, you will work hard in the future to make the three county princes become national princes. In this way, our family will be one family and three princes!"

"Wonderful, even better than Mickey Mouse's Wonderful House!" Qin Mo almost cried. Even if he wants to be demoted, there is no need to demote him so harshly!
Without a fiefdom, a settlement, or a salary, this old Qin Chunchun is so short-sighted!
"My dear nephew, congratulations. You are the first of three men in a family!" Gao Shilian was very happy. Qin Xiangru also retreated bravely. Your Majesty is very happy. Only such a person can share the same fate with the country.

Qin Mo accepted the imperial edict with some helplessness, "I share the joy. Come, uncle, have dinner at my place before leaving."

"No, we have to go back to the palace to recover!"

Gao Shilian smiled and said to Qin Mo: "You, don't think it's bad to be demoted. Qin family, Jane is in the emperor's heart!"

"I know, uncle!"

After seeing Gao Shilian to the door, Qin Mo turned back. At this time, the housekeeper was instructing people to remove the plaque of Qin Guogong's mansion.

Qin Xiangru put his hands on his hips proudly, "Son, daddy is great, we can work hard for decades more in the future!"

"Great!" Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, "Dad, you are a stick!" "What did you say?"

"Dad, I praise you for your ability!" Qin Mo curled his lips and said, "But you should let us start from the county level. This will give us a greater sense of accomplishment!"

Qin Xiangru slapped his backhand, "Ten counties are not as good as one Duke, do you think your father is stupid?"

After scolding, he began to reflect again, "But what you said makes sense. If I want a few more titles, our children can all inherit them, and I will be rewarded with ten noble titles!"

"Crazy, crazy!" Qin Mo was also speechless. There are ten masters in this family, just waiting to be chopped down!
Soon, Li Yushu, who was in Fengyang Pavilion, also got the news.

Not happy.

"Seventh sister, you finally got what you wanted!" Li Lizhen's mouth was full of bitterness. Grandpa Huang had hinted to her that he would marry her to Qin Mo.

She also liked Qin Mo in her heart, but she didn't expect that Li Yushu would turn around again.

"Sixth sister, you will definitely be able to find your right husband!" Li Yushu said.


Li Lizhen is already twenty and is an old girl. She must be married off this year.

She originally thought she would marry Qin Mo.

Seeing that Li Lizhen looked wrong, Li Yushu was silent. How could she not know what Li Lizhen was thinking.

She could see it that day during an outing in the wild.

"We're running out of time, I'm going back first!" Li Lizhen said.

"Zhuzhu, give one to Sixth Sister!" Li Yushu said.

At this time, Li Xue outside the palace was riding a little red horse in circles around the backyard.

Princess Jing'an also sighed, this matter is really troublesome.

She didn't expect that Li Yushu would look back, which made her very passive now.

"Xue'er, come here!" Princess Jing'an called Li Xue over, "Don't be so depressed. Mother will call your brother-in-law here and ask him what he thinks."

Li Xue shook her head repeatedly, "Forget it, my brother-in-law already has a third sister and a seventh sister. Uncle Qin lowered his title for the sake of the seventh sister."

She didn't care about this. On the plateau, the more powerful the men, the more women there were.

Everyone likes strong men.

But she has learned Daqian etiquette since she was a child. Three wives is the limit. Will her mother let her be a concubine?
"Mom, you don't know you yet?" Princess Jing'an said, "Jingyun has hugged and kissed you, how can you still tolerate others in your heart?

"Mom, no!" Li Xue was extremely embarrassed.

"Nothing can be hidden from me!" Princess Jing'an said: "This is not a shameful thing. My daughter must dare to love, hate, and do whatever she wants. If you like it, just go Grab it, my mother will support you!"

"This is not Nanfan!" Li Xue was a little unsure.

"Don't be afraid, my mother supports you!" Princess Jing'an said: "We don't want to fight for the right wife and equal wife. Is it possible that Jingyun still dares to treat you badly?
How do you feel about your child?
What do we women strive for? No matter how high your status is, it can't match a man's favor. If you are helpful to a man, you will be the best choice in his heart!

"My daughter understands, but if I snatch the bride, won't my brother-in-law be angry? My uncle's side."

"That's not what you worry about, I have everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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