big dry son-in-law

Chapter 628 Wonderful, really wonderful!

Chapter 628 Wonderful, really wonderful!

"You three, please be patient!" Qin Xiangru said with cupped hands.

This time he didn't say a word and was the background the whole time.

"Old Qin, your son is more of a thief than you!" Yu Boshi snorted, "You can be considered a successor!"

"Don't be angry. I'm going to go back and beat my son to vent your anger. It's so outrageous!" Qin Xiangru pretended to be angry, took out his belt and chased after him.

Du Jingming looked helpless, "It's not unusual for an old fool to give birth to a little fool!"

Li Daoyuan laughed loudly, "You two, let's think about how to carry out reforms first. This matter is the top priority."

"We must drag that brat over and make us work as coolies. He has a great idea!" Du Jingming was very unhappy.

"Yes, if he doesn't come, I will go to his house and won't leave!" Yu Boshi said, stroking his beard.

"Wonderful, really wonderful!" Li Daoyuan gave a thumbs up, "He must be dealt with!"

After everyone left, Li Yuan did not leave.

"Dad, my son has no idea!"

"It's normal for you to have no confidence, and dad doesn't have the confidence either!" There were only father and son in the room, and there were no outsiders. There was no need to talk to each other as father and son.

Li Yuandao: In fact, we can only care about the past. Who knows what will happen after our death?
If I die and you do something stupid, can I still get up from the imperial mausoleum and scold you?

Believe in the children, they have ideas, means, and bodhisattva hearts. The most important thing is that they stand with us.

I'm actually quite looking forward to what the big cadre will be like after the reform. "

Li Shilong said: "What if the new law is not as good as the old law?"

"When I started the uprising, I never thought that it would definitely succeed." Li Yuan said: "As a result, doesn't the world belong to Li now?

I have no other idea. I just want to help them and let them complete this matter. If they fail, I will bear all the sins alone! "

Li Yuan patted Li Shilong's hand and said, "Let me be the bad guy and let all my children and grandchildren be good people. How wonderful!"


Li Shilong's eyes were red. Only now did he realize how much and how cruel what he did back then was to a father.

"I want to pay homage to my eldest brother!"

Li Yuan trembled all over, "Don't be afraid, in a few years, dad will go down and explain to him!"

He had been thinking about asking Li Shilong to worship Li Jianyuan, but he never said so.

Now Li Shilong said it himself, the last trace of depression in his heart was gone.

The frown on his face relaxed, becoming kind and kind.

Li Shilong knelt on the bed and kept kowtowing to Li Yuan, "As a father, I know that my father's love is as great as a mountain. Li Shilong, my unfilial son, must apologize to my father!"

"Good good!"

Li Yuan stroked his son's head and said, "We Daqian children should correct their mistakes if they make any mistakes. They are absolutely not bad!"

The next day, the imperial edict was released, and the whole capital was shaken.

"Extra title, extra title, clan system reform, official system reform, Daqian inheritance law revised!"

Early in the morning, little newsboys selling newspapers were walking around the streets shouting!
Pedestrians passing by in a hurry, those who can read newspapers, are all intellectuals.

Nowadays, for some wealthy people in the capital, the first thing they do when they get up every morning is to read a copy of the Beijing Times and make a pot of tea.

Many people were not qualified to know what happened last night, and they were all confused when they saw the information published in the Beijing Times.

"The sky has changed, the sky is going to change!"

"It's nonsense, how can you abolish the direct descendants and establish the virtuous? This is in vain for the country's foundation!" "How can a large number of clan members join the world, traitors are in power, and the country will not be a country!"

Many people got angry and walked out of their homes. They wanted to enter the palace wearing court clothes and knelt outside the palace. However, Li Shilong refused to see him because he was ill.

But to the common people in the capital, these are just topics of conversation after dinner. Does it matter who becomes the emperor?
It is better to worry about where to work today and what to eat at night.

Those old rotten scholars took newspapers and denounced Qin Mo and others impassionedly on the streets. Some people were actually persuaded by them.

For a time, the undercurrent in the capital was surging, and people were restless.

But in the teahouse, the storyteller was slowly explaining the benefits of the new method!
More than [-]% of the teahouses in the entire capital are owned by Qin Mo. Playing with public opinion with him is a great idea!
In the storytelling library, Li Yuan was very enthusiastic about storytelling.

The Legend of Double Dragons of Daqian is also the most popular storybook of Daqian nowadays.

The museum is crowded, and a reward can amount to several thousand taels of silver.

"Captain, we have made arrangements and will escort the King of Yue all the way back to Beijing."

"How are things going with the White Lotus Sect?" Qin Mo asked casually while eating dried fruit.

"Everything is under control."

"Well, do a good job and try your best to promote your Qingning County Prince to County Marquis within one year!"

Xu Que killed Zhang Xi with an arrow and was promoted from county boy to county prince. County prince is a third-rank noble, and working as an errand under Qin Mo is a blessing!
"The subordinate is leaving!"

"Wait, why are you so anxious!" Qin Mo said: "Have you found the Maitreya Buddha and the Buddha's Mother?"

"Give me some more time!" Xu Que said, "We already have an idea!"

"Hurry up."


After Xu Que left, Qin Mo stretched himself. He was responsible for what happened to the White Lotus Sect in the northwest.

Xu Que had found the White Lotus Sect before, and then Qin Mo asked them to reverse infiltration.

It was he who revealed the news about Lao Ba and Lao Si.

As for Li Xin, this guy has been checking the whereabouts of the two of them, so Qin Mo took advantage of it.

Li Xin also believed that he did it.

But, where is Xiao Miaozhen?

Was he raised outside the palace by Lao Liu, or was he raised in the palace?
Could she be the Mother of Buddha?

So who is Maitreya Buddha?

Forget it, don't think about it anymore, find Xiao Miaozhen and cut her into a pig first to avenge Uncle Liu Gen.

At this time, bursts of cheers came from downstairs, followed by Li Yuan who came up with a satisfied look on his face.

Qin Mo quickly poured him tea, "Old man, your storytelling skills are getting better and better. Now you are the number one storyteller in the capital!"

Li Yuan wiped the sweat from his forehead, "No, my energy is getting worse and worse, and my body and bones are getting worse day by day!"

"Old man, take good care of yourself and try to live to be a hundred years old!"

Li Yuan smiled and said, "I'll work hard and live longer, but I have to keep an eye on you, kid. But Jingyun, I'm going to criticize you. You're lazy on the first day of the new law. That's not okay!"

"Old man, it's not me who proposed the new law. Prince Heng, Lao Du, and Lao Yu have eaten more salt than I have eaten, so I won't go over and cause trouble!" Qin Mo felt that he was too wise. If he brought it up, it wouldn’t be too busy!

"Okay, even if you didn't bring it up, why don't you go and help?" Li Yuan said: "Also, I want to remind you, how are you going to coax the queen?"

Qin Mo scratched his head and said with a guilty conscience: "My daughter-in-law is angry that her husband is coaxing her, so let the father coax her!"

(End of this chapter)

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