big dry son-in-law

Chapter 631 Li Yulan broke out!

Chapter 631 Li Yulan broke out!

"Yu Lan, why are you talking to your mother?" Li Shilong frowned.

Li Yulan knelt on the ground, "Father, my daughter is really aggrieved for my husband!

After marrying his father, the emperor, and his mother, he fulfilled his duty as a son-in-law. Not even his eldest brother or fourth brother could do this.

As a minister, not only did he have great achievements, but he also served countless people, sharing his worries and solving problems for his father.

Whatever the father mentioned, the husband agreed to it.

The eldest brother designed to harm him and hurt him. Has Lang Jun ever taken revenge?

No matter what the eldest brother did, no matter how unjust he was, Lang Jun still stood on the opposite side of everyone and tried to protect him.

All the officials in the court called him a treasonous traitor and a traitor to the country. Some even went as far as to pour night incense on the father-in-law's house and the husband's house.

My father-in-law never mentioned it, let alone made things difficult for those people.

I dare not say that loyalty and filial piety are unparalleled, but it is still true.

Lang Jun often said that everything the Qin family received was a gift from the Holy Spirit. We should do our best and have a clear conscience.

Rather than being granted the title of Marquis or Prime Minister, Lang Jun prefers to spend time at home cooking, making some small inventions, and doing some small business.

Nor does he oppress the people, nor does he live in a land of fish and meat.

My daughter has never asked you for anything in her life. We don’t want anything from the Qin family. We only ask our father to grant us a few acres of thin farmland and give us a place to live.

Stay away from what is right and wrong! "

Her head was on the ground, as was Li Yushu beside her. The two women said in unison: "Please grant me my father's permission!"

Li Shilong stopped talking, sat next to Queen Gongsun, and sighed heavily.

Empress Gongsun also regretted it at this time. Without Qin Mo's reform, Li Xin and Li Zhi would have ended badly.

"The queen mother was wrong!"

Empress Gongsun walked over and helped the two of them up, "It's because the queen mother was too selfish and didn't care about your feelings or Jingyun's feelings.

Jing Yun was obviously involved in this matter because of me. Your Aunt Jing'an came to me before and told me not to involve Jing Yun.

I'm selfish! "

Qin Mo, who was lying on the bed, secretly praised Li Yulan in his heart. She is indeed a big wife. Well said!

But he can't let go now. If he succeeds just before his eyes, he will go home to farm, which will not be an advantage to others.

Qin Mo hummed softly, and the two women kneeling on the ground ran over quickly, with worried faces on their faces, "Lang Jun (idiot)!"

Empress Gongsun also came closer and saw Qin Mo slowly opening his eyes, "Mother, third sister, please cry for me, where am I?"

"Jingyun, how do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Queen Gongsun asked.

"No, Queen Mother, I'm very fine!" Qin Mo pretended to get up with difficulty, climbed out of bed, and knelt in front of Queen Gongsun, "Queen Mother, I was wrong, please hit me or scold me! "

"Get up!"

Empress Gongsun was so distressed that she wiped away tears, "You damn child has scared your mother to death. If you can't bear it, why don't you just carry it with all your strength? Are you going to risk your life?"
It was the Queen Mother who was wrong. The Queen Mother apologizes to you. You have always been the one who has been wronged! "

"Am I wronged? Where am I wronged?" Qin Mo looked confused, "I'm not wronged!"

Feng Jin on the side was confused. Was he really in a coma or a fake coma?

That's right, it's impossible for the imperial doctor not to be able to tell whether he was in a coma or not. He must have reminded Qin Mo just now to relieve the tension in his heart. He couldn't hold it anymore and he passed out.

Otherwise, who could withstand the fists of the Sixteenth Prince? "Hey, this is probably why everyone likes him, what a simple and honest boy!" Feng Jin thought to himself.

Qin Mo's words made Empress Gongsun so ashamed that she didn't even dare to look at him.

Li Shilong asked himself how magnanimous he was, but he was wary of his son.

But he trusts Qin Mo from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, don't mention this matter!" Li Shilong said: "Whether it is Chengqian or Qiming, if something like this happens, it is probably God's inspiration that made the new law come out accordingly.

Nian Nu, this guy is big-hearted, so don’t take it too seriously. After marrying our daughter, are you not allowed to suffer a little injustice? "

Li Shilong hummed and said, "Both of my daughters have promised you, so don't I have any pressure? And you two are not married yet, so your elbows are turned outward.

What does it mean to give up everything? Do you even give up your own parents?
I promise you a few acres of thin farmland and a place to settle down. Could it be that your mother and I are poisonous insects and ferocious beasts that make people afraid? "

"My daughter knows her mistake!" Li Yulan and her two sisters said quickly.

"Then the Queen Mother has forgiven me?" Qin Mo asked.

Queen Gongsun was so embarrassed that she said, "Well, my mother forgives you!"

Qin Mo was overjoyed, and then said with a scared look on his face: "I thought there would be no more pain for my mother!"

"Silly boy, how could this happen!" Empress Gongsun kept wiping away her tears, "No matter what, you are my mother's proudest son-in-law!"

"Mother, please don't cry. In fact, I know your worries." Qin Mo said: "The reform may disqualify Ah Si from taking charge of this country and make the identity and status of the queen embarrassing.

But in the long run, it will be good for Daqian, and the mother will no longer have to worry about things like her elder brother-in-law and fourth brother-in-law happening.

Everyone relies on their abilities, and the legitimate son born to the first wife will definitely receive more favor and fans.

If the legitimate son is wise and gets the throne, it will be even more joyful, and the new law is actually a spur to them.

If you don't work hard, other brothers will catch up.

If you are not wise, you will be abandoned by the courtiers and the people.

If a handful of Tianhu's cards can be used as a bomb, then what will happen if this kind of heir is promoted to the throne?

There is no future for Daqian, so why should we pay attention to establishing a direct line? "

Qin Mo said: "Besides, the eldest son is a son, but the second son is not a son? What if the next generation of queens can give birth to six or seven children?

The palms and backs of your hands are full of flesh. Whoever you favor will be resented, so why bother!
Why did the royal family have so many sons, and why did the emperor have three palaces and six courtyards?

Isn't it just because it is difficult to raise a child after birth and it is easy to die young? No one dares to bet on one person. "

Qin Mo completely pierced the window paper.

Li Shilong remained silent, indeed he had such concerns.

In some families, ten children are born, and half of them survive to adulthood because God has blessed them.

Usually there are two or three, or even less.

"My mother is wronged, but thousands or thousands of years from now, there will still be people who will remember the sacrifices my mother made for those who will come after her."

Qin Mo knew very well that if this knot was not completely untied today, more troubles would definitely arise in the future. He gritted his teeth and continued: "Everyone in the world will praise the merits of the Queen Mother.

There are empresses in every dynasty and every generation, but my son-in-law can guarantee that there will never be another empress as famous as his mother through the ages! "

Qin Mo's words made sense. Empress Gongsun also began to reflect on her education. There were times when there were fights with words, not to mention people shouting?

(End of this chapter)

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