big dry son-in-law

Chapter 648 Being soft-hearted is a taboo!

Chapter 648 Being soft-hearted is a taboo!
The four girls looked at the box and almost were blinded by the golden light when they opened it.

Do you know what is inside? They are neatly placed, large yellow croakers of the same size. One weighs ten kilograms.

This is what Qin Xiangru said, no valuable gift?
This box is worth at least ten thousand taels of gold.

Qin Mo rushed forward, his eyes were blinded, "Dad, where did this big yellow croaker come from? Why didn't I see these boxes in the money bank?"

"Go, go, what's the matter with you!" Qin Xiangru waved his hand impatiently, "You discovered them, and they can still stay well in there? I call this a cunning rabbit's three burrows!"

Qin Mo's eyes turned green, "So, with a bank like that, our family has two others?"

"Stop farting!" Qin Xiangru denied it flatly, "Anyway, you have taken all my money. I prepared this gold for my daughter-in-law. There is nothing wrong with you!"

"Dad, you are so good at guarding your son against thieves!" Qin Mo gave a thumbs up. He knew how it was possible for Lao Qin's chicken-thief character to put all his eggs in one basket.

No wonder he is so generous. Lovers don't care about those few crooked dates at all.

Qin Mo left the main hall angrily and came to the room where Li Ling was being held. He looked at Li Ling's torn clothes and the marks on her body, "Xiao Gao, did you beat her?"

Gao Yao shook his head with complicated eyes, "Master, you did it!"

"Xiao Gao, you have to speak responsibly. Master, am I that kind of person?" Qin Mo suddenly jumped.

"Yes!" Gao nodded.

Qin Mo also smiled guiltily. Looking at the tied Li Ling, he felt annoyed and slapped him with his backhand, "Are you worthy of Xiao Dou if you do this?"

Unexpectedly, when Li Ling was beaten, not only did she not make a fuss, but she smiled and said, "Come on, keep beating. Have you forgotten what you did to me last night?"

"That's because you were poisoned. You poisonous woman, why are you so evil-hearted!"

"Am I vicious? I gave myself to you, can it be considered vicious?" Li Ling looked pitiful, "I just like you, what's wrong with me? Dou Yi and I seem to be inseparable. , how does he deserve me?
Only you, only you can conquer me and spur me on."

Qin Mo's scalp went numb, this woman is a madman!

Gao Yao was very angry. If he had known that he would have penetrated her with a sword last night, this bitch princess would seduce her brother-in-law even though she already had a husband.

I'm afraid I'll be a troublemaker in the future.

"Let's talk about something else. How did you get in? Who helped you get that Gu wine? Don't say you planned it yourself. I won't believe it." Qin Mo really wanted to kill Li Ling, but It’s hard to explain to Xiao Dou.

Moreover, you can't die here, let alone let any news come out.

Even if she is just an unpopular princess.

"Want to know?" Li Ling said with a smile: "Make me yours, I will give you my heart."

"So there's nothing to discuss?"

"I remember very clearly what happened last night. I was almost yours, but even so, my clothes and the scars all over my body are all your work!" Li Ling threatened: "I know You dare not say it because you are afraid of being embarrassed.

Whether it's the father or the mother, what they care about most is their face.

Never take my feelings into consideration.

The same goes for the Dou family. For the sake of face, it doesn't matter if they suffer a little.

Qin Mo, I admire you so much and want to get you at all costs. Why can't you cooperate with me? I don't want my reputation.

How happy it is for one person to possess three princesses.

Don't you want to taste me? "

Li Ling chuckled, "Even if they hear a little bit of the news, they will become selectively deaf. I will give you a son and let the Dou family raise a son for you, okay?"

When the time comes, your son will succeed Liang Guogong, and the Qin family will be one of four Dukes. What an honor! "You are so mean!" "Gao Yao could no longer restrain his murderous intention.

Qin Mo smacked his tongue and said, "It's really tempting."

"Having a heartbeat is worse than taking action. I am definitely better at serving people than the third and seventh sons, and I will always be obedient to you.

As long as it's a woman you like, I'll help you get her! "Li Ling's mentality has been distorted. She has been suppressed and left out in the palace since she was a child, which makes her desperate for attention.

Later, Li Shilong forced her to marry Dou Yiai, a big fool, which made her even more resentful.

But she never crossed that line.

Now, she has completely let go of herself.

As long as he gets Qin Mo, he can completely trample these people under his feet. Only such a man is worthy of conquering her.

"Even a pervert like me thinks you are a pervert!" Qin Mo tutted: "There are so many people who like me, who do you think you are?"

The smile on Li Ling's face solidified, "So, you want to reject my kindness?"

"Xiao Gao, go to the palace and tell your mother about this. I don't think she is suitable to continue to be a princess. Xiao Dou can't hold her down, so don't let her go. Let her go to Ganye Temple and always be with the Ancient Buddha of the Green Lantern."

There are many ways to kill her, but killing her directly is the stupidest.

He gave Li Ling a chance. If he really didn't like Xiao Dou, he could propose a divorce. Qin Mo would try his best to help Xiao Dou escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

But she didn't. She chose to take the worst path and wanted to get him into the muddy water.

Then he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Yes, Master!" Gao Yao couldn't bear it any longer. The Queen would definitely not let Li Ling go lightly.

Li Ling's expression changed drastically. Going to Ganye Temple?

Is that where people stay?

There are either concubines who have been relegated to the cold palace or elderly eunuchs. It is absolutely hell.

She was so young, and once she got there, her life would be over.

"Qin Mo, don't tell your mother that I don't want to go to Ganye Temple. I'll be your little boy and serve you. Why don't you?"

Li Ling was puzzled. Although she was not bad in appearance, how could she not compare with Li Yulan and the others.

Although she is Dou Yiai's wife, don't all men like this status?

Seeing Gao was about to leave, Li Ling was trembling with fear, "I was wrong, Qin Mo, I will never tease you again.

Please forgive me this time for the sake of your brother! "

"I know you look down on Xiao Dou and think he is stupid. Even if he is really a fool, I will protect him for the rest of his life and make him live a smooth life."

Being soft-hearted is a big taboo. Although it is a bit overstepping and slapping Lao Dou in the face, this kind of woman cannot do it.

Keep it, but it will be bad food.

Get her into Ganye Temple first, and then find a way to avoid future troubles. Anyway, Xiao Dou got a few wives in Bohai and kicked them all into trouble.

Isn’t it nice to find him a virtuous wife again in the future, and his life will be prosperous?
"I was wrong, Qin Mo. Let me tell you who helped me. It was Gongsun Chong. It was Gongsun Chong who designed to harm you!" Li Ling cried: "I was also bewitched by Gongsun Chong to do such a thing. Come,"

"Gongsun cuckold?" Qin Mo sneered, "It's him!"

(End of this chapter)

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