big dry son-in-law

Chapter 657 Li Yuan is sick

Chapter 657 Li Yuan is sick
Qin Xiangru is currently eating and drinking in the Ganlu Palace. On New Year's Eve, there is nothing to do in the palace.

That is, the emperor hosted a banquet for his ministers and then made a summary of the year.

If you have money, you will be given money. If you don't have money, you will be given a pie. In the past few years, it was all a pie.

At this moment, he was holding a hooves in his hand and was chattering happily.

“This year, we defeated Nanfan and welcomed back Jing’an.

We provided relief to the victims, immigrated millions of people, established Bohai County, opened the sea to catch Kun, and dried salt. In just a few months, the sea salt produced was almost as much as well salt.

Establish commercial roads, build Lizhidao, and conduct trade with other countries.

It exempted fifteen states from paying taxes for two years.

It is such a troubled year, but Daqian's national strength is growing day by day, and the people of Daqian are living better than before.

All this is due to everyone. "

Li Shilong was in a good mood. Looking back on this year, although he had many worries, his achievements were significant.

He picked up the wine glass and said, "Everyone, drink to win!"

"I wish your Majesty a long life without borders, and I wish the great power to be forever solid!" everyone said in unison.

"Don't leave tonight, stay with me in the palace!" Li Shilong said.

It is a great honor to join the cabinet and watch the New Year's Eve. Li Shilong did not dare to mention it when he was poor a few years ago.

But things are different now. He, Old Li, has become more independent.

The caravans that went to various countries a year ago came back, and their internal funds were credited with tens of thousands of taels.

The available silver on hand is almost 300 million taels.

It has been almost ten years since I became emperor, and this is the first time I have been so generous.

Just as he was talking, Gao Shilian came over and said a few words in Li Shilong's ear full of joy.

Li Shilong was also overjoyed, "Seriously?"

"Really, Hong Dafu went to the empress to announce the good news!" Gao Shilian said with a smile.

"Good good!"

Li Shilong stroked his palm.

Everyone was confused and asked: "Your Majesty, why are you so happy?"

Li Shilong looked at Qin Xiangru, "Xiangru, you are going to be Azu!"

Qin Xiangru was stunned, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

"Yonghe is here, and someone from your house just came into the palace to announce the good news!"


Qin Xiangru stopped nagging and patted his thigh, "Hey, I just said that my eyelids kept twitching when I went out today. It turns out there is something big happening!"

"Yes, it's a great event!" Li Shilong stroked his beard. The third generation of the Qin family was indeed a great event.

Moreover, he owed a lot to Li Yulan. Although Li Yushu was not the one who gave birth to the son first, they were all his daughters. There was no need to discuss the order. "Send a few of the most experienced nuns to take care of Yonghe. If the first child is a son, he will be the crown prince," he said. Captain Xuanjie.

If she is a daughter, she will be granted the title of Princess of Huaihe! "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Qin Xiangru cupped his hands and was extremely happy, "Your Majesty, that humble minister will not stay up late today. I want to go back to see my grandson!"

With that said, he took away all the large pot of elbows in front of Gongsun Wuji, "This, my grandson likes to eat, let's go, Your Majesty!"

"Old dog Qin, your grandson likes to eat, why are you holding my elbow?" Gongsun Wuji's nose was so angry that he was crooked.

"Your Majesty, Qin Xiangru doesn't understand the rules."

Li Shilong waved his hand, "He is older than me. I have about ten grandchildren, but his family only has one. Can I be unhappy?"
Let him be! "

Qin Xiangru quickly left the palace and entered the house with his elbow in hand. But when he saw that the threshold of his home was sawed off, he was dumbfounded and said, "Who asked you to saw off the threshold?"

"My lord, the steward said that anything that might cause the eldest lady to fall must be removed!" Dashan said. "That's right, good job, keep sawing!" Qin Xiangru came to the backyard, and Qin Xiuying was talking to several women.

Qin Mo was also spinning around like a headless fly.

The two father and son happened to bump into each other, "Dad, where did you get your big elbow?"

Qin Mo reached out and picked up an elbow and started chewing it.

"Pah!" Qin Xiangru slapped him with his backhand, "Who told you to eat my grandson's elbow?"

"Dad, your grandson is not as big as a pearl now. It will take at least three or four years for him to chew on his elbow!"

"Yes, I was so happy that I forgot about it!"

The two father and son were sitting on the steps of the courtyard, chatting and chatting, "You are now a father, can you be a little cute?"

Qin Mo wiped his mouth and said, "You are almost a grandpa, but you are still the same. How can you criticize me!"

Qin Xiangru snorted, "I'm telling you, the first child is just the beginning. Our Qin family is very small. You have so many women, so I don't have high requirements.

Twenty children are the foundation, if one is missing, don’t even think about my two treasure troves! "

"Twenty?" Qin Mo almost vomited blood, "You think of me as a stallion!"

"The stallion is much more capable than you!" Qin Xiangru said, "Anyway, I have nothing to do at home now, so I have plenty of time to discipline my children.

If you can't do it, if you take care of the child, you will definitely teach him bad things! "

Qin Mo muttered: "Then the sixth child asked me to teach the prince and princess!"

"That's because I want you to protect them!" Qin Xiangru glared at him, "From now on, you should stay away from your eldest daughter-in-law, you know."

"Okay, got it!" Qin Mo bit his elbow hard, "Dad, tell me, do those two treasure houses have more gold, silver and jewelry?"

Qin Xiangru said quite complacently: "Of course, I have been fighting for years and have wiped out several small countries. How can it be possible that I only have a family fortune of more than 100 million taels? But I don't even want those valuable things. I just want gold!"

"Dad, you can pretend better than me!" Qin Mo gave a thumbs up, "I'm convinced!"

"Remember, if you have one less child, you don't even want one!"

Qin Mo was immediately full of energy, "Don't worry, I promise there will be no problem!"

"Let's go and offer incense to your mother. If she knew that you were going to be a father, she would be very happy!"

The father and son went to the ancestral hall and stayed there for more than half an hour before coming out.

With fireworks exploding.

The biggest fireworks viewing has begun.

On this day, there is no curfew in the capital.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Qin Mo stayed at home for a whole day, and on the second day of the Lunar New Year, he took his wife and children to the palace to pay New Year's greetings.

"Princess, please slow down, child, pay attention to the child!" Hong Dafu followed nervously, for fear that she would fall.

"Dafu, it's okay, I just got pregnant, there's no need to be so nervous!" Li Yulan now understands what sweet troubles are.

Dozens of people hang around her every day.

Even when she went to the toilet, seven or eight people were waiting on her, which made her very uncomfortable!

When they came to the Li Zheng Hall, Queen Gongsun was also very happy. She pulled Li Yulan and talked non-stop, and Qin Mo couldn't even get a word in.

Simply went to Da'an Palace.

"Old man, I'm here!"

Wei Zhong's eyes narrowed when he saw Qin Mo, "Hey, Prince Consort, here we come!"

Qin Mo was holding a new cake in his hand, "I'm here to pay my New Year greetings to the old man. Where are the others?"

Wei Zhong sighed, "Hey, the Emperor is sick!"

(End of this chapter)

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