big dry son-in-law

Chapter 665: Rectifying the Staff

Chapter 665: Rectifying the Staff
Memorials to impeach Qin Mo once again filled Li Shilong's imperial desk.

"Go, call that bastard over." Li Shilong slammed the table angrily, "I don't have to do anything today. I just want to see others impeach him."

Gao Shilian smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, are these people full of food? It has been so long since Princess Jinhe's incident, are they still holding on to her?"

"It's not Jin He's business." Li Shilong snorted: "Go find him quickly, and then call Wuji, officials from the Ministry of Rites, and Ji Zhisheng!"

Gao Shilian was stunned, isn't that the case?
What did the little ancestor do to make them angry?

"Wait a minute, Lao Ba is calling over too."

Li Shilong said something and rubbed his swollen head. The spring planting had just passed and there were so many things on his hands. Although there was money in the internal funds, the treasury was empty.

If he uses internal funds to subsidize the state treasury, he will suffer a lot.

After two days of hard work, are you going to go back to your original shape?
Damn it, it costs nearly one million taels of silver a year to build a school. If two more schools are built, won’t the entire treasury be emptied?
There was a drought last year, and we need to support the affected areas this year. Can the investment be small?

Soon, Qin Mo entered the palace.

Gongsun Wuji and important officials from the Ministry of Rites arrived.

"Idiot, here!" Li Yue waved to Qin Mo quickly.

Qin Mo walked over and asked, "Why are you here?"

"My father called me here, have you done something else?" Li Yue has been keeping a low profile recently, either with Liu Ruyu or reading at home.

Oh, he even took a concubine some time ago, and he quite likes her.

"I don't know either." Qin Mo said innocently.

"Everyone is here?" At this time, Li Shilong came out from the side.

"Father, why did you ask me to come to the palace? I'm still on vacation. To make a long story short, don't delay my rest!" Qin Mo was very unhappy.

"Shut up, do you think I want to see you? You did it yourself!" Li Shilong's nose was so angry that he said, "Where is Ji Zhisheng, is he here?"

"Your Majesty, he is still recruiting students outside, not so fast." Gao Shilian said.

"Then don't wait for him!" Li Shilong snorted coldly, "Qin Mo, do you know how many people have impeached you recently?"

"I don't know. I'm at home every day. I don't leave the door or step outside. What did they impeach me for? Is it a crime for me to live?" Qin Mo said helplessly.

"I have seen the salary you proposed for the teachers of the Southern District College. There are five levels in total, from third-level teachers to professors. The monthly salary of the third-level teachers is ten taels of silver plus three stones of food. All three meals are included. A two-wheeled carriage and a building are included. Three bedroom house.

A second-level teacher's monthly salary is 20 taels, eight shi of food, three meals a year, a two-wheeled carriage, and a four-bedroom house.

A first-level teacher's monthly salary is 50 taels, fifteen shi of food, three meals a year, a four-wheeled carriage, and a five-bedroom house.

Special-level teachers receive a monthly salary of one hundred taels, thirty shi of food, transportation and three meals included, and can own a private courtyard.

Professor, a monthly salary of 800 taels, a hundred shi of grain, and transportation included. If you don’t bow to the official position, you can directly report to Datian Ting, and you can join the Education Department as an official. "

Li Shilong's heart trembled every time he read a sentence, "Did you know that the salary of a professor is two or three times higher than that of a first-class official in the imperial court?" "I know!" Qin Mo said: "Father, those who can reach the level of professor, They are all great Confucians, the founders of a certain school. Do you think it is not worthwhile for such a person to spend ten thousand taels of silver a year?"

"This is not a cost-effective thing. You have to consider whether the court can bear it!" Li Shilong gritted his teeth and said: "Look, if you accept 3 students a year, the first batch of students will graduate according to your classification of grades. There must be [-] to [-] people in the school!

There are more than 2000 teachers.

Over the course of a year, 80 to 10 taels will be spent on food expenses, and the teacher's salary will cost several [-] taels, adding up to a million taels of silver.

Have you done the math? "

"Forget it!" Qin Mo said: "Isn't it just over 100 million taels? How many trips to sea and how many cross-border trades have been done?"

"Is that all?" Li Shilong was furious, "If you don't tell me something today, I will spread your ass!"

"Father, you are so unreasonable. Uncle Guo is in charge of the affairs of the Southern District College. What does it have to do with me!"

"Qin Mo, please stop shirking your responsibilities." Gongsun Wuji snorted coldly, "I have warned you a long time ago that such a high salary will not only strain the court, but also make everyone in the court dissatisfied.

Once this is started, if it cannot be fulfilled, the high salary will be a joke. Do you know that there are still many places where you can't even eat. "

"No matter how poor you are, you can't afford education, and no matter how hard it is, you can't suffer for your children!" Qin Mo said: "To be honest, the total salary of a third-level teacher is less than 200 taels a year. If he can be promoted to a second-level teacher within five years, It shows that he is very capable.

Being able to be promoted to a first-level teacher within ten years is amazing.

As for special teachers and professors, they are awarded based on their contribution. If he only teaches and educates people without any special achievements, he will be a third-level teacher until the day he dies.

But if the students taught by this person have great talents, or he himself has made great contributions to the great cadres, what about special promotion? "

Having said this, Qin Mo paused, "After all, there are only a few special teachers and professors, only one in a hundred, and my son-in-law feels that it is very necessary to spend one million taels of silver a year to teach and educate people.

Because the population of Daqian will continue to rise in the next few decades, the tax revenue of Daqian will not always be so low.

The reason why the treasury has no money is because the money from the Shipping Department has not yet been sent, and the inn has not been accounted for.

The inn has been in operation for ten months, and the shipping department has been in business for less than half a year. The tax revenue I received here is 180 million taels, and I have also withheld money from their development. "

"So many?" This number shocked everyone.

"Is it much? This is still just the beginning. With the gradual construction of the Zhizhi Road, the increase in the seagoing fleet and the increase in the proportion of trade between countries, this year's fiscal revenue will definitely exceed 900 million taels of silver!" Qin Mo likes them every time Having seen the world, he said, "Father, with so much money, why don't you use some of it for education? It's better to have education in your hands than to leave it to others, right?"

Li Shilong also came to his senses. He knew that the post station and the shipping company made money, but he did not expect to make such money. It was simply unimaginable.

"Are you sure?"

"Last year, Six Doors provided legal tax revenue of 20 yuan, and this year it is only a lot more!" Qin Mo said: "The reason why the national treasury balance is small is because there is no better use, and there is no emergency response in the event of a disaster. Measures lead to a lot of waste of resources and money.

There are even many people who take advantage of the country's difficult financial situation and line their own pockets, so my son-in-law thinks it's time to rectify the household department! "

(End of this chapter)

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