big dry son-in-law

Chapter 667 The duty of a son-in-law

Chapter 667 The duty of a son-in-law

"Qin Mo, you."

Gongsun Wuji was so angry that he was shaking all over. If Qin Mo hadn't pulled him, he would have gotten out of the way.

"Hey, you don't need to thank me. I didn't pull you away in time for the large amount of condiments!" Qin Mo sighed and stood in front of Gongsun Wuji, "Xiu'er, if you have something to say, please speak it carefully. A gentleman only speaks but doesn't listen. Pass?"

"Are you worthy enough to say this to me?"

Ji Zhisheng's saliva almost sprayed on Qin Mo's face, "Get out of here, this old dog Gongsun wants to block the girl's way to study. I'm going to fight him tooth and nail. You stop me, or I'll beat you up too!"

"Okay, if you have the ability, beat him to death. I think you are powerful!" Qin Mo quickly moved away and made a gesture of invitation.

Gongsun Wuji was also really angry. Although he was very stubborn, he was punched in the face by Ji Zhisheng and he couldn't survive anymore.

"Ji, I left my words here today. If you want money, there is no way!" Gongsun Wuji rushed over immediately, and the two old men fought together.

"Rebellion!" Li Shilong trembled angrily, "Pull them out and let them fight to the death. A minister of etiquette and a prince of the country sacrifice wine. They all take it as their own duty to educate the world. Now it's like a street brawl."

Li Yue on the side quickly went over and hugged Gongsun Wuji, "Uncle, calm down and stop fighting. Father is angry!"

"Let go!" Gongsun Wuji was choked by Li Yue's hug and couldn't breathe.

Several guards ran in and pulled the two of them out.

The two people who were originally fighting for life and death suddenly stopped moving.

Big eyes stared at small eyes, one was beaten so hard that he couldn't open his eyes, one had a nosebleed, and the other was in such a state of embarrassment.

At this time, Linghu De'en, the Minister of Rites, came out and said: "Your Majesty, the root cause of this matter still lies with Duke Jun. It is good to respect scholars, but we must also consider the reality.

There are still many places to use money in Daqian, and more money should be used for people's livelihood! "

This Linghu De'en is a famous historian, who also studies national history, and can be regarded as a relatively important person in the Ministry of Rites.

Li Shilong looked at Qin Mo, "Since it was not your bad idea to recruit girls to study, you were the one who wrote the teacher's salary.

This is the situation. What do you want to say? "

Qin Mo sighed, "Father, as I said, special teachers and professors are in the minority, so we must give others a goal to strive for, right?

It may be a little harder now, but it will get better in the future.

If you don’t do it now, it may not be easy to do it in the future! "

The Southern District College currently has a five-year system. Originally, Qin Mo wanted to have a seven-year system, plus three years of enlightenment, for a total of ten years.

But there are really not many things that Daqian can learn now. The most advanced things are the Four Books and Five Classics.

Geography and physics, that's definitely not the case.

The importance of music theory is even higher than arithmetic.

The categories are comprehensive and complex, with only a few fine subjects.

So five years of study is not enough.

Then supplement it with three years of college.

After all, you can complete your studies at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and now that there are few people, you can also be assigned an internship. After two years of internship, you will be able to reach the top.

And there are also considerations of girls and hairpins.

After all, it is common knowledge that a girl with hairpins will get married.

Innovation is not empty talk, it must be close to reality and conform to the current social situation of Daqian.

It will be implemented for 30 to [-] years. Once several groups of people have risen up, it will not be too late to make changes.

As for the imperial examination, Qin Mo didn't even bother to mention it. He might as well set up relevant vocational schools to cultivate the needed talents.

Li Shilong thought about it, "Lao Ba, what do you think?" Li Yue said: "Father, the Southern District College is also an experiment. If one day it recruits tens of thousands of students, wouldn't this be Father's merit in the arts?

Even when a saint comes to the world, there is no such grand event, right? "

"Then let's give it a try first." Li Shilong also knew very well that this Southern District College was a knife stuck in the heart of the family.

The Ji family is a shield and this is the reason why they are not killed.

Linghu Deen frowned. He was from the Hexi You clan, and this southern district college was very unfriendly to them.

When printing technology and cheap white paper came out, they realized that the imperial court wanted to touch the family's cake.

However, now he is alone and can't make any waves, so he should go back and talk about it later.

"Others, please leave first. Jingyun, Lao Ba, you stay."

After Linghu Deen and others left, Gongsun Wuji and Ji Zhisheng naturally couldn't stay any longer.

Both of them were downgraded by one level each, and for a moment they looked at each other with hatred.

Li Shilong took the two of them to the Imperial Garden. Looking at the sparse fish in the Imperial Garden, he felt upset and asked, "Did Sixteen bring someone to fry fish again?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I can't stop you. The Sixteenth Prince said he wanted to do a test!" The guard guarding the Royal Garden was sweating on his forehead.

"Forget it, don't let them release fish in the future." Li Shilong waved his hand, came to the pavilion, lay in the rocking chair, and asked: "How is the Royal Library doing?"

"Father, it will be completed in more than a month." Li Yue replied.

"Well, after it's completed, where do you want to go?"

Li Yue was stunned, "Are you choosing a place to govern?"

"Boshi's bill has been corrected for seven editions, and it can be justified before and after. The prince needs to choose the land to govern according to the assessment.

You and Fourteen are already grown up, and the rest are still young, so you and Fourteen can choose where to rule. "

Li Yue thought for a while, "I want to go to Lingnan!"

Li Shilong was particularly surprised, "Du Jingming divided it into the final third-level land. Are you sure you want to choose Lingnan?"

He looked at Qin Mo. Did Qin Mo ask him to go?

Li Yue nodded, "The two Lingnan brothers Feng An and Feng Xuan have rebellion. If they fight, it will not only waste people and money, but also let the soldiers die in vain. The gain is not worth the loss."

Daqian has experienced many difficulties, and now that the country is on the rise, it is best to let the people recuperate and recuperate.

The reason why Erchen wanted to go to Lingnan was firstly to bring down the disaster of Feng'an, and secondly to develop Lingnan to develop a rich land for Daqian and alleviate the problem of food shortage in Daqian.

We must keep our jobs firmly in our hands.

The third is to tightly bind Lingnan to Daqian. That place has been a place of exile since ancient times. Erchen believes that not an inch of Daqian's territory is redundant.

Every inch must be put to good use. "

These words spoke into Li Shilong's heart, "You have to think carefully. If you choose a first-class state capital, it will be easier to achieve results.

Going to Lingnan is not only dangerous, but also difficult to achieve results.

If Feng An really rebels, you will bear the first responsibility. "

Li Yue was unmoved, "If Feng An wants to rebel, he will do so sooner or later. If I pass by, I can take precautions in advance.

Moreover, my son is the crown prince of Daqian. If he only knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, he is not worthy of the support of the world.

Since I have received support from the world, I naturally have to be on the front line in everything to protect the safety of the people in the world.

This is just the duty of a son-in-law! "

(End of this chapter)

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