big dry son-in-law

Chapter 675 Makes sense, right?

Chapter 675 Makes sense, right?

Qin Mo shook his head like a rattle, and goosebumps stood up all over his body, "No!"

Li Shilong's expression changed, "If you don't come here, I'll beat you up!"

Qin Mo gritted his teeth, "Your Majesty, I'm not deaf, I can hear!"

Hey, this bastard even took advantage of Qiao.

Li Shilong was holding back his anger and wanted to be tough, but that was not possible. This guy was a donkey. He couldn't move while riding.
"Okay, let me ask you, can this method replace Gongseqian, Gongsetian, and the history of catching money?" This is what Li Shilong is most concerned about. In many cases, it is not that he does not know that there are problems with these systems, but that he has to Implement.

The imperial court has no money, so it can't just rob it, right?

"Hard to say."

Qin Mo said: "Gongseqian and Gongsetian were originally temporary response policies. It is understandable that the court has no money. After all, in these years, the court has been fighting every year, and the court has lost everything. It is better to save a little.

But we can't keep doing this. Yamen are under the control of the imperial court. If we are self-profit and rely on ourselves for everything, then why do we need the imperial court?

Their minds are all focused on making money, so how can they think about doing anything?
The same goes for horse racing. They are all temporary solutions, but they must be better than that money-catching order. "

Li Shilong clenched his fists, this kid was trying every trick to hurt him.

Pissed off personally.

"I'm asking you, you just need to say yes or no."

"That won't work, we have to analyze the pros and cons." Qin Mo touched his chin, "Let the yamen set up a horse racing team. At least they won't directly contact the people and force them to borrow money.

To put it bluntly, the Yamen represents the imperial court to a certain extent. If there is a problem with credibility, it cannot be bought back with money.

This point must not be done, and this horse racing must be supervised by the imperial court, and seventy yamen recommend agents to jointly supervise it to ensure fairness and justice.

As for me, as the initiator of this project, I will get a [-]% profit!

Everyone was stunned, and they actually bargained with His Majesty in front of him.

But Li Shilong didn't think it was a big deal. He had shares in all the businesses Qin Mo was engaged in.

And this horse racing is not the business of a few people, but the common business of seventy yamen.

Qin Mo said it openly and honestly, which was better than hiding it.

"I agree with Jing Yun's proposal!" Sun Zhiguo said with cupped hands: "Jing Yun must be the one to supervise this aspect. He is more impartial."

"I agree!" Fu Liang quickly agreed.

Following that, everyone also fell towards Qin Mo.

"I agree, you will come up with a charter when the time comes." Li Shilong said: "Pass on my decree to ban the money-catching order and turn him into a minor official!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Zhuge Sui quickly praised him. Compared with the disadvantages caused by catching money, the disadvantages of horse racing seemed to be smaller.

Moreover, if it is as Qin Mo said, you can wait and see.

"Jingyun, you are responsible for coordinating this matter!" Li Shilong turned to look at the pile of silver, "However, you were on duty for horse racing and had a bad influence, so the silver was confiscated!"

Sun Zhiguo and others all smiled bitterly. It was their money, and it was just cheated away, but they didn't dare to say it!

Li Shilong can agree, and I am very grateful.

"Your Majesty, you are going too far. That is our money!" Qin Mo rushed over and lay on the money.

Li Shilong was so angry and funny that he had people carry him away.

Qin Mo couldn't help shouting, "It's too much. You want the horse to run away and don't let the horse eat grass. You just do things like blowing out lamps and pulling out wax. How can you be so embarrassed!"

"Stop talking, Jingyun!" Sun Zhiguo quickly covered his mouth, "His Majesty will regret it in a moment and it's over!" "That's right, we can't lose the big because of the small, because the arm can't twist the thigh!" Fu Liang said.

The people in Jiuqing were all trying to appease Qin Mo.

"Wen Liang, come back to the palace with me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Zhuge said, cupping his hands.

Li Shilong was in a very happy mood. He went out of the palace, worked on a big project that earned millions of taels a year, solved a big problem, and got tens of thousands of taels of silver. It was so cool!
As soon as Li Shilong left, the people in Jiuqing were very happy. They were the first to join the horse racing, so they would definitely get more benefits.

"Jingyun, hurry up, you still have [-] taels of silver hidden away, take it out and divide it!" Sun Zhiguo said in a low voice.

"What's the hurry?" Qin Mo said in a suppressed voice, "There are still people here. If we take it out, they won't be able to come over to exchange the money, then we will lose!"

"What you said makes sense, look how stupid I am!" Sun Zhiguo slapped himself lightly.

At this time, Qu Tuba came over and said with some embarrassment: "Jingyun, I'm Qu Tuba, the newly appointed Minister of the Ministry of War in the past two days, I have a close relationship with Naifu. Looking at the horse racing team, can you let me Will the Ministry of War also participate?"

As long as you can make money, who cares about face.

Qin Mo glanced at him sideways and said nothing. Sun Zhiguo on the side said: "Shang Shu Qu Tu, this is not how you complain to His Majesty."

"Ah, no, I didn't complain. I didn't say a word before and after. I just came here to join in the fun." Qu Tuba said: "Master Sun Dali Temple, you can't wrongly accuse a good person. The one who yelled the most fiercely just now is Duke Zhao, Duke Wei and Duke Nanhe!"

"Really?" Sun Zhiguo looked at Fu Liang.

"It seems so!" Fu Liang nodded.

Qin Mo said: "Okay, Lao Qu, I'll count you among them!"

Qu Tuba was overjoyed and explained: "My surname is Qu Tu, not Qu!"

"Okay, Lao Qu!" Qin Mo patted him on the shoulder, and then glanced at Li Wen, the Minister of Punishment, "Since Prince Cheng is away, I'll leave the matter of forming the cavalry to you."

Li Wen was also a descendant of the royal clan. Qin Mo was very friendly to his clan members due to his reform. He also admired Qin Mo and immediately said, "Okay!"

Qu Tuba had no choice but to say, "Jingyun, it's Qu Tu."

"That's not important!" After saying that, Qin Mo hooked Sun Zhiguo and Fu Liang's shoulders, "Let's go, share the money!"

Du Jingming was speechless. He filed a complaint and asked Qin Mo to make meritorious service.

Return his mother's merits by riding on his Fengya, "Qin Mo, give me back my Fengya!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he simply chased after him, "The officials also want to form a horse racing team!"

When Duan Lun saw this, he still couldn't bear it. The seventy yamen would be incomplete without their work department, "Wei Guogong, wait for me!"

Gongsun Wuji stood there with a blank look on his face.

Isn't it a complaint?

In the end, his etiquette department was left alone.

But if he were to catch up, he wouldn't be able to lose that face.

Gongsun Wuji flicked his sleeves and said to the officials of the Ministry of Etiquette: "If anyone dares to bet on horses and I find out, I will not spare him!"

After saying that, he returned to the Rites Yamen with a dark face.

At this time, Qin Mo took out the hidden money and divided the money according to the ranking of the horse race, "I will take 1% first. My Fengya ran No. [-], and then I will take [-]%. Is it reasonable?"

(End of this chapter)

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