big dry son-in-law

Chapter 688: Don’t give it a try!

Chapter 688: Don’t give it a try!

Xiao Liuzi stood aside, his mind wandering.

Yang Liugen pursed his lips and tried to make a sound, "Go, watch those children, don't let them get hurt!"

"Yes, Dad!"

Since he recognized Yang Liugen as his father, Xiao Liuzi has sincerely taken care of Yang Liugen as his biological father.

Last year, Yang Liugen also asked Xiao Liuzi for a wife.

"This brat is already married and yet he's still so unstable. No wonder the young master doesn't like to take him out now."

Yang Liugen shook his head helplessly.

"Oh, Ancestor, please slow down!" Hong Dafu was scared out of his mind when he saw Li Yulan running away with the kite string in his hand, "Ancestor, please don't scare me!"

Li Yushu and Chai Sitian are similar.

Several servants followed behind, fearing that they would fall.

This is the big treasure of their Qin Mansion.

Can't fall.

Li Xue was flat-mouthed and felt extremely wronged. She also held a kite string in her hand, but no one paid any attention to her.

It seemed like she was just like air.

She also wanted to be a mother, but Lang Jun said that she would have to take care of her for another year.

Li Xuan took a few furry kids by the waterside, "This is the latest model of ship, take a look!"

The boy couldn't take his eyes off, watching Li Xuan light the fire oil in the middle of the ship.


The ship made a sound and then plopped forward.

There are boats by the water, people in the trees, water, land and air are all considered, leaving no hidden dangers or blind spots.

The ship is much faster than before.

"Wow, Brother Sixteen, you are so awesome!" Xiao Jiu's face was full of admiration.

Fifteenth Li Xian said eagerly: "Sixteenth brother, can you give me this ship?"

"Go away, you took away my plane and still want my boat. Why are you so dark-hearted?"

Li Xian gritted his teeth and whispered in his ear: "I will be at your disposal for three months, and you can give me the boat, okay?"

"This is more technical than an airplane, and it will take at least half a year!"

Li Xian struggled for a while, "Okay, half a year, half a year!"

Seeing that all the furry children were attracted to him, Li Xuan quickly said to Li Lizhen who was standing aside: "Sixth sister, there is no one around my brother-in-law at the moment, hurry up and get over there!"

Li Lizhen was a little nervous. She glanced at Li Yulan who was having fun and said, "Yes, will it be bad?"

"So I said you are timid and not as bold as Seventh Sister." Li Xuan looked like a young adult and said with a bit of hatred: "Seventh Sister and her brother-in-law had a falling out before. How did they get along later? Not yet. Seventh sister is thick-skinned?

What's wrong with girls being thick-skinned?

My brother-in-law said that people must be brave enough to pursue what they want in their hearts, otherwise what is the difference between them and salted fish? "

"You brat, I've been studying with my brother-in-law for a while, and you can talk in one way!"

Indeed, Li Xuan is now subconsciously imitating Qin Mo, and even his walking posture is within the scope of his learning.

"Are you going? When Third Sister and the others get tired of playing, they won't have the chance to show their courtesy."

"What kind of courtesy? I, I'm just afraid that my brother-in-law will be tired!" Li Lizhen gritted her teeth and gave up.

She took out her handkerchief and was about to wipe Qin Mo's sweat, but at this moment, two servants of the Qin Mansion came to Qin Mo and said something, and she stopped immediately.Qin Mo frowned, "What the hell, two prodigal sons of the Zhou family want to see me?"

"Yes, Master, I said I prepared some gifts!"

How could Qin Mo not know the virtues of those two brothers, Zhou Daqing and Zhou Xiaoshuang?

She was a complete replica of the Wu brothers, and Zhou Mingyue, after running away from him, actually became Li Yue's concubine. He was the last to know.

Moreover, Li Yue went to Lingnan a few days ago and took Zhou Mingyue away.

Isn't this a mess?

Because the two families had a good relationship, Li Yulan and the others often went to Prince Yue's Mansion, and the women would gather together to chat about gossip or family matters.

Li Yulan told him about this two days ago, and he felt something was wrong at that time.

This Zhou Mingyue is not a simple thing. She must have a good heart, a good appearance, a good ability, and a good appearance.

Li Yue was also confused and took his concubine out. What did Liu Ruyu think?
He didn't know that that day, and if he found out, he would scold him on the spot.

Li Yulan said that Liu Ruyu cried that day, and Qin Mo was so angry that he wanted to hit him.

However, he still didn't write a letter. There were some things that he could intervene in, and some things that he absolutely couldn't.

Who knows if Zhou Mingyue will sow discord.

He estimated that [-]% would happen.

Damn woman, I would have kept her if I had known about it. It would be good to be a sleeping aid.

"No, let them go, don't hinder our family's fun!" Qin Mo said unhappily.

The servant nodded and ran to report.

The two brothers Zhou Daqing were also doing well these days, and by virtue of their status as the brother-in-law of the King of Yue, they also managed to win over a group of people.

Many people regarded the two as honored guests.

As time went by, I became a little disoriented.

The two of them were also lucky that Zhou Mingyue didn't defect, so they learned their lesson and treated the stepmother a little better.

However, the two brothers still felt unhappy.

Are they now considered the core figures of the Yue King?
But Qin Mo was good, and no one cared about him. But Qin Mo had a high status, and the two brothers were not stupid. After gathering together, they found out that Qin Mo was taking his family out for an outing, so he came with gifts.

"It's been so long, why haven't you come yet?" Zhou Daqing said unhappily: "Damn, this Qin Mo is really majestic. I'm also a prince, and the brother-in-law of the King of Yue, yet I still want to report him when I see him!"

Zhou Xiaoshuang said: "Brother, calm down, this Qin Mo is the confidant of the King of Yue. If we really want to become the core, we have to meet him face to face.

A family with three masters, they do have the prestige and capital. When we become the core, and the king of Yue comes up in the future, he will definitely be close to us, don't you think so? "

"Well, that makes sense!" Zhou Daqing nodded, feeling less angry.

At this moment, a servant of the Qin Mansion came over and said, "Mr. Zhou, our young master said that there are too many family members, so it is not convenient to meet."

"What did you say?" Zhou Daqing grabbed the servant's collar, "You don't see me? I've been waiting here like a eunuch for a quarter of an hour, and he just said he didn't see me and then disappeared?"

Zhou Xiaoshuang was also very unhappy and said: "If you don't give it a try, write a letter to the King of Yue immediately. Do you look down on me? If you look down on the concubine of the King of Yue, you will slap the King of Yue in the face!"

If this spreads out, how will the two brothers hang out in the capital in the future?
The servants were not afraid, "You two, it's better not to cause trouble here. You won't be able to bear the consequences."

"Fart, doesn't Qin Mo just take his family on an outing? What consequences will there be?" Zhou Daqing said angrily, "Okay, I'll kill you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a row of four-wheeled carriages came over.

Li Shengli, who had just been transferred from the Right Leader's Military Mansion, came quickly on horseback. When he saw the two brothers Zhou Daqing making trouble, he frowned and said, "There is a situation!"

Second groan!

The Imperial Guards behind them all drew out their knives!
(End of this chapter)

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