big dry son-in-law

Chapter 690: Changed County Boy

Chapter 690: Changed County Boy
Li Xin said with red eyes: "In the past, my son was ridiculous and didn't understand his father's painstaking efforts. He thought that his father was partial and used extreme methods to compete for favor.

And because of my willfulness and arrogance, I hurt my father and failed to live up to your expectations.

I wear coarse linen clothes not to have a problem with you, but to punish myself.

He received all the support from the world, but he did not do much that was beneficial to the world.

The position is respected, but the virtuous are not recognized.

The historian's pen is as sharp as a sword, and what I do cannot be tolerated by heaven.

I should have died to rectify the law, but I survived by chance, so how could I have the dignity to be treated favorably? "

Li Shilong narrowed his eyes. A gust of wind blew by, and he was actually blinded by the sand and gravel.

"I, if God does evil, will not live, but if man does evil, he will live!" Li Shilong straightened his back, his face still expressionless. He had never been weak in front of his children in his life, and it was the same at this moment.

Li Xin just kept kowtowing. The gravel on the ground scratched his forehead, and the blood was dripping, but he seemed not to notice it.

After kowtowing dozens of times, he moved to Queen Gongsun and said, "Mother, son, you are wrong!"

Queen Gongsun was already covering her face and crying.

Not only her, but also several older princesses could not stop crying.

"It was my son who failed to live up to expectations and made my mother suffer!" Li Xin blamed himself especially. Although the new law left him a glimmer of hope and a chance to start over, it was Empress Gongsun who bore the brunt.

He grew up in the palace and could fully understand the situation of Queen Gongsun.

He was speechless, tears had already blurred his vision, and he just kept kowtowing.

Empress Gongsun helped him up: "You are a piece of flesh that fell from your mother's body after she was ten months pregnant. You are not a prince, but a son.

As long as you are alive, you will be fine! "

She took out her handkerchief and wiped Li Xin's face.

Li Xin was not only ashamed but also ashamed.

He walked up to his brothers and sisters, cupped his hands and said, "I did something that is not allowed by nature, please don't imitate me in the future.

Lao Qi, I wanted to use you to deal with Jingyun in the past, I apologize to you! "

Li Yushu cried and said: "Brother, I don't blame you anymore."

"Third brother, I usually have a lot of opinions on you, please forgive me!"

Li Yulan shook her head, "People have limbs, and they are of different lengths, let alone brothers and sisters."

"Jingyun, what I regret most in my life is that I couldn't have a good meal, a glass of wine, and a heart-to-heart talk with you." Li Xindao: "If one day, I do something that benefits the country and the people, Can I buy you a drink?"

Qin Mo carried A Si to the nanny, brought a pot of wine, poured himself a small glass, and then put the whole bottle of wine into his hand, "Come, let's have a drink, let's practice wine. From now on Traveling across the ocean is full of dangers, so take care of yourself.

If you return to Beijing safely, I’ll treat you to a feast at Haidilao!
I'm free to do it, you did it! "

As he spoke, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Li Xin looked at the wine bottle in his hand and was stunned, then laughed and threw the lid aside, drinking half a catty, "Okay, I didn't expect that I, Li Xin, would have the opportunity to have a drink with you in this life!"

All the grievances and resentments disappeared in this glass of wine.

"But, we are still not friends!" Qin Mo said vindictively.

Everyone around was taken aback.

Li Xin said indifferently: "Yes, we are not friends, we are family members!"

Qin Mo rolled his eyes, only a ghost wants to be his family!

"Azu, father, mother, my son will be leaving in the next few days, Ronger will leave it to you!" Li Xin had completely thought about it, becoming the emperor was just for the supreme power in those decades.

He wants to change his way of life.

He hoped that a few years later, historical records would record him as Li Xin with four more words: The prodigal son turned back!

Lin Rong wanted to follow Li Xin, but Li Xin refused.

Li Shilong calmed down and said, "I sent an order to Zhongshu Province and drafted an edict. I will accept Qian's reform and be granted the title of a county man. No fief, no land, no bounty. I will not change my title hereditary. I will never change my title!" Li Xin Kneel down and say, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

To reform means to be banned, which is similar to that of a champion, but for him, it means to reform, and no matter how much contribution he makes in the future, he will not change it.

If the champion is the bravest, then reforming is the most shameful.

"Don't live up to my expectations!"

"Yes, I understand!"

At this moment, Li Xin truly had the qualifications to reform.

Wei Zhong wiped his tears and Li Yuan said, "Old dog Wei, why are you crying?"

"Your Majesty, I am so happy," Wei Zhong said.

"Bad luck!" Li Yuan lightly kicked her with a smile on his face.

"Yes, this slave deserves to be beaten!" Wei Zhong slapped himself lightly. He looked at everyone, as if he had returned to more than a year ago.

At that time, Qin Mo had just emerged, and the whole family was having dinner at the Lizheng Hall.

The children quarreled and let His Majesty and the Queen act as referees.

It was Qin Mo who cooked the food, and everyone was full of praise for the food.

Li Yuan squinted his eyes, this feeling was so good!

After the outing, Li Xin moved from the Youling Army Mansion to the County Man's Mansion.

What left Qin Mo speechless was that Li Xin's new residence was right next to Junguo's mansion.

What is this trying to do?
That night, Li Xin came to the door with a gift, "Jingyun, we will be neighbors from now on, please take care of me!"

"Can you please stop messing with my mentality?" Qin Mo was annoyed, "Tell me, what do you want to do!"

"I'm not at home, please help me take care of the house."

"Hey, how do you say such an unreasonable request so confidently?"

"I have some interesting information here that may interest you." Li Xin said.

"Not interested, take your things and get lost!"

He was the prince, and Qin Mo still doted on him. He was no longer the prince, so it was a good thing that Qin Mo didn't beat him out.

"The fourth child has gone to Jiangnan, you should know, right?"

"It's none of my business if he goes wherever he likes?"

"Back in the northwest, the fourth child was besieged by the White Lotus Sect. In fact, it was a lie. At that time, I received a tip saying that the fourth child was having an affair with the White Lotus Sect.

The fourth child came to see me at the right leader's mansion. I tried it out, and it turned out to be good.Including that stabbing, I stabbed it myself! "

Qin Mo knew that even if Li Zhi was stupid, he would not be able to stab Li Xin at this juncture.

However, he was behind the White Lotus Sect issue.

The news was also released by Qin Morang.

"I'm not interested, please leave quickly!" Qin Mo pushed Li Xin and walked out.

"I know who is behind the White Lotus Sect, aren't you interested in that?
Including who intercepted you.

Aren't you even interested in this? "

Qin Mo stopped and said quietly: "I'm a little thirsty!"

Li Xin raised his hand, "What a coincidence, I just brought wine!"

"Have a drink and then leave!" Qin Mo turned around and walked towards the backyard.

Li Xin took a deep breath and glanced in the direction of the palace. All the memories from the past came to mind, and finally he laughed at himself, "I have been a fool for so many years in vain!"

(End of this chapter)

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